Friday, February 01, 2008

What Would You Do?

Have you been following the Cheryl Tweedy story over in the UK? In case you haven't, here is the deal. Cheryl is in the group Girls Aloud. Think Pussycat Dolls, but these women can actually sing. So, she is married to Ashly Cole. Think David Beckham-lite. Ashley is a soccer player for Chelsea and England as well.

So last week a story came out that said Ashley had cheated on his wife with a woman named Aimee Walton. He apparently got her pregnant and offered her money to get an abortion. When Cheryl heard about this, she said publicly she would stay with her husband anyway and that they would then work things out.

Right after she said that, a model named Brooke Healy said she also had slept with Ashley. Now, even with all of this in front of her Cheryl still has not decided what she is going to do about the situation. The only thing she has done is move out. She says she still needs time to decide.

The thing is this. I am sure you have all been in a similar situation or know someone who has. It is very trying and very hard, but can you imagine if you had to deal with it while the entire population of a nation was watching your every move and will criticize you no matter whether you decide to stay with your husband or leave him.

Every article I have read focuses on if Cheryl has made a decision. None of them seem to really focus on the fact that Ashley was a jackass and that he was even when he came over to LA for that friendly last year. So my question is what would you do in this situation? All the female celebrities in the UK have given their opinion whether it was solicited or not, so I thought you should be given your chance as well.


  1. Probably not a bad idea to get herself checked for STDs either. What a tool!

  2. maybe the 3 strikes your out rule should apply??
    But seriously I would be torn.. Love him or leave him ??

  3. He won't change. And because he is a sports celebrity he has opportunities 24/7.

    She's beautiful and has her own career. She should leave arse and never look back.

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    ditto lyz.
    if it was once, i could get over it. 2x and that's a definate clue that he'll keep doing it.

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    If he has more money or they signed a prenup then she should stay and live a lavishi lifestyle or divorce him and take him for everything he's worth.

    Most of these sports stars cheat. That is the risk she took and she lost.

  6. Twice a cheater, always a cheater.

  7. I agree with leaving him, but if they had an agreement with the "understanding" they don't embarass each other it could explain why she has to take time to make a decision. Or she is whupped.:D

  8. i love girls aloud. you are right to describe them as pussycat dolls with talent.

    as for cheryl and ashley, i say she leaves him. but she must've known he was kind of a dog when she met him. it's just unfortnuate the women he has decided to get involved with aren't private.

  9. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Ugh, I think everyone knew she was an idiot for marrying him in the first place. Although I must admit, I thought he'd cheat on her with dudes...

    Not a fan of either one, but yeah, leave, take the $$$.

  10. What's the saying - fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. She should leave and never look back.

    And of course, hire Ent as her lawyer! ;)

  11. and don't feel sorry for cheryl during this time. she is a famewhore who sold her wedding pictures to the tabloids. once you've sold your soul to the devil, you can't get it back in times of distress. consider this a warning fellow U.S. famewhores longoria, heigl, biel, etc.

  12. I agree with everyone here who is saying to leave his sorry ass - and to take his cash. If they cheat once they'll always do it. I double-agree witht he wperosn who said she should get tested for std's.

  13. She should leave, quietly, with dignity, speak nothing to the tabloids and take everything she wants.

    Don't hold your breath or anything . . .

  14. She needs to use the "Dear Abby" test - decide if you're better off with him or without him. I hate all the people who are second-guessing Hillary Clinton for staying with Bill. Nobody knows the "right" decision for anybody else.

  15. The queen of all WAGS, Posh took her Becks back...

    But I don't think he had MULTIPLE affairs or a paid-for abortion. That's pretty low.

    I like Cheryl Tweedy/Cole and suspect she can work this into a "survivor" story no matter which way she goes.

  16. Retail therapy....
    (just kidding)
    Leave. Fast and with what is yours, you don't need him or his crap.

  17. I'm not familiar with either one of them, but it seems like an obvious choice here:she should go.

    As for Bill and Hilary, I think it's fairly clear that their marriage is based on business, friendship and mutual admiration. I'm thinking that she's aware of his philandering and accepts it because she does her own thing as well. With regard to this young lady, though, it would appear as though her situation is really unoriginal, in that her husband is simply a walking erection. He diminishes himself, and her, with his actions. There would be nothing gained by staying.

  18. haven't you heard El? in British press all men are heroes and all women are dumb and slutty.
    it's like Benny Hill edits the papers.

  19. Don't know... Leave and fuck with his mind or stay and keep him by the balls

  20. I would leave, but she won't. She probably thinks as Posh as her counterpart and because Posh didn't leave Becks during his trifling time neither will Cheryl leave Ashly.

  21. You know if two women have come forward that more have had sex with him and just aren't saying. I don't know how women stay in situations like this and keep their heads held high.

  22. Rumour has it that there are 8 (EIGHT) more kiss and tell trollops lined up to spill on him.

    Oh and there was no abortion. The gross thing about this particular coupling was that Ashley was vomitting all over before, during and after. His mates came in to watch as well. That ho worked hard for her money.

  23. Yup, Ms Wonderland, I read that as well. And since when does cheating have anything to do with merit? Regardless of what someone knew or didn't know, no one "deserves" to be cheated on. Either people cheat or they don't; it happens or it doesn't. The responsibility lies with the cheater - no one else. Ashley's a whore.
    Cheryl's got her own $, her own career. With those, she doesn't really need anyone. She should dump him, concentrate on her career, and leave guys alone for a while.

  24. @ jax:
    benny hill: HAH!

  25. Posh took hers back, Colleen took Rooney back, Cheryl will stay with him.
    Story wise the way it ran over here, the Ashley sleeping with Amy storry came out, Cheryl refuted it saying Ashley can't perform when drunk, and berated Amy for trying to ruin her marriage. The next day Amy tells the story of how Ashleys close friend tried to pay her for an abortion when she though she was pregnant, and Brooke another girl came out saying she had slept with Ashley before him and Cheryl were married, and she was paid £10,000 to keep stchum.
    The next day Ashley and Cheryl were seen going to their solicitors office.
    She'll cave and stay with him, and then splash her shit all over Hello and Ok about her "tough times"...
    they're all media whores.

  26. Was this a blind item? Sounds familiar.

  27. If she doesn't back her LV bags and walk, she deserves what she gets. He deserves what he gets either way and I hope kharma is cruel on this bloke!



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