Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today's Blind Items

This aging Academy Award winning actor was seen doing shots of tequila with a female who couldn't have been more than 21 and possibly younger. He met her at the bar of his hotel, got her drunk and then took her back to his room. When she started getting sick in his room, he called the concierge, asked to be moved and left her in there to be sick. When told that our actor would be charged for two rooms if she stayed in one room and he was in a separate room, our actor told the staff to give her the equivalent of $20 and send her on her way. Our actor didn't actually provide the $20 either, but made the staff provide her with cab fare home. He also said he would not be responsible for any damage she did when being sick on the bed.


Chatty Cricket said...

Cuba Gooding Jr. while he was in London?!

Khemenu said...

good guess chatty

The wording of "the equivalent of $20" made me think it was somebody foreign, but it makes more sense if he was in a foreign country.

Unknown said...

Yeah - it's gotta be someone who was outta country - since the mention of the "equivalent to $20"

PaleBlackSheep said...

Sylvester Stallone was also in London this weekend and traveling to Paris etc for promo of the new Rambo movie.

Didn't he win a Academy award for rocky?

Anonymous said...

Our currencies may not be equal, but douche-baggery is the same all over the world.

jax said...

i hate shit like this- REVEAL!

Unknown said...

I hardly think of 40 year-old Cuba as aging...but then again u never know what's in Enty's mind.

merrick said...

My first thought was mel gibson .. as there have been plenty of cell phone bar pics with him always surrounded by young beautiful girls ..

YahMoBThere said...

I don't think he'd consider Cuba Gooding as 'aging' either. I would think it's more like Kevin Costner, Michael Douglas, someone along those lines.

Chatty Cricket said...

yeah, Cuba was a leap for aging....but he popped into my mind as an academy award winning actor who was out of the country. ;)

Brenda22 said...

Jack Nickolson?

Ice Angel said...

Wow...my first thought was actually Jack.

I also envisioned someone in Mexico on vacation because they were drinking tequila and felt that was a clue.

Ice Angel said...

Jinx Brenda! Crazed minds think alike, huh?

Brenda22 said...

Ice Angel, he's the name the only guys I thought of as I read the blind. haha.

notvotingforsuckno said...

I don't think Jack Nicholson would have been able to hook up with so many young women for so long if he was this stingy.

PaleBlackSheep said...

Taking back my Stallone Guess, he was only nominated for Rocky, didn't win....I am stumped!

YahMoBThere said...

Anthony Hopkins?

Mel said...

Jack's in London at the moment I think, so he's a possibility.

Praetorian said...

My first thought was James Woods. He's an asshole, plus he likes them young. But he never won an oscar.

So maybe it is Jack, after all.

Maybe Nicolas Cage...

YahMoBThere said...

It doesn't state this was very recently, like over the weekend, so I'm not sure we should be looking at who is where right now, or who was at the BAFTA awards.

Dijea said...

My first thought was Jack Nicholson. But who knows

captivagrl said...

sean penn?

kellygirl said...

there are just so many who could be capable of this.

figures I would live in the one place on earth where 40 is considered AGING - even for a man.

Rare Avis said...

Sean Penn rarely drinks tequila. He drinks well what all his friends drink plus an intersting other drink. The one time I did see him shoot tequila was with Javier Bardem which he insisted on. Patron Silver btw. He is a charming man with wee tiny little teeth like Ben Affleck pre-veneers. I must admit I thought it was Sean but I am thinking it is Jack Nicholson.. I saw him on Wednesday or Thursday night? So could be him.. Shheeesh I have dropped so many damn names in this post I have vertigo. Could be the margaritas I have had already?
Oh and TS I went to the grammy party but when I saw Perez Hilton, I knew it was time to leave.

I give Lily Allen a run for her money anyday Ent!

captivagrl said...

i think of nicolson as agED not ageING. that's why i guessed penn.

YahMoBThere said...

Rare, you should have spilled a drink on the bitch before taking off. No more scoops about the party? Come on - dish!

kellygirl said...



Impertinent Vixen said...

Jack is 71 and Michael Douglas is in his 60s -- more like aged than aging. I think early late 40s/50s is aging.

Here's a list of best actor/supporting actor winners since 1977 who are still alive:

Richard Dreyfuss
Jon Voight
Christopher Walken
Dustin Hoffman
Robert De Niro
Timothy Hutton
Ben Kingsley
Louis Gossett, Jr.
Robert Duvall
Jack Nicholson
F. Murray Abraham
William Hurt
Paul Newman
Michael Caine
Michael Douglas
Sean Connery
Kevin Kline
Daniel Day-Lewis
Denzel Washington
Jeremy Irons
Joe Pesci
Anthony Hopkins
Gene Hackman
Tom Hanks
Tommy Lee Jones
Martin Landau
Nicolas Cage
Kevin Spacey
Geoffrey Rush
Cuba Gooding, Jr.
Robin Williams
Roberto Benigni
James Coburn
Russell Crowe
Benicio Del Toro
Jim Broadbent
Adrien Brody
Chris Cooper
Sean Penn
Tim Robbins
Jamie Foxx
Morgan Freeman
Philip Seymour Hoffman
George Clooney
Forest Whitaker
Alan Arkin

Ellen said...

Ahh, a true gentleman this one is!

I'm going w/Benicio Del Toro. No one has aged more than that poor bastard...

captivagrl said...

vix - you could eliminate many on your long list for obvious reasons.

takeme2espana said...

Wasn't there the random of Michael Douglas with the chica recently? Maybe a clue....
Me thinks Gibson is in LA.

Impertinent Vixen said...

captivagirl, yeah. I put the whole list out there and did went to do other stuff. If you eliminate the obvious (too old or young), you are left with:

Timothy Hutton
Kevin Kline
Daniel Day-Lewis
Denzel Washington
Tom Hanks
Nicolas Cage
Kevin Spacey
Geoffrey Rush
Cuba Gooding, Jr.
Russell Crowe
Benicio Del Toro
Chris Cooper
Sean Penn
Tim Robbins
Jamie Foxx
Philip Seymour Hoffman
George Clooney
Forest Whitaker

plot said...

It has to be Cuba.

Rare Avis said...

It wasn't fun for me.

It was a lot of industry suits, wannabes, and hangers on. I love to have fun, but I don't like to pose with a drink.

The PGA (Producers Guild of America) event was much better. The producers were from Michael Clayton, Juno, There will be Blood, No Country for Old Men, and the Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Now that is fun to me.. Jenifer Fox is an unbelievable woman, a force of nature. Not very witty, but she has he most unbelievable cheekbones. I could post the stories for days. She spoke of a character from the film that was cut. She had played the girlfriend in the film to George Clooney. Landed on the floor. Ohh ouch, right?!? When she told her of the cut, she said she had realised it was to be because it intefered with the continuity with the story arc, but looked forward to working with her again. Class, right. I think I would have openly wept if I was the actress.
Reminds me of Craig Ferguson on Lemony Snickets. Watch the deleted scenes.
Kathleen Kennedy was there with Frank Marshall not on the dais, though. It will be broadcast on the reelz channel for all you film geeks..

mandythegreat said...

But would the hotel have known or cared who Cuba Gooding Jr was enough to clean up his mess? I wouldn't know him if he walked up to me and had a sign proclaiming his identity, personally.

YahMoBThere said...

Rare, bummer that the grammy party wasn't fun, but glad you had a good time at the PGA thingie. Jennifer Fox sounds very classy!

What will be broadcast on the reelz channel, and I'm not sure I even get that.

None of the names on the short list are hitting me. I think the person is at least 50.

Rare Avis said...

No clue. Although, I have to be careful swinging loosey goosey here. I have a job that I like to keep!

YahMoBThere said...

Huh? Wha? It's only us here, and we're not going to tell anyone.

Right everybody????? ;-)

kassy said...

My first thought was Mel Gibson, he won for directing Braveheart, is 52 and drinks tequila.

Jolara said...

Rare, didn't you mention something last week about "someone" only drinks Tequila and not some other drink that was mentioned? I could be confused, not unusual for me. LOL.

Mikael said...

that would be Kathleen Turner.

Rare Avis said...

It is a good thing I don't lie because I have a terrible memory! Yes. She claimed that she was hooked on vodka. I had only seen her drink tequila, but trust, I am sure she has enjoyed both in her due time.

I read that Nic Cage was suing her for accusing him of stealing chihuahuas. Apparently, he hasn't looked at his wife lately....heh.

Amber said...

There are too many assholes to choose from. I agree with Jax.. REVEAL!

cheesegrater15 said...

Whew! Finally got an account so I could post!

I think it's either Wacky Jack or Benecio Del Toro. He's hot, but he's such a man-whore. Didn't he bang Scarlett Johannsen in an elevator? I can totally picture them getting it on in a glass elevator.

Am I high or is there music playing at the bottom of the page?

Mikael said...

You're not high... at least I don't think you are. It is probably a video clip from the chatroom. The first day the chatroom was here, I logged on and had the same thing happen and I wasn't expecting it. NOT GOOD! Luckily I hit mute very quickly and eventually figured out how to turn off the chat room.

I can't even imagine which slime-ball would do this blind. Why would the staff take responsiblity for a very drunk 21? year old women and put her in a cab? No wonder these idiot celebrities keep doing disgusting things.

YahMoBThere said...

Vicki, if you ever hear clicking, you're not high then either. It's the teen-time chat room here.


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