Who Even Cares If It's True?
Brendalove found this lovely little story tucked away in NME this week, and I just had to share. I know this probably borders on sacrilege to most of you, but I am not one of the people who think Oasis walks on water, and I think sometimes Noel Gallagher goes a little overboard in his Johnny Rotten I hate everyone imitation. That being said, this is classic, and I would feel the same way, but probably do things a little differently.
Turns out that Noel Gallagher has put his Ibiza home on the market. Now, other than the fact that it has doubled in price since he bought 9 years ago, why would he do such a thing? I'll tell you why. James Blunt lives just a few doors down. Just like I could never stand the thought of living close to Denise Richards, Noel can't stand the idea of living close to James, “It’s taken the charm out of it for him so he’s put his villa up for sale. It’s close to Blunt’s place, and he says he can’t stand the thought of Blunt writing crap tunes up the road.”
If I were Noel, and I'm certainly not, and will never be close, I would probably be more pissed about the loudspeakers around James' property that play "Beautiful" 24 hours a day. The doorbell, the speakers in the pool, the horn on his car, all reminding the world of why you should always illegally download songs from one hit wonders and never add to their coffers.
Making matters worse is although Noel has been going to Ibiza for years and years, and considers it a second home, he has never tried to claim it as his own. Apparently James "My girlfriend that I cheated on is doing an Academy Award winning cheater" Blunt has been going around telling anyone that will listen that Ibiza was crap until he decided to move there and that blah blah blah. He is a jackass of the world. If there were an Olympics for the jackasses of the entertainment world, I don't know if he would make the medal stand but he would be in the running for it.
Way to go Noel.