Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Vanessa Hudgens Does It Again

Last September, Vanessa Hudgens watched her career almost go up in flames as nude photos of her were plastered all over the internet. I was one of the plasterers, and honestly thought she learned her lesson. Apparently not. If the latest rumblings are to be believed, just three months after the photos of her surfaced all over the web, Vanessa sat down in front of her family Christmas tree with her cell phone and made a little 45 second video wearing a red Santa hat and a thong.

In dialogue that is meant only for porn, Vanessa can be heard saying “I want Santa to come up my chimney because I’ve been a good little girl this year.”

Well I don't know if he came up her chimney or if he used protection. I am hoping protection because honestly those elves can get a little carried away and Mrs. Claus is a little too eager to open her legs after a few too many glasses of egg nog.

There is no response to anyone from the claim except that high school kids across America are readying their water based lubricants should in fact this story prove true. If it does prove true, it will just show that Vanessa Hudgens is quite possibly the world's biggest idiot. She was given a second chance at her career and to throw it all away just for a 45 second video is stupid, stupid, stupid. Look, I don't care one way or the other about her, but for once I sure would like to see someone actually make the right decision.


  1. You can be sure as hell it wasn't for her "boyfriend" Zac.

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The rumours of this video came out the same time as the pics did. So if it exists, it's old.

  3. UPDATE 09/13: The sex video is not really available, it's only a rumor produced by THEM Weekly as the source. THEM produces fake news. It's a "satirical website that presents news of fresh folly and disaster daily." Not a real news source!

    Shoot...I can't paste the source now, but will next post.

    I think we can file this along with the Miley Cyrus is pregnant story-a fake!

  4. Wait, didn't I already see this a few months ago? I remember it being really cheesy and stupid.

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    This story came out at the SAME time as the pics, and was proven to have come from a fake source.

    Why are your readers more informed than you, EL? Some "insider" website *rolls eyes*. You could try, you know, READING every once in awhile.

  6. OK...now I can't find where I got the quote, but Just Jared along with many other blogs are all saying the story is a FAKE!

  7. This girl is rather uninspiring naked or clothed. The nude photos probably got her more press than she will ever get again.

  8. If this is true, it makes me feel sorry for her. All the attention she gets isn't enough for her? She needs to to this to feel sexy?

  9. I pray for you Vanessa!

  10. Trix- all you do is bitch and moan and here you are again today.

    Whatever is going on in your personal life stop taking out on Enty.

    Sorry i just don't understand people who complain but then come back only to do it again.

  11. I don't think the nude (and very unsexy) pics did her career any harm at all. Since that day, she's been constantly on all the gossip blogs. Maybe V needs even more attention and gave the 'Santa' story another spin?

  12. people rolling their eyes in person make me want to smack the shit out of them. people rolling their eyes on the comment section of a blog need to get the shit smacked out of them.

  13. "Trix- all you do is bitch and moan and here you are again today.

    Whatever is going on in your personal life stop taking out on Enty.

    Sorry i just don't understand people who complain but then come back only to do it again."

    just sayin, why are you here? the only times you post are to bitch someone else out.

  14. livesunderarock: since you live under a rock, allow me to fill you in. trix is a bitch. therefore, she bitches.

    i hope that clarifies it.

  15. when is this ho going to learn??

  16. anon, my comment wasn't to Trix. My name isn't livesunderarock. I hope that clarifies things for you.

  17. gotcha.
    well, liveunderarock is a stupid name. livesunderarock would actually be amusing.

  18. And anon is a smart name?

  19. Anonymous11:36 AM

    awww, I didnt know I had all your panties in a bunch soooooo much. Get over it. Yes, sometimes I bitch. Other times, I dont. Seems you only notice when I do.

    I've just never been the asskissing bandwagon type, and I'm not about to start now because you all got hurt feelers cause Trix is suuuuch a bitch.

    Wah wah wah wah. You sound like infants. Toughen up, look the other way, or just shut the hell up.

    Hey, I'm "just sayin'", just sayin'. Or shall I call you Pot, as in Pot Calling Kettle Black, Ms "I hate complainers" who is in fact, complaining.

    @anon Oh I need to have the shit smacked outta me, eh? Such BIG TOUGH WORDS on an internet blog. Is it gonna be you to do it? Go to hell. Get pissy at me for calling him on his bullshit all you want, but I've never been one to just blindly accept whatever is being fed to me. His blog is inferior, and Im not going to feel bad for pointing it out!

    If it pisses you off so bad, maybe YOURE the one with problems, getting all upset about me saying something about someone you dont even know!

  20. hee hee hee- trix has pms, and too much time to type

  21. Anonymous11:38 AM

    @Anon: Nope, no PMS. But I DO type ninety words per minute, which is obviously much faster than you can read, or else you'd have a MUCH better come back, dont you think?

  22. i have a secretary to do my typing. looking for work?

  23. but i do agree that el is a shitty researcher. and i do think alot of the blog is fake and/or copied.

  24. Trix, the teacher will catch anon in a few minutes. We will have a few minutes of peace while he/she is in the principal's office.

  25. Anonymous11:43 AM

    @Anon. You couldnt afford me, sweetie.

  26. do i really offend that much? come on. i'm not suckno. you all bitch so much, i thought calling you one might actually be a compliment!

  27. so trix is paid by the hour! trix turns trix? that makes so much more sense.

  28. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Ooh funny. Lets try to piss me off by insinuating I'm a working girl--thats SO funny and original. Still grasping at straws, are we?

  29. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Only true idiots need to stoop to the absolute lowest form of "Put her in her place" chauvenistic humor, that of reducing a woman's employment potential to simply secretary or hooker.

  30. you said i couldn't afford you. i hope i wasn't reading into that too much. the last trix i hired was in vegas, you know? are you from the vegas area too? maybe we've met.

  31. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Funny, Anon. I've never been to Vegas. If you're going to base your judgement of my character and choice of employment solely on my INTERNET nickname on ONE gossip blog...than shall I assume that you, Anon, are in/work for AA? Perhaps you're a secret assassin? Or maybe just some worthless peon who's too bland and useless for anyone to actually remember their name? Stupid.

    Its actually kinda funny, seeing how hard you are trying to rile me up.

  32. i like secret assassin. maybe i'll change my name to that. you're much more creative than i am. and i honestly think you should apologize to secretaries and hookers. they work hard too.

    i'm not really trying. you rile easy.

  33. Anonymous11:57 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. anon, do you think if I had written my name as "now appearing live under a rock" or "broadcasting live from under a rock" it would be simple enough for you to understand?

  35. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Ah, but anon, theres your mistake: thinking this is me, riled up. Dont flatter yourself.

    And you're right, secretaries and hookers alike work very very hard, but that does not negate the fact that you attempted to insult me by labeling me as such, meaning you have zero respect for them, anyway.
    You're also correct that I am MUCH more creative than you are. In fact, thats probably why I make enough money so as to render me completely unaffordable for you types :)

  36. oh for crying out loud. This is a website for those of us looking for a little amusement. It's not an honor's thesis.

    Pull up your jockies/panties and get back to the gossip. If you don't like what Enty says here, Perez is always looking for new groupies.

  37. yes, liveunderarock. that would be much better. thanks for thinking of me.

    trix, to put so much focus on how much money you make and others might not, seems like a sad cry of insecurity. i respect my secretary very much. i respect my hookers very much. they are very talented. you seemed impressed with yourself to type so fast, and i thought maybe you were looking for work. how was i trying to insult you?

  38. Y'all crack me up.

    Actually reading the comments is better than reading about Vanessa.

  39. trix, I applaud you for calling out Ent's bullshit. Ent makes up stories all the time and I'm just fascinated with the fact that so many people believe every story that he writes on this blog. Some people on here are just too stupid and gullible and believe everything he says, so I commend you for at least coming here with actual information and proving that his stories are in fact false.

  40. Vanessa's career is better than ever because of the nude pics. This is a little different, but I'm not surprised it's out there.
    What a ho-bag!

  41. I don't believe that there are people just sitting around waiting to insult other viewers. Just comment on the posts--don't look to belittle other posters.

  42. Adrian, if by "just comment on the posts - don't look to belittle other posters", you mean "JESUS H> CHRIST, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP POSTING HERE IF YOU'RE SO DISENCHANTED", then I agree with you.

  43. Hey, lay off Trix. She is nice, and she did speak the truth. Even people on ONTD knew that this tidbit came out when the first slutty pictures of Vanessa Hudgens surfaced. A lawyer would know that, yes?

    I enjoy reading the blog, but it's true, Ent could do a little bit more research.

  44. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I think Anon has a big crush on our Trix! ;-)

  45. anon, you could totally afford me!

  46. Not wishing to fight (I do love this site) but I'm afraid this news is old and already proven untrue.



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