I got this e-mail last week, and thought they actually did a pretty good job except for the fact I am not a member of the Utah Community Credit Union. I didn't even know it existed until I looked it up on the internet. They do exist, and the logo the scammers used, is the same logo as the bank. So, I guess the idea is to send it out and hope you find someone who has Utah Community Bank. Maybe next time they should try a bank with more than a few members in one state.
The e-mail with logo is below. To make sure that no one actually clicked on the link they provided I deleted much of the link.

Dear Utah Community Credit Union client,
You have received this email because you or someone had used your account from different locations. For security purpose, we are required to open an investigation into this matter.
In order to safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your banking details. The help speeed up to this process, please access the following link so we ca complete the verification of your Utah Community Credit Union Online Banking Account registration information.
If we do no receive the appropriate account verification within 48 hours, then we will assume this Utah Community Credit Union account is fraudulent and will be suspended.
The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your bank account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community. We appreciate your support and understanding and thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Copyright © 2008 Utah Community Credit Union member NCUA. All Rights Reserved.
My e-mail to them
Utah Community Credit Union
To Whom It May Concern
I got this e-mail on February 19th and I hope I'm not too late. I see that I only had 48 hours to respond to your e-mail but I have been out of town. I didn't have access to my e-mail and now I am so worried that you have suspended my account. I can't afford to have that account suspended. It has my entire life savings in it. I worked for over 40 years, and to have that account suspended would mean I would have nothing, and I would have to go live with my daughter and her husband. I should tell you she is not really my daughter, but the daughter of my deceased husband from his fifth wife. I think it was his fifth wife. He had so many that it becomes difficult to remember. Anyway, I was his true love. Tenth time is a charm he used to say. I am a little scared to go live with them because last time I was there they tried to kill me. I have attached a photo of me after my last visit to her house. They did kill my husband, but he left me all of his money which is also in the account. His daughter thought she would get it all by killing her dad and was unaware that her father had left it all to me. Now she wants to kill me and get her hands on the money.
How long will my account be suspended? Is it suspended? How can I get the money out of the account? Will my ATM card still work? Do I still have free checking? Should I stop making my car payment? Why do you have ten teller lines but only three tellers ever working? Should I send a letter to someone and offer them a fee to help me get it out? I am so helpless, and scared. I opened the account in Utah just to avoid the fraud of other communities. I thought that everyone in Utah looked out for everyone else. It couldn't be my neighbors. I know them. I don't trust them not to kill me, but I trust them not to take my money.
Please help me. Let me know what information you need, and I will be happy to give it to you. I see by your e-mail address that since I opened my account in Salt Lake City you have moved the corporate offices to Belgium. Belgium is a lovely country. Before I retired I spent a marvelous two weeks there each year flitting from brewery to brewery drinking and meeting men after they got off work. They all liked spending an hour or two with Gift. That is how I got my name. I have a special gift, and they would give me a special gift. That is how I made my living for 40 years. Even though I am old now, and just out of a hospital bed, I can still work some of that Gift magic. So, please help me by unblocking my account, and I will show you why women with no teeth make the best lovers.
Gift Clement

I used that exact picture for one of my scambaits a while back.
ReplyDeleteThis was so funny.
ReplyDeleteOnce I wrote back to Some African country asking for money. I said in my email if he/she continued sending me emails I would report him/her to the authorities. I don't remember getting anymore emails from that country LOL.
YOu can actually have lots of fun screwing with these scammers, and also wasting their time. Go to 419eater.com for tips (such as NEVER reply to them directly from the email address they contacted you on)
ReplyDeleteLMAO this schit kills me. That chick looks **just** like my beloved ex mother in law. May the b*tch rot in h3ll. Amen.
ReplyDeleteWhy are scam e-mails always riddled with misspellings, grammar errors and other typos? It ruins any shot they have at seeming credible. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad because it just makes it easier for us, but it can't be working out for them, can it? And if it isn't working, why are so many still being sent around? I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteYour response is hilarious, EL. If you get a response back you must share it!
I LOVE your response. You made me laugh out loud several times.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm de-lurking, I just want to say that I LOVE your site. Am addicted!
I just love a good story. You don't even have to reveal the idenities. But you keep me hooked because you've always got something interesting or funny. And love the photos you've been posting as well.
Gretchen Wilson grew up a few miles from me. We're the same age and I used to go to the bar she worked at in Illinois, so seeing a pic of her always reminds me of my hometown area. So it was really great to see her pic today.
Take care.
Good lawd, I sure do use the word "love" alot. Sorry if that sounds like I'm getting out my kneepads. heehee.
ReplyDeletePriceless, Ent!!!
ReplyDeleteI love shit like this...
ReplyDeleteHighlarious!! (insinuating ENT's status when writing them?)
LOVE all stories that include our special friend Gift.
ReplyDeleteGift has moved on to MySpace, by the way, she is using a different name now but it's pretty much the same email.
Love love ENT lol you rock
ReplyDeleteYou funny man!