Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson. This will last about as long as her movie career. No chance they will be together next year at this time.

No chance that Milo and Hayden will be together next year at this time.

Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson. This is a tough one. The guy just got out of a really long relationship, and she is a relationship hopper. Despite what he has said in the press for his new film, I don't think he really likes kids and his last relationship was with someone who also doesn't much like kids. So, if Scarlett gets pregnant, it would be an accident. This is a tough one, but I say not together.

Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie. Hell they might be married by next year. He has Hilary reading about hockey and she has him buying her $100,000 cars on an NHL salary. Hell yes they will be together.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel. Are they even together now? No way together next year at this time. He might be a sperm donor for her or something, but they won't be a couple.

Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal. I don't think they are a real couple now which is why this is tough. If you don't want to date anyone it is kind of nice to have a friend who will be there for you. I don't think they will be together next year at this time, but it is also the one I am least confident about.

Javier Bardem knows it will be tough to find anyone better than Penelope Cruz. They speak the same language and he has a shrinkage problem so this one will last. They will be together next year.

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long. Would you stay with a guy who kissed like that? So over by next year.

I am going to go out on a limb with this one. Not only will George Clooney and Sarah Larson still be together, but she will be wearing an engagement ring. Yep. Georgie is getting old and now is the time.

Oh I would love it if George got engaged/married, although there is something very Cary Grant there, you know what I mean?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you chatty.
ReplyDeleteRe: George/Sarah
ReplyDeleteThanks for ruining my Valentine's Day, Enty....
Keep it to yourself next time, OK?
I think I agree with you on the Clooney one. She is low key enough and, yeah, it's time for him regardless of what sexual orientation he may or may not profess to. Though he doesn't really ping my gaydar much.
ReplyDeleteOn Reese and Jake, I just realized the other day that I have not seen many Reese films and never realized how awkwardly she speaks. She gives me this "really tight assed prissy chick" vibe when animated. The term "shrew" comes to mind. I say no, not even pals, he's too easy going.
As pretty as Ryan Reynolds is, he seems a bit vapid to me. Scar Jo tends towards pretention and artistic hauteur. She will get bored with him I think.
The one I think that might disgree on is Drew B and the Mac guy. They seem kinda quirkily made for each other. I say that one works.
Sarah might get preggars but I dont believe George will marry again.
ReplyDeleteJavier is giving Penny one of those kisses ya get after a night of hot sex. Size doesnt matter, does it ENT???
I wanna believe Jake and Reese are a couple. I WANNA!
Sorry Sister Mary - he's a mo.
ReplyDeleteComrie was most likely spending his daddy's money/inheritance - he's not that good of a hockey player (or at least not as good as in his own mind).
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mngddess, Ent. Why did you have to ruin my V-day by saying George is going to marry the call girl.
ReplyDeleteI think I agree with ent on all these haha!
ReplyDeleteEnt is such a tease about Jessica Biel!
noticed ben and jenn missing, i say split.
ReplyDeleteSarah L. low key??? obviously you've never seen her work the red carpet stealing the spotlight from deserving actors like Tilda Swinton and Tom Wilkinson! Still, if that's what Georgie wants and he can afford it...
ReplyDeleteno way will clooney get married. why would he?
ReplyDeletemy guess is that jake and reese will still be together. i'm just not convinced it's fake, in part because i want to believe that reese is warmer/funnnier/more interesting than she seems and jakey gives her that kind of credibility. but also, the two of them together is too boring to be fake -- or is that their genius?
drew: if she wants to have babies, this'll be the guy. if she doesn't, she'll get bored with him after a year or so. (but el, why'd you have to call attention to the way justin long kisses? because noticing that makes me want to wipe my tongue off with a paper towel)
and yeah, what up with the no jen-n-ben?
ReplyDeleteIf Georgie gives her an engagement ring will some more of her commando and butt-biting photos appear?
ReplyDeletei guess he answered the BI about the one who just had a baby and just wants to party.
ReplyDeleteUm, Clooney's divorced. He said he'd never marry again and I think he'll hold to that. He was engaged to what's her name? Celine Beltran or something like that - for several years and they eventually broke up. I just don't think he'll marry again - even if one of his paramours ever get p.g.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with some of the others about Drew and Justin, I think they could work, they're very cute together.
ReplyDeleteI love Penelope and Javier, you can feel the heat.
And Timberlake and Biel look so wrong together it's scary.
Wow, George looks really old in that photo. Really unflattering.
ReplyDeletejudi, there was a blind a while back about an A+ actor whose on-again, off-again not-so-bright lady friend got pregnant a few times and each time would disappear for a while. Some people thought that was George and Krista Allen.
*searching* Here it is, from June. It's the second one:
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ReplyDeleteIf I look real hard at that Romo/Jessica photo, I can imagine what a child between them would look like... Strangely, the theme from "Deliverance" won't stop playing in my head...
ReplyDeleteI mean, just look at them: His ears, her nose... Oye!
Ryan was in a LT relationship before...I could see him with Scarlett for a while unless she gets scared and runs.
ReplyDeleteEnt, why no Ben and Jen prediction?
Judi - he was with Celine for three years (covering up her age - she was closer to 22 and not 26 like his camp was saying) - and then she threatened a palimony suit when she wanted to get merried and he didn't want to. (They weren't engaged). He ended up giving her a car plus renting a house for her until she got "back on her feet". His only marriage was really messy and he highly resented giving his money away to lawyers. If he marrys Sarah I think he is well aware that he would owe her about half his money if they got divorced. And he ain't parting with his hard-earned cash. And I think he enjoys his freedom waaaay too much. If he meets a girl and want to have children with her, he'll get married right quick, I'll bet.
ReplyDeleteBesaides - everyone knows he only loves me, and I'm taken.
At least for another 4 years, anyway..
So George is going to marry a hooker? How depressing.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Sharon, Scarlett dated Josh Hartnett for quite a while, and you can't get any more vapid than that.
ReplyDeletebippy, don't worry about that kiss--
ReplyDeletehe's just backing up his hard drive.
(my bad. i'm a mac person and i love him as the mac guy!)
seriously, i hope drew and justin make it.
here's some off/insider stuff regarding jen/ben: being in the industry, although way down the totem pole, when "alias" was filming, mr. bunny always heard that garner was a real bitch. so much so, that even tho daughter bunny and i enjoyed 13 going on 30, he couldn't bring himself to watch it. so, i'm just wondering if maybe my benny isn't all to blame???
OOOoooOOO! Georgie's girlfriend has tan lines!!!
ReplyDeleteJK I hope you are right, they the cutest couple on here.