Monday, February 18, 2008

Today's Blind Items

Quite honestly this is one of the best pieces of gossip I have heard in the past six months. I actually heard about it on Friday and was so jazzed by it that I almost posted over the weekend because I didn't want to wait until today.

These A+ list female film actresses (when I say A+, there is no wishy washy, they are A+) are really different, but they do have one very big thing in common. A woman. That's right. While one of the A+ listers is no stranger to women, the other A+ lister is, or would have the world believe she is. However, each of our A+ listers separately spent several months with a woman who must be magnificent or beautiful or extremely talented in the bedroom to attract the interest of these A+ listers. The only thing these two A+ listers have in common is the huge amount of money they get for making films. The fact that these two completely different personalities and looks could both fall for the same woman just boggles the mind. That, and the fact that at least one of the A+ listers has never shown a propensity to spend time with the same team. This one blew me away.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    cameron diaz and reese witherspoon?

  2. Well, Kate Winslet is in the random photos today....

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Its going to be Jodie Foster and maybe....Renee Zellweger? Although there have been rumors about Renee before, I guess....

  4. Gonna guess one of the ladies is Reese Witherspoon, since there are very few who qualify.

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    These are the top paid film actresses, accoriding to

    Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Renee Zellweger, Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Halle Berry, Charlieze Theron, Angelina Jolie, Kirsten Dundst, Jennifer Aniston...

  6. Drew Barrymore and Angelina Jolie

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Ugh, this is one of those ones that he just HAS to share cause its so juicy, but we'll NEVER figure it out because its too vague. And he's not gonna post any clues, because he doesnt WANT you to figure it out--he just wants you to talk about it. Blargh. Fuggit, I'm not even going to guess. Anyone in the top fifteen paid actresses list is suspect.

  8. I would say that one is Angelina Jolie - the other mmmmm I just don't know. Julia Roberts. There are two polar opposites.

  9. My 1st thought was Angelina and Reese, or Anjelina and Nicole.......although both have seemed happy w/ their respective partners as of late.....but you never know!!!

  10. Penelope Cruz (she was in "Blow") and ... ?

  11. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I'm gonna go with reese and renee

  12. can i get a ticket to the show? ha!

  13. i was goibg to say reese too even before the list, just bc she is the LAST persin i would guess

  14. Anonymous12:35 PM

    LOL Trix - feeling frustrated today?

  15. is katherine zeta-jones a+

  16. I was going to say Drew as the one that might go both ways ... and Reese is a good guess for the other, although I'm not convinced they are polar opposites.

    But I feel like only Angelina Jolie (from the list above) would be the one that could absolutely be considered "no stranger to women", since that would be by her own admission.

    Angelina and Reese seem pretty darned opposite.

    I dunno.

  17. Jodi Foster is the first one I thought of, and Charlize? That would throw me for a loop. Well so would Reece....but I don't think it's her.


  18. I know Angelina was linked to Jenny Shimizu, whos apparently like the bisexual/lesbian Superhead.
    I wonder! if there will really be a book sometime, outing some of the stars?

    as for the other guess, I'm thinking Kirsten? but oddly, theres a link anyway. Brad Pitt. of course, Angelinas bedding him, and Kirsten was in a movie with him 15 years ago, but maybe it works? idk

  19. Okay, wouldn't it be funny if it was Angelina and Jen Aniston? But Ent wouldn't have been able to resist some kind of reference if it was them. My vote is Drew & Reese - they have opposite personalities. I can't see Charlize hiding it if she was into girls. And the thought of Renee Zellweger or Cameron Diaz having sex with anyone makes me kinda ill.

  20. I wouldn't think Reese & renee were that different physically. And I didn't think either of them were admittedly with women. I think Angelina or Jodie Foster would be one of the women. They're the only 2 A+'ers that I can think of that wouldn't shock people as having been with women. No idea on the other. There is no timeline on this one, so we really have no idea when- so past A+'ers are possibles too. I think ANgelina & Reese would be great though! That's why Reese is Toothy's Beard!

  21. i say reese and angelina they are completely opposite in appearance and personalities

  22. Reese still takes her kids to church, has them baptized, I doubt it would be her. Drew is a open bisexual. Sp is Angelina, although she says she has given up women, who believes that? Not Ted C, that is for sure. She is probably the beautiful one the two women have in common and are swapping spit or whatever over. Jodie Foster is gay and in a committed relationship, devoted mom, not her. Kirsten-rehab Halle-pregnant Nicole-pregnant and rumored a closet lesbian so that would not be shocking to anyone, she has spent too much time in gay bars in the past. Jennifer Aniston -hmmm is she a A+ actress, not really, she is still trying to make it.She makes alot of money, adorable, but..Cameraon, well sex and drugs, no big deal, Charlieze, whatevem she is European and pretty liberal, don't see it in that list, except that Angelina could be the o beautifuld one they have in common.

  23. The only female relationship Jolie had was with that drug addict Jenny S and that was well over 11 yrs ago. Exactly when was she spending months at a time with her in the last 8 yrs? LMAO. Not Jolie. It's Jolie. Jolie only just hit that highest paid list so it has to be someone like Witherspoon, Diaz or Roberts

  24. i was going to say angelina but it says they spent several months with the other women..when does the bitch have time?

  25. Sorry type. It's not Jolie. Sounds like Jodie Foster and some snow white like Reese. Someone people would be shocked about. What about Cate Blanchette? She's always seemed dykish

  26. Anonymous1:08 PM

    NS referenced the Joile-Shimizu entanglement already. The rumors about Drew Barrymore have been around since 1997 (Jane Pratt!), they were even an issue in her divorce from Tom Green. She gave an interview in '03 where she acknowledged being bi, giving no details about lovers. So let's start from the premise that one of those two is the actress who's "no stranger to women."

    As to the ostensibly straight actress, the BI says different personalities and looks. Nicole Kidman's the only redheard; Halle Berry is the only person of color.

  27. Gotta be ladies who don't have kids - otherwise, they'd never have the time. Charlize was born in So. Africa. Thinking Drew is one but have no idea for the other.

  28. It's someone whom everyone knows likes women and makes a lot of money. Drew makes a lot of money and Drew is very open about her female relationship (s) I use plural because she's had more then one. Jolie hasn't. Plus, the months at a time thing can't be Angelina. I know people love to believe every BI is Pitt and Jolie but this is just noooooo. Those people are the most photographed and followed

  29. Wait. Jennifer Aniston and Drew Barrymore just did that movie "He's just not that into you" Problem is, is Aniston considered A plus?

  30. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Kind of off-topic here, but I can remember when Drew Barrymore was about 17 yrs old appearing on a talk show holding hands with another girl. She dared the interviewer to ask her if she was bi. The interviewer never did.

  31. well, Angelina and Jennifer Anniston are about as opposite as you can get, and they both fell for the same guy, so I don't know why it's all that shocking.

  32. It would be funny if it was Jolie and Aniston, but then, they'd have more than one thing in common, so rule that combo out.

    No stranger to women means one is either Jolie or Drew.

    If it's Jolie - the person most unlike her would be Reese.

    If it's Drew, the person most unlike her would be Reese or Halle Berry.

    Maybe Reese was seeing so much of Jake G. to find out how he's keeping his secret.

  33. Leo, you didn't read previous posts, did you? ;-)

  34. Because the woman would have to be Jenny S and Jolie had a relationship with her when she was 19...then she married Jonny Lee Miller. I highly doubt Jenny S is Aniston's type. lol
    And when exactly in the past 3 yrs you know in between giving birth did she spend time with this "woman"? Doesn't make sense.

    Now, Drew and Aniston make some sense to me.

  35. What about Kate Winslet?

    As for Jolie, she has had amny more than just her asian girlfriend. Just not serious long term relationships, but she has had plenty of girl on girl action all over LA in her early days. Even in her DS interview she proclaimed that if she met a girl today and was attracted or fell inlove she would go for it, so she is still very public about her affection for women. Her decision to give up women for Pitt was a foreced decision. ha so she could be part of this, she has plenty of nannies and Dad is there to pick up the slack. Maybe he likes to watch, who knows.
    Jolie and Kate...but I am guessing Jolie likes skinny womem.. so many not. He needs to give more clues, age or something.

    This is not really such a big deal in HW anymore anyway.

  36. Judi, sure they'd have time, especially if their kids are in school.

    I just read "You'll Never Nanny In This Town Again". These skanks do nothing for themselves - the nanny's do it all.*

    *There are exceptions, but I won't say who, in case anyone is interested in reading the book.

  37. Jodi Foster is someone no one would be shocked about so it's not just Barrymore and Jolie

  38. Natalie Portman & Scarlett Johansson

  39. Incognito, neither are solid A+ actresses. See above list.

  40. As for Jolie, she has had amny more than just her asian girlfriend. Just not serious long term relationships, but she has had plenty of girl on girl action all over LA in her early days. Even in her DS interview she proclaimed that if she met a girl today and was attracted or fell inlove she would go for it, so she is still very public about her affection for women

    LMAO. That is such bullshit. If Jolie wanted to be with another woman she would been. DS interview? What are you talking about? That 2003 interview she did with Barbara Walters where she said she doesn't see people as one sex or another but as people? heh. Please.

    Natalie Portman did say she doesn't see gender lines recently

  41. The only real over the top highly paid actresses are Diaz, Barrymore, Witherspoon and previously Julia Roberts

  42. Come to think of it ... that list can't be all-inclusive ... Meryl Streep should be in there too (and wouldn't THAT be interesting???????)

    Could Meryl Streep and Drew Barrymore be more opposite?

  43. Leo, look at the top ten paid actresses. You're leaving some out. And if you don't think Aniston's pay is over the top, you're wrong.

    And again, Portman is NOT A+!

    EL couldn't be clearer on this one.

  44. There are other well known actresses that are lesbians, not sure how many would be A+, what makes them A+, do they have to be in movies, what about Cynthia Nixion, Portia deRossi, if you google it, guess who comes up besides these girls, Angelina, Drew, Anne Heche, Sara Gilbert, and of course Jodie Foster. They are on just about every gay and lesbian film site.

  45. Just pointing out the obvious, that everyone seems to have missed:

    "The fact that these two completely different personalities and looks could both fall for the same woman just boggles the mind."

    Shouldn't this lower the possibilities since both A+ listers romanced the same woman?

  46. I already said Aniston could be one of them. Barrymore and Aniston with that movie they did together as a connection

  47. To whoever has the filthy mouth that isn't necessary, we do have the the 1st amendment still in this country. Angelina did say she would kiss a woman intimately,"sure why not" were her exact words, and I believe that interview was in 2004-5, very early, BEFORE she admitted she was with Brad, right about the time she said she did not need him,she had several lovers stashed away. Lets not make this about them, I don't care really, I am just pointing out, she could be the beautiful one the two girls are sharing, because she is very beautiful and she is bisexual, whether you do not want her to be or not.

  48. Also, have you noticed EL's big blind item reveals are NEVER Jolie-Pitt. It ain't got nutt'n to do with them.

    I'm still going w/Aniston/Barrymore. Aniston is always making comments about her girlfriends and how men just cannot compete with her friends who are her lovers, husband,mother, etc


  49. Kate said:
    "To whoever has the filthy mouth that isn't necessary"


  50. HA HA. She never said that. You need to organize the gossip in your head.

  51. Leo, the blind says that the one and only thing that they have in common is that misterious woman.

    So, maybe we don't have to look for connections between the two actresses.

    I have changed my mind about Angelina. I'll go with Drew Barrymore and Reese or Nicole (the perfect beards!)

  52. I don't think it has anything to do with Jolie either. People seem to want to make her out to be this raging Lesbian and the only relationship she's ever admitted to was that asian chick when she was a kid. So I agree that if she'd had more she would of been open about it. Look, she got married two times after the fact and now is with Pitt 4 kids later.

    I am kinda leaning towards Drew and possibly Reese or Drew and Jennifer Aniston. I've always gotten the man hater vibe from Aniston

  53. After reading all the guesses, I really do think it's A. Jolie and C. Diaz (opposite in looks & personality, solid A+ listers).

    Charlize is not so different in personality from the *current* Jolie persona: they're both serious actresses with a hankering for tailored, classic designer clothes and both ladies have yet to marry their long-time significant others.

    Diaz, on the other hand, is about as far from serious/cerebral as one can get, her style is more trendy than classic, and she's a serial monogamist.

    Maybe Drew is the lady in between them? Ha ha ha ha!!!! THAT would've made Enty post on a Sunday fer sher!!!

  54. I don't think anyone would be shocked if Diaz had a relationship with a woman. It has to be someone that would be prudish and shocking. That would certainly be someone like Witherspoon and/or Julia Roberts for that matter. The thing is, it's always the one's you don't think it is. And like has been said Drew's had a number of lesbian relationships and Jolie only one and if you saw that chick you'd know no way in hell is she scoring someone like a Witherspoon. That Jenny chick was just back in rehab last year so cross that out

  55. I'd cross Nicole out because she's married to Urban and then I remembered he spent most of last year in rehab and she was alone. It could be Kidman and Barrymore

  56. Anonymous2:04 PM


    Nah, not frustrated, just not feeling particularly motivated by a wild goose chase. I see no point in guessing on this blind, when there are no clues as to solidly determine as to who these actresses are. Im not in the mood to wonder about a mystery that will never be solved or revealed: there are too many blind items already in the cache for that...

  57. Completely different looks is a clue too. Does sort of make you think Black/White. It would have to be someone while A list doesn't get a lot of paparazzi coverage otherwise it'd be everywhere.

  58. EL doesn't say completely different looks, he says they're really different. That doesn't sound like in looks to me, it sounds like in personalities and lifestyles.

  59. Jolie / Witherspoon

  60. He does say completely different personalities and looks:

    "The fact that these two completely different personalities and looks "

  61. Oops, never mind!

    And thanks, Henryjones.

  62. queen latifah and renee zellweger?

  63. I'm re-reading this. The BI says the only thing these women have in common is this other third woman. Jolie, Kidman and Witherspoon are all previously divorced and are mothers. So they have that in common and that for women is a very tight bond. So, I'm throwing all of them out for each other.

    Halle and Drew? Halle and Aniston that coupling is really extreme

  64. It isn't hard to imagine any of these actresses, nipples swollen, tonguing the swollen clit of another woman, pissy juice soaking their faces. But when it comes to just plain old fashioned hard core lapping flapping pussy lips, I have to say that Charlize and Angelina do it for me. Any of these actresses, however, could be into munching carpet, and you'd never know unless you found a pubic hair between their teeth or unless they were eating out periods.

  65. I could see an older group - Meryl Streep or Diane Keaton, anyone?

  66. Everyone keeps pointing to Jolie but it doesn't fit at all. Now, just because he says one of them is no stranger to women it doesn't necessarily mean they've been open about it. Drew is someone who isn't a stranger and has had numerous lesbian relationship but because people don't think of her as a sex bomb they forget. So, it's not that obvious. I say Drew is the known one and yeah someone like Halle could be the other

  67. I think it's Drew and Reese.

    Christine, I don't think they're A+ anymore.

  68. Renee Z and Sandra Bullock.

  69. There are old rumors about Jen
    Aniston and Nicole Kidman both being lesbian. Could be Reese as well. She is the beard for Jake and was for hubby Ryan as well. There have been rumors in the last year that Renee has found love at last...with a woman.

  70. The third person has to be someone who runs in the same celeb crowd and wouldn't be obvious if she was seen with one of them for a long period of time. That's why I'm throwing out Jolie. Jolie can't take a p*ss without the paparazzi and tabloids up in her grill. She and Pitt are watched and followed 24/7 and any random woman spending months at a time who's also been seen spending months at a time with another actress would be too suspicious. It's got to be single chicks with no male in the picture or kids

  71. Can you tell I have some to kill? lol

    Drew is def the "known" one

  72. Has anyone mentioned Sandra Bullock? She was the sixth highest paid actress in 2007, married late in life, dated Matt (beard/merkin?)

  73. Ryan Phillipe is gay?

    Sandra Bullock's husband is gay?

    Am I the only one hearing these things for the first time?

  74. Sandra Bullock would be a big shock. She's someone who doesn't get coverage in the tabloids either.

  75. @ Henry Jones: there is no coupling between Halle and Aniston. both have the clean good girl image. Drew was in drugs and stuff.

    A second guess:

    Alister One: known bi: Angelina Jolie
    Alister Two: not known: Hillary Swank
    Common Lover: Chloë Sevigny

  76. Halle doesn't have a clean image. Halle's has had mucho problems in her personal life and certainly isn't considered a good girl. Aniston is, Witherspoon is.

    Sevigny isn't considered magnificent or beautiful.

    Swank is a good guess though

    I'm standing firm Jolie isn't it. Her very well know "woman" is ugly as sinm, old and washed up and certainly doesn't travel in these circles

  77. My guess someone that is def A+ and has been in films though not best known for it - Oprah!!!!!!!!!

  78. You know I almost said Oprah

  79. that she must be "magnificent or beautiful" or "talented in bed" is ents reasoning for the pairing, not a clue :-)

  80. The other thing about AJ is that when she made those comments in 2004 about having lovers it was always in reference to men, never women. She isn't shy about sex, like at all. She wouldn't hide anything since the Jenny thing has been out there for over 10 yrs. If she wanted to be with a woman she would be openly. Not her. These other women would hide it and in Drew's case really downplay it like it's just some pixie thing. lol

  81. trix said: we'll NEVER figure it out because its too vague. And he's not gonna post any clues, because he doesnt WANT you to figure it out--he just wants you to talk about it. Got to agree. If it's true it'll be a personal assistant or trainer two actresses shared LOL.

  82. Nycer - or hairdressers.

  83. Aniston/Drew . The third woman introduced during the filming of He's Just Not That Into You. She may be with Aniston right now in Vancouver acting as an assistant

  84. twisted yeah I know I think of my hairdresser budddy as one of the girls! henry actually what I meant it is probably an innocent connection spun into a "blind" that'll never be revealed anyway. JMO

  85. Anonymous3:50 PM

    My first thought was Pene Cruz and Scar Jo since they just did that movie together and apparently hate each other - maybe that is why!

  86. For some reason as I was reading this I kept thinking Selma H. I can see this being someone like Selma H (short, curvy and seems very much into men) and someone tall and willowy like Charlize or Angelina who have a bit of a freak side. Very different personalities, looks, builds. And to me all these women are A listers.

  87. Wasn't there rumors back in the day that Aniston had a relationship with Mark Walhberg's female cousin while filming "Rock Star? His cousin was his assistant. I think Defamer had a piece about it

  88. It has to be Angelina Jolie and Renee Zellwegger. There's been a lot of rumors about la Renee batting for the same team.

  89. Rene Zellwegger and Angelina Jolie. Both have been rumored to be gay in the past.

  90. What's that girls name who was in Princess Diaries?

    It's not Jolie. It's Drew and someone else. lol

  91. Anonymous4:49 PM

    here's the gossip on aniston.

  92. renee and sandra b

  93. For now, my guess is Jolie and Zellweger....not too sure about Renee though. I do think Reese is way to conservative to experiment, but ENT seems legitimately surprised.

    This is a good one!

  94. There's breaking celebrity lesbian-related gossip-tossing on the Productshop NYC blog, which, refreshingly, doesn't involve one of the Desperate Housewives:

    According to my source, Jennifer has been having a torrid love affair with Mark Wahlberg's first cousin. Wait, I think I said that wrong. It should read: According to my source, Jennifer is having a steamy, hot, lesbian love affair with Mark Wahlberg's first cousin!

    It seems Ms. Aniston has a taste for the ladies and is a bit afraid of her adoring public finding out about it, although that hasn't stopped her from getting into the sack behind Brad's back. That may explain why GLAAD has honored her so many times and why she never misses one of her "ladies nights" on the town. Supposedly, the dramatic end to the celebrity couples relationship came about after things between the former Friends star and this mysterious cousin of Marky Mark's got so serious that Brad couldn't take it anymore and wanted to end their relationship.

  95. I think Ent is not so much shocked that the two A-listers are attracted to the same person but that this one person could be attracted to two completely different people. At least that is the way I would look at it. The fact that he worded his shock the way he did is probably a clue somehow.

    I have no clue yet; I'll have to mull on it some more.

  96. If all of that was out there about Aniston, I don't think EL would be surprised.

    And seriously, the only one that would surprise most of us would be Reese, and EL is far more cynical and jaded than we are.

  97. I agree TS! It's gotta be someone like Reese...

    I'm dying to know who the lady lovah who wooed two A-listers is now haha!

  98. my immediate thoughts were Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore: Drew is known to like the ladies and Cameron, well, she kind of likes anything, right?

    this is super juicy! i doubt it will be revealed for a while yet but. damn!

  99. Wasn't there a blind from last year involving some girlies getting it on - Christina Applegate and Cameron Diaz - with JT watching? Or something close to that?

  100. I don't believe the lesbian story about JA and Mark Walbergs cousin, why? Because she is still whining to anyone who will listen all over HW about Brad, she is still not over him, the guy was the love of her life, she feels she made a huge mistake in many ways, and by the way, the rumor on the set of Rockstar was that she was getting to close to Mark, and Brad was jealous. Not his cousin, sounds like someone just made that up. She is a crybaby that can't move on with her life, that is why I don't think it is her.

    Kate Winslet is in his photos, she is sexy, pretty, married with kids, that might be surprising to some. She looks too much like Drew to me though.

    What about Gwenneth Palthow ..ha ha..maybe she picked up a few tricks from her buddy Madonna. Jenny S. had a story about her and Madonna fighing over AJ at one point, years ago. Although there is a BI out about her having a miscarriage and now adopting, so maybe not her.

    All these young girls are know to like girls, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan..maybe one of them could be the woman in between..since none of them are A+

  101. What about Scarlett Johannsen and Natalie Portman??? Stranger things have happened...

  102. Just wanted to point out how Ent defines A list women (for movies, anyway):

    "In my mind, A list is someone who can open a mainstream film all by themselves. When I say mainstream, I mean a film that opens in the 1000+ screen category. I think that is the one true measurement of whether someone is A list or not. The question should be, am I interested in going to see this movie because so and so is in it and I don't care what the movie is about. To me, there are many more male A listers than female A listers and to prove it, just go through any list of female or male actors in your mind and ask the question above. There are just not that many women who can open a film, or even given the opportunity to do so. Most people would say there are about 10 A list female stars. I say that is true, but that there are A list women within A list women.

    In one of my blind items I called Kirsten Dunst A list because she was the female lead in several of the highest grossing films of all-time, and she has opened a mainstream film on her own. The problem is that when I stopped to think about it. Almost anyone could have played her role in Spiderman, so why should that give her A list status. Plus, Bring It On, was more of an ensemble film and she just happened to be top billed, but was she the reason everyone went to see the film? No, of course not. No one went "OMG, Kirsten Dunst has a new movie out, we have to go see it." Instead it went like this, "There is this really cool movie out right now and Kirsten Dunst is in it. We should go." There is a big difference.

    So, then we get to my other beef with my own theory which is Sarah Michelle Gellar. I actually like SMG and she fits the criteria, except for one thing. Horror films should be excluded from the list. Most horror films have a female lead, but it is the story, not the actress that brings in the audience, and thus, although technically opening a film, they are not the reason the people are going to see the film. Yes, there are people who love SMG. I know this. But you have to be objective about it. I have also thrown Nicole Kidman into this mix now. The only film she has done which did well on its own with her name alone lately has been The Others which was a horror film. She is only making money because she is Tom Cruise's ex. She doesn't deserve A list status or money.

    Here are the top ten highest paid actresses from 2007.

    1. Reese Witherspoon
    2. Angelina Jolie
    3. Cameron Diaz
    4. Nicole Kidman
    5. Renee Zellweger
    6. Sandra Bullock
    7. Julia Roberts
    8. Drew Barrymore
    9. Jodie Foster
    10. Halle Berry

    If you have a franchise, then you are automatically A list, so Reese, Angelina, Renee, and Sandra automatically move on. (for now)

    Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore have a franchise, but it is not on their own. Drew however is so A list it isn't even funny and can't believe she is only the 8th highest paid actress. She needs a new agent. Cameron Diaz is someone who will drop from the A list eventually, but people will go see a film solely based on whether she is in it. Julia Roberts is Julia Roberts and so will always be A list. Jodie Foster is in the same category as Cameron Diaz. The only difference is Jodie has been A list for much longer and has probably achieved A list status permanently. Halle Berry is almost there. If she had a franchise like Cameron does, she would be a shoe in. As it is though, she is right on the edge every year of A list B list."

    Jennifer Anniston is NOT A (movie) list by Ent's definition. Neither is Halle Berry.

  103. Jenny S is full of it. Don't believe anything she says. Back in the day she acted like 19 yr old AJ was NOTHING, barely even a sexual relationship. Then Jolie exploded and suddenly she and Jolie were the next great thing. She's a liar and a drug addict who will do and say anything for a buck to buy her fix.

  104. Jolie only made that top 10 list because of the combined movies she did in 2006 that were released in 2007. She only went up in paycheck by MAMS

  105. Halle is A list. She's an Oscar winner. Clooney doesn't paid anything, can't open a movie on his own (minus the Ocean boys) but is an Oscar winner and therefore A list. A list isn't just about the paycheck. Drew, is also a producer and will also get a percentage so she can take the lower salary. Those lists are never accurate

  106. henry, doesn't matter. By Ent's definition, Jolie is automatically A list because she has a franchise. He specifically said so. (And his post is only about a month old, so not outdated.)

    Forgive me for saying so, but you seem to have an almost personal interest in the "not Angie!" position. Are you like Brad Pitt's mom or something? Or Jolie's aging auntie?

  107. I am. You caught me. I didn't say Jolie wasn't A list. She is A list. But to say Halle or Nicole aren't A list is crazy. They both are

  108. I don't disagree with you. But for purposes of this BI, we're working with Ent's definition -- which includes Jolie, but excludes Halle and (probably) Nicole.

    And speaking of AJ being bi, wasn't there an interview with her a few years ago (pre-Brad) where she alluded to being in love with/wanting to settle down with/being attracted to an unknown relief worker? She wouldn't name names because I think the woman might have been married . . . Sounds familiar, but I couldn't find it. Henry, you being her MIL/auntie/publicist, may remember it. ;o)

  109. LMAO. I'm sorry I have to agree with Henry. No way in Hell it's Angelina. If this thing is a month old then how exactly has she been carrying on with some woman? In between getting pregnant? People are crazy if they think 1. she'd bring that into her life with those kids and 2. Pitt would stay with her if he felt she needed to be with women. Talk about the tabloid torture more then they get now

    Jolie is not a bisexual woman. Was she bi-curious as a teen-ager? Sure. But b-sexual people continue to have relationships with both sexes. She hasn't done that.

    I do think it's Drew because Drew was in actual lesbian relationships not a 4 week fling on a movie set. The other person who would be shocking would be Reese.

  110. leila, I think I know the interview your talking about. She was asked if she thought she could settle down with a woman and/or a man and she said something about not seeing gender or something like that. Then she was pushed about the type of woman and she said she had a friend whom she adores but she's getting married and didn't want to name names. That was her assistant Holly who's like her best friend. But like henry and other's have pointed out. She had a bi-curious experience with that asian chick and that's it. She was open out it and if she had continued that type of lifestyle we'd ALL know about it. lol

  111. "But to say Halle or Nicole aren't A list is crazy. They both are"

    I don't think leila is arguing with you about whether or not Halle and Nicole are A list, she is simply pointing out what ENT thinks makes a person A-list. When you're reading a blind that Ent has written and it goes into defining someone you have to put your own opinion aside for a minute and think "Would Ent consider ___________ as A list?"

    Now I will grant that even after that post there was still some confusion (maybe even more) because people that are generally considered A list Ent would actually call a B. Whether or not you agree is not the point, the point is that if you're trying to figure out this blind you have to think like Ent.

    With all that said I think "there is no wishy washy, they are A+" is Ent's way of saying there is absolutely NO question about these two women. There is no issue about “A+ recognition with B- work but may be falling to C list because they haven’t done anything in a while” or anything like that. They are very well known, they have great/well known film roles, and they work consistently and/or have been in the game so long that they’re automatically A list for life. They probably have at least an Oscar nomination each, but this isn’t a definite.

  112. what about Kate Hudson?

    Does anyone think she's a possibility?

  113. yeah, I mean people are thinking in terms of the highest paid but there are a lot of A plus Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett (whom I think is a good guess) hell even Sharon Stone is considered A list by some

  114. Ohhh what about Katherine Heigel. Two big rom com's. Hudson's another good guess as is Latifa

  115. Henry, I don't think it is Jolie, either. However, I think your logic is flawed in that you are assuming Jenny S. must be connected. Forget about her. Jolie could have slept with any number of women at any time.

    Ent doesn't say that either of the A+ listers are seeing this woman currently. Everyone seems to be assuming the affairs happened recently.

    Going by Ent's record with BIs both A+ listers are probably not on the above lists. They might even be from the 1940's or something. :) As Trix said this one is not meant to be solved.

    Also from the wording, I think the woman they both fell for is not famous. She is not anyone Ent has seen because he doesn't know if she is "magnificent or beautiful".

    I think it is going to be someone from the lists above and someone like Sandra Bullock or Michelle Pfeiffer who is a little off of the radar.

    But I am frequently wrong. :)

  116. Thanks Gayla -- that is exactly what I was trying to say. (But not as well as you did!)

  117. I agree with Gayla. It's all about what Ent thinks is A+.

  118. I don't think it's Angelina either, but check out this link, which includes pics. Henry, you'll like this!

  119. liveunderarock, I don't think Henry (if you're still here please forgive for speaking for you) is saying it's a Jenny connection I think he's saying Jenny S is the only woman she's been with. And going by Jolie's history she would of admitted if she's had more female relationships. She's not shy about who she's having sex with. Plus, you know she's not a kid anymore. She has a family and a relationship that extends to other family members. She wouldn't bring that into her life. She just wouldn't. If she wasn't going to allow a man into her life all those years before Brad she isn't 4 kids and Brad Pitt later going to have some side relationship with some woman. And besides I get the feeling when it comes to each other her and Brad don't share. They're too into each other

  120. Leo, you don't have to convince me it isn't Angelina. In my first sentence I said I did not think it was her. But you can't convince me that Angelina or anyone else tells everything about their personal lives to the press. Although I do agree she is very open.

    You can't assume you know everyone Angelina has slept with.

  121. Leo and Henry, Angelina Jolie has identified herself as "bisexual":

    Angelina Jolie Bisexual Quotes:

    Jane magazine readers voted Angelina Jolie as the female actor who makes their knees weak. To which Jolie responded, "They're right to think that about me, because I'm the person most likely to sleep with my female fans. I genuinely love other women. And I think they know that."
    About Lara Croft Jolie said, "Can you imagine Lara Croft as a lesbian?...At the end of the day, I really like women. I'd love it if the girls in the cinema watching Lara Croft find me just as hot as their boyfriends do."
    In an interview with Elle magazine, Angelina Jolie said, "Honestly, I like everything. Boyish girls, girlish boys, the heavy and the skinny. Which is a problem when I'm walking down the street."
    "When I was 20, i fell in love with somebody who happened to be a woman."
    "I was open about it (bisexuality) because I wanted people to know that I had been with a woman. i spoke about it because I'd discovered something wonderful and I thought people should know my experience was very real, very normal."
    When Barbra Walters asked her if she was bisexual, Jolie responded, "Of course. If I fell in love with a woman tomorrow, would I feel that it's okay to want to kiss and touch her? If I fell in love with her? Absolutely! Yes!"
    "I love women and men equally and I see people and love as love, so I think it makes sense that a woman would know I'd appreciate and love her as much as I would a man."
    "I've never hidden my bisexuality. But since I've been with Brad, there's no longer a place for that or S&M in my life," The Sun quoted her, as telling French magazine Public.

    And to clarify, I really don't have an opinion about Angelina Jolie being the "same team" person in this BI, but I think dismissing her because she's only admitted to having one specific relationship with a woman is a little, uh, quick.

  122. I've never hidden my bisexuality. But since I've been with Brad, there's no longer a place for that or S&M in my life," The Sun quoted her, as telling French magazine Public.

    She never gave that interview. Those are made up quotes and the other one's are really old. Again, like I said she's obviously very open and if she continued any type of romantic relationships with women she wouldn't lie about it.

    What I find funny is that everyone is so quick to think it's Angelina as opposed to others who it fits so much better.

  123. Okay, one last comment and then it's back to work for me:

    The BI also doesn't give any time period when these relationships occurred. So we should probably also not assume that they're recent or that they've even been within the past couple of years. They could have been before Brad Pitt.

    Again, I really have no opinion on whether this is Angelina Jolie or not. I do think the identity of the OTHER A list actress is the more interesting question.

  124. If Angelina is such a mad lesbian then how do people reconcile that she's a man eater? HA. Doesn't make sense. If she's busy chasing women then how does she have time for men and vice versus? She's made a choice in her life to be with a man (which she seems to have consistantely done since she was 20) People have this need to believe that Jolie is going to screw Pitt over. Whatever

    Hudson/Heigel/Barrymore it's one of that group

  125. I meant to say thank you to leila for reposting that "what makes an a-list female" post because I'd forgotten that he doesn't consider Nicole A list, which incidentally I'm one of the probably few people who agrees with this...her name alone does tend to spark more interest in whatever film she is doing, but her box office track record is too hit-or-miss to solidify her A list status or warrant her big paycheck IMO.

    Ent says one of the A+ listers is no stranger to women. That doesn't mean the actress has been in any serious relationships with a woman, just that she is no stranger to being physically intimate with them. As a matter of fact, this actress may have never been known to like women in real life. Have any of these A-listers ever played a lesbian/bi character or done a scene with another woman, and that could be what Ent is talking about?

  126. Well, Cate certainly has, Aniston has, I can't remember about Nicole...Sharon Stone has, Latifa, Swank has

  127. Hudson and Heigel aren't A+ film actresses. I'd argue that they aren't even A list.

  128. Juliane Moore's another one

    Heigel's the only female since Julia Roberts to open a rom/com on her own

  129. I do consider Nicole Kidman to be A+ list, and she's the first one I thought of while reading this! There has been mention of female lovers in her past, so the other one would have to be someone who never had those whisperings. But Ent doesn't consider her A for some odd reason, so whatever. I personally consider her at the very top of the A list....

    I think Penelope Cruz is likely because she is a serial bearder of gay men. So there is likely something going on with her. Catherine Zeta-Jones was very masculine looking before her nose job, and she has a high waist-to-hip ratio, which is the most medically reliable indicator of masculinization. It is also frequently correlated with lesbianism!

  130. I will say this about AJ re: is she or isn't she bi.

    I think you don't have to be in a relationship with someone to want to sleep with them, so I'm not understanding why peole are using the lack of known serious relationships as a reason to say AJ is not bi.

    One thing that I always found interesting was when Angie once said she had multiple lovers stored away (someone mentioned this above as well). This was right before Brad. But she never named them, and years later they have never been named nor have they come forward to try to sell their story. I found that interesting only because the paps are always up AJ's ass and you'd think they would have found that dirt by now, or that one would have gotten greedy for money or some face time and sold the story to someone, especially when at the beginning of Brangelina.

    All that is to say that if she can keep her male lovers under wraps that well it's just as plausible that she can keep a female concubine under wraps too. People say Angie is open, and she is certainly more frank than most, but I think that frankness is actually a bit of a cover. I believe she actually likes to keep most of her private life just that and does a damn good job of doing it. She could probably make a fortune selling her secret to other celebs.

    I suspect this magnificent woman is someone who works on movie sets (stylist, PA, etc.) and if she met them during filming it would be easy for her to 'spend months' with each actress as it would have been her job to do so.

  131. Gayla, that is a really interesting thought! Unfortunately, my work computer seems to block searches for "lesbian movies", so I'm no help. (I also may have some explaining to do tomorrow . . . )

  132. Oops, I forgot to include that I don't even think Angelina is either actress, but I was pointing out that she really can't be eliminated just because we hardly know of any time she was with a woman. But enough of AJ, back to speculating.

    Nowhere in the blind does Ent specify that the woman was actually in a monogamous relationship with either actress at that time, so she could just have been a well paid "companion" for those months for all we know, not much different from the blinds about the c-listers who are escorts or who get paid to "spend some time" with someone. Or like I said above, it's someone that they had to work with while on a set or doing some other project.

    I think the words 'magnificent' and 'beautiful' are supposed to be hints. Not sure how or from what though.

    I'm not very up on film so I've been stumped as I've been trying to come up with some 'permanent' A-list actresses. I agree with liveunderarock that knowing Ent, at least one of the women is not a "right now" A-lister, and there is no time frame given for this (especially since the woman spent two several-month periods with each woman).

    "The only thing these two A+ listers have in common is the huge amount of money they get for making films." The present tense implies that we should be thinking of people who are still acting at least occasionally though, but I can't think of anyone past Meryl Streep (or maybe Diane Lane?) Is Meg Ryan considered permanent? It would kind of be a hoot if it's an old blind and one of the women is Sophia Loren. I don't know why I just thought of that.

  133. Ent is not saying that the A listers are sharing the same woman. He's saying that at some point this woman has been with two different A listers and he's impressed about how different they both are.

    So, I stand by my choice.

    I think the mysterious woman dated Jolie pre-Brad and is now the same woman that was supposedly house hunting with Renee in Westchester.

  134. Yeah but AJ admitted to booty calls with two different men. She didn't say women or a woman she said men. Her words. She said she was celibate for two years after her seperation and divorce from BBT. I just think she's an extremely open person and she would of admitted to having a relationship with a woman. She might not name her but she'd admit it. She hasn't so it doesn't add up.

    Anyway, I've thought of Meg Ryan also

  135. Remember that old blind about an aging actress having a penchant for porn, so she and her long-standing husband went to therapy for it? The main guess was Meryl Streep. Perhaps that was a manifestation of her penchant for ladies? She is an older actress, thus making her likely different from the younger women who dominate Hollywood--especially a non-white actress, like Penelope Cruz, who is a serial-bearder for gay men.

  136. Hee leila, I would say for your sake it is a good thing it's blocked. I just googled 'lesbian movies' and every result (on the first page at least) seems to be a porn site. I'll have to figure out another search term. Hmm.

  137. gayla,

    when bisexual people say they're bisexual, well, that means they are. c'mon. why question AJs bisexuality?

    It's like saying George Michael is not gay because he once dated women.

    please ...

    She's a bi woman in a committed hetero monogamous relationship. so? she's still bi.

  138. Bi sexual people have continious bisexual relationships. They don't continually enter into hetero marriages and relationships. I think if someone said it couldn't possibly be Nicole Kidman people would insist she's possible. heh

  139. What about Jennifer Connelly? She's A-list and starred in A Beautiful Mind, which is perhaps the clue "beautiful and magnificent" is alluding to?

  140. Bi sexual people have continious bisexual relationships. They don't continually enter into hetero marriages and relationships.

    You clearly don't know anything about bisexual people, Leo!

  141. Wait. Does that post of Ent's really clarify whether he considers Sarah Michelle Gellar A-list? He said that she was a nitpick with his theory because she technically met all the rules, but her franchise(s) are horror movies and he didn't think that should necessarily count. But I didn't sense a final verdict on that.

    Anyway if he DOES consider her A-list then there is that very famous scene with Selma Blair in Cruel Intentions. I just happened to think of that scene.

    (I would not consider her A-list myself, by the way. Just something I figured I'd throw out there.)

    All this typing I've done and I have no guesses to show for it. I should be ashamed.

  142. "The fact that these two completely different personalities and looks could both fall for the same woman just boggles the mind."

    I think this also might be an important clue. I keep getting the feeling the A+ actresses look like polar opposites- like one is blond and the other brunette...

    Also, I thought the beautiful and magnificent remark had more to do with the shared lady then with our A+'s. I thought EL was just wondering who this unknown 3rd person was - what made her so irresistible to these two polar opposites.

  143. I'm just playing devil's advocate because people are so sure AJ's had all these lesbian relationships even though she's never spoke of any except 1 and since that time has had only hetero relationships/marriages

  144. I don't think it's Renee. I still think it's a Drew connection

  145. Yeah Gossip Monger, I'm digging for clues. I threw Zeta-Jones, Connelly, and Kidman out there, but I think it could also be Meryl Streep and Penelope Cruz (totally dissimilar!). But which one of them is no stranger to women? Dunno. Cruz is a serial-beard, so there have been rumors before, though nothing as overt as Barrymore.

  146. What if it's a Reese/SMG connection? Cruel Intentions

  147. What if the "no stranger to women" thing is a trick? Kate Winslet is in the photo gallery, and her first movie was Heavenly Creatures, which had her exploring a whirlwind lesbian love affair with her best friend.

  148. It could be a play on the word "stranger"

    No stranger to women. Maybe it's not in a sexual way but more of an advocate or strong feminist that people think is a lesbian and now it's supposedly confirmed?

  149. Twisted...I absolutely, in no way meant to imply that Jesse James is gay. He seems ultra manly. But perhaps, back in the day, when Sandra was hanging with Matt, maybe she experimented a little. She seems like a person who may have taken the road less travelled, danced to a different drummer, but did so outside of the spotlight.

  150. @ a:

    when bisexual people say they're bisexual, well, that means they are. c'mon. why question AJs bisexuality?

    I wasn't questioning it, actually. I have no opinion one way or the other actually. I've been rambling quite a bit so apologies if there was any confusion in my post. What I was saying was that:

    a) just because we don't know of her being involved with any woman, doesn't mean she hasn't been involved with any woman; and

    b) I think she is actually a private person and uses her 'openness' as a front to keep people from digging into her life as much as they otherwise would (if you assume she's so open about her life then there's no incentive to look for more dirt, right?). So if she has been with any women it's plausible that she's hidden it really well.

    Again, I actually have no opinion one way or the other about it, I just don't think there is any evidence to prove what her sexual orientation is one way or the other.

    We should all probably just agree to disagree on this one.

  151. Leorising, good thought.

  152. Gayla,

    It sounds like the two A-listers are currently A-listers: "(when I say A+, there is no wishy washy, they are A+)". (I'm an idiot and don't know how the HTML tag things work, but he says "they ARE A+".)

    No hint about when the affairs occurred, so maybe they happened before the A-listers were A-listers.

    Gossipmonger, from the way Ent describes the in-common woman, it does sound he is baffled about who she is that she attracted (a) these two A-listers and (b) two completely different women. He doesn't sound like he knows who she is because he doesn't know what her attraction is for the two actresses.

    Again, I'm looking at Ent's list, defining who HE thinks is definitely A-list ("no wishy wash"), and thinking maybe one very smart, serious actress (Jodi Foster?) and one kind of flaky, funny actress (Cameron Diaz?). Or one dark-haired, free-spirited vamp (Angelina Jolie?) and one very controlled, blond type-a personality (Reese?).

    (Now I wait for Angelina's grandma and auntie to jump all over what I think was a very nice description of Angelina.)

  153. What if it's a Reese/SMG connection? Cruel Intentions

    No connection. The two actresses have nothing in common except for being A+ list actresses and a big paycheck. Besides which, SMG and Reese are both blond (usually) and have good-girl images.

    Interesting side note, SMG and Reese only shared one scene in that whole movie despite being the female leads and that crazy plotline connecting the two of them.

  154. Who's a real advocate for women and works with women who'd be considered A list? Foster for sure.

  155. I'm going to say Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep, with Winslet having played a lesbian in her first film. I also think it might be Penelope Cruz.

  156. Yeah but then your play on words theory wouldn't matter because Foster is obviously no stranger to women in the traditional sense either.

  157. Right. She's sort of an obvious choice which means it's not her. lol.

    No stranger to women...Hmmmm. Who's really involved in women's causes?

  158. wonk- the only issue i have with kate w and meryl s is well- i think their personalities are similar- both serious actresses and both mothers

  159. reese- breast cancer walk

  160. Is Susan Sarandon too old? She recently made comments about being gender neutral when it comes to love and she's a big advocate

  161. What about Keira Knightley as one of the actresses.
    She's been nominated for an oscar and she's was the female lead for a blockbuster franchise (Pirates of the Carribean). Definitly A-list

    Just throwing out some new names :)

  162. @ tammy21: I have a feeling Ent would not quite consider Keira A+. She was the female lead of PotC but hardly the main attraction. I don't think she could open a movie on the strength of her own name alone. She is one of those B or B+ list but with A list recognition types.

    I'm leaning towards an older-younger dichotomy. Someone suggested Meryl and Salma. I was thinking along the lines of Meryl but I don't think Salma is A list. So...let's just go with the Meryl guess for now. Meryl as far as I know always seemed to have a sarcastic wit, and is a bit aloof. And is/was blonde. Who else is very opposite of Meryl...Julia? Drew? If it's a contemporary of hers then who could it be - Kathleen Turner, Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Diane Keaton, Diane Lane...?

    Just because it hasn't been thrown out there yet and with not one reason to back it up, I'm going to say it's Meryl and Julia.

  163. The only thing resembling a clue to the actual identities of the A+ actresses are the two A+ actresses Ent included in today's posts. Kate Winslet is in the photos and there is a post devoted to Charlize.
    There is a mention of Mira Sorvino. But I think I recall Ent discussing something about her being B list.

    Go with me here. If it were Kate and Charlize, do they have anything in common other than dying their hair blonde? Does anyone know of anyway they might have a trainer, manicurist, stylist, make-up artist, yoga teacher, etc. in common, who could have been the lover?

    As I said earlier, I don't think the other woman is famous or has been photographed. From Ent's wording, I don't think he knows what the lover looks like. If there were any photos of her on the web, Ent would have found them. He would know if she was beautiful or magnificent.

    Thanks in advance. We weren't getting any closer to solving it while we were discussing Angelina. So we might as well play devil's advocate and see if we can find anything that might point to Charlize and Kate.

  164. I'm going with the Julia Roberts guess. I think she's more A+ list than a lot of the other ideas. And who has a completely different personality than her who has shown a propensity for the same team? I'm going with Drew Barrymore on that one. That's my guess - Drew/Julia.

  165. Oh, I thought of another good one that is older. What about Jane Fonda and someone?

  166. Reese still takes her kids to church, has them baptized, I doubt it would be her.

    One of the stupider statements I've ever read. Are you saying religious people don't get up to mischief, because they have kids and are religious?

    My God, open your eyes girl. Religious, pious people are often the WORST for downlow behavior, preaching one thing and doing another.

    How is having her kids baptized anyway a barrier to what she does in the bedroom? If she cared so much she wouldn't (in theory) be publicly bedding Jake outside marriage would she (in theory of course, snce anyone with a brain in their heads knows she aint)! But she's happy to let the tabs think that.

  167. My guess Nicole Kidman and Jodie Foster

  168. not jodie, trust. and charlize and kate(luv both) not A+, also not susan s. or cher def./ salma and penny not A+.....i'm starting with A+ girls that like girls...angie,keira,latifa(A+ black actress)renee,nicole,(forget cami and drew too obvious)sorry, still like RENEE and QUEEN opposites in every way.

  169. depends of course how old the gossip is....could change everything....remember Timmy/Shimmy?! WE COULD BE TOO 2008! A+ 20 years ago or 25 years ago?

  170. @captiva: That's a good point. If Ent is feeling generous, maybe he could clarify if this BI is from the past or if the mutal hook-ups occurred months or years apart.
    Of course, that cold give it away...

    I really like your guess of Renee and Queen!

  171. I hate to seem stupid, but what does Ent mean by a franchise?

  172. jolie and zellweger?

  173. regarding magnificent or beautiful , didn't The Gay Midget Dwarf use those words repeatly in his couch jumping rant??? Perhaps GMD is somehow a clue. Strangley enough, I can link him to several of our guesses and just thinking he might point the way to one of the ladies if not both.

  174. Sunnyside, a franchise is a series of movies playing the same character. Speed for Sandra would be considered a franchise, Die Hard for Bruce Willis, SMG had the Scream movies and the Grudge, Jolie has the Lara Croft movies, etc...

    Hope that helps.

  175. Definitely going with Angelina Jolie and Renee Zellweger. Jolie is a no brainer. Zellweger would be unexpected and remember, she and Kenny Chesney did have their very short-term marriage annulled due to "fraud". But neither side explained what fraud they were referring to. I think she's the best possibility.

  176. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I read a blind Item somewhere about Zellweger...something about her "after serveral fail relationships wit men this woman is now happily in love with a woman". So I think it's her, but Charleze always gave this gay vibe too me.

  177. Oooooh, now I re-read the blind, armed with ENT's quotes about what he thinks constitutes A List Status....

    Look how he describes it in the blind: "When I say A PLUS there is no wishy-washy they are A PLUS. He makes sure we know that not just A, but A PLUS listers are involved here. Now, go back and read what he says about Drew Barrymore in his dissection of A-List status.

    He clearly thinks Drew is A+, not just A, and he in fact, can't believe she's not higher up than she is!

    So, Drew is one of our girls for sure. A+, or, "so A list it isn't even funny" as Enty puts it.

    So, now...knowing what we know about Drew, who among the A+ listers is her polar opposite?

    Drew is kind of an "America's Sweetheart" type: healthy of body, sweet of attitude, casual in her fashion. She has a history w/ladies

    Kiera Knightly is: shockingly thin, Foul-mouthed and negative, and her fashion sense tends toward the avant garde and runway-esque. Barrymore reps Cover Girl, Knightley reps Chanel...Kiera's Not the "America's Sweetheart" type. Heck, not even an American actress...and no known history with gals (publicly, at least).

    Drew & Kiera?

  178. Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman

  179. I say that the A lister who has been known to bat for the same team is Jolie. The BI doesn't say WHEN the "months of time" was spent so her time with Jenny easily fits even though it was years ago.

    There was an "interview" with Jenny several years ago where she said that she'd spent time with Jolie on and off for a very long time.

    No idea who the other one might be. But I say look at who Jenny's hanging out with and you might find her.



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