Thursday, February 07, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 This A list couple consisting of a B list film actor and B list film actress were spotted in a corner each taking one pill last night. No, they weren't vitamins, because if they were, why all the secrecy and trying to find a place where they wouldn't be seen. Also, vitamins don;t usually glaze your eyes over 30 minutes later.

#2 How much does a wife cost? No, not in spending and shopping and food, but rather, how much would you pay someone to be your wife? Whatever this former teen A lister, and now has been is paying, it must not be enough because his wife keeps threatening to walk out unless he comes up with more dough each month.


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Hmm first one sounded like Jen n Ben in description, but they havent been seen together much lately.

  2. 1- Tom and Katie?

    2- Scotty Baio?

  3. jake and reese for number one LOL

  4. 2. I'm thinking Corey Feldman for some reason. I think he has/used to have a hot wife. and he was a child a-lister. not sure about a teen...

    1. anakin skywalker and that bilson chick. why not.

  5. I thought Scott Baio for #2 also Marisa

  6. Reese is B List?

    On what planet, lol?

  7. Anonymous3:02 PM

    #1 - Ashton & Demi? Demi looks pretty dazed in all the photos from last night. And Ashton is always in a haze.

    #2 - Brian Austin Green & Megan Fox? (Other than his wang, I don't know what else would draw her to him.)

  8. Didn't Baio's wife practically beg him to marry her?

  9. 1. I'm going with the Cruises for this one because of EL's comment about Katie in the photos. (Even though in my world Katie is C-list at best) If it is them this is good gossip. I think xenu prefers to do the mind altering without "Mother's Little Helpers".

    2. So many choices here. But I'll choose "My Fair Brady", Christopher Knight.

  10. uber, I just hate her so much that I can't bear the thought of her being A list. that's all.

  11. wtf -- apparently Baio is kind of a rat, so he's unlikely for #2. Also, isn't he said to still have the first nickel he ever earned?

  12. 1. Tom and Katie, or at least someone connected to Sceintology because of the vitamin comment.

    2. I think the Brady Bunch guy makes sense.

  13. Oooooo, I like the Christopher Knight guess....but is he considered a 'has been'? He never tried to stay in acting, he went off and became a software developer or something...very successful. Then he went on to become the reality whore that he is now, but I don't know that he fits 'has been'.

    Now, Scott Baio--he's definite has been status.

  14. #1 I like the Ashton/Demi guess. But I got a chuckle from the Tom/Katie. Ent didn't say it was the same pill. Katie could be taking the please make me forget pill & Tom the help me to like girls pill.

    #2. Who knows. I'd say Mr. Home Alone, but he was more child star than teen star. If he's a has been who cares about him & his wife. Who is he keeping up appearances for?

  15. #1 screams "cruise's" to me with the mention of "No, they weren't vitamins"

    #2. I immediately thought of Corey Feldman too.

  16. #1 Drew and Justin
    #2 Scott Baio

  17. tangent but blind nonetheless:

    is TYRA BANKS the curvy laxative-scarfing tracksuit pants-pooper and not Kim K?

    i know Basabe is a closeted pig and hardly a credile source but that's a pretty direct call-out to be lying.

  18. 1. is NOT the Cruises. Whackjob scientologists are vehemently opposed to drugs. Not tommy girl, no way.

    2. Why Corey Feldman? Could be but could be a million other people. What about all the "boys" from 90210, Saved by the Bell...

  19. 1. The reese and Jake guess made me snort! I'm going with Justin Long and Drew Barrymore because this totally seems like something they would do.

    2. Scott Baio. Definitely. Have you ever watched his show? The woman puts up with A LOT.

  20. I'm with DN on this one those were the exact guesses that popped into my head.

    I'd pop something, too, if I was going to be in a room with Tom Crazy

  21. Frankie Muniz for #2 ?

  22. jindi, good call. I forgot about that when I ready the poopoo story.

    I'm assuming #1 happened at the Madonna affair, so this is sort of on-topic. Can we come to some conclusion as to what exact procedures Madonna has had on her face? Were those eye bruises really just botox? I know they are injecting Restalyn under the eyes now. I have to admit, her face looks pretty good in pix from last night

  23. Drew and what's his name at Madonna's party for #1

  24. @jindi: Makes sense to me. In any case, it's gotta be one of the two because Tyra and Kim are the most-often photographed wearing those god-awful velour tracksuits (which STILL look tacky even though they probably cost the equivalent of an average person's annual salary).

    I like Gammagirl's guess for #1.

    I also say Feldman for #2. Don't know why, but he immediately popped into my head.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. So, Enty, now B + B = A? Oh, my head is spinning—I'll never understand the list.

    Dijea said...
    Katie could be taking the please make me forget pill & Tom the help me to like girls pill.

    That is hilarious!

    "vitamins" screams Tom Cruise to me, but more likely is Ashton & Demi or Drew & Justin, although I don't know that doing Mac commercials makes you B list.

    And sort of OT, I'm surprised Tom hasn't piped up yet about Britney, how he could "cure" her. I guess he's had enough bad press lately, and doesn't want to go there.

  27. #1 Tomkat. Why does everyone guess Ben & Jen for drugs and cheating? Does he do both? I haven't seen them together very much but don't know the dirt. Fill me in please!!!

  28. The thing about Tyra is on on Dlisted

  29. Madonna doesn't just look refreshed she looks toitally different.

    i say a nose job,botox and an eye lift..the non surgical kind that all the stahs get.
    botox doesn't take 20 years off.

  30. 1- CZJ and Micheal Douglas. the geriatrics loves the oxycontin.

    2-not sure.

    Scott Baio guess, can you be a has been and have a show at the same time? methinks not.

  31. @ princesspea:

    Actually there was a post at ONTD yesterday where Tom was talking about how Scientology could cure her. Did you really think ol' Tom would let us down?

    Speaking of nutty 'tologists, I think #1 must be a couple in scientology. And the secrecy is b/c they know they're not supposed to be taking any pills. Problem is I can't think of a B+B=A film acting couple that are scientologists. Matter of fact if we just look at the A part of the equation, the only scientologist couple I can think of is Tom and katie.

    Katie is nowhere near B list in her career now no matter who is making up the rules, but this may be a case where Ent is stretching the truth a bit to keep it blind? The comment in the photos post about her 'medication' kicking in was interesting since Scientologists do not believe in taking meds. Tom looks slightly glazed over himself, although he is certifiably nuts anyway so it probably doesn't take much.

    #2, my first thought was Christopher Knight and that is the guess I'm going to stick to.

  32. princess, I'm so glad you enjoyed my comment. I chuckled at myself. Its fun to do that.

  33. gayla - you didn't let me down. I must be slacking off, 'cause I sure missed that.

    I see I'm not the only having issues with B+B=A. I like your thought process though.

  34. I don't think it's Christopher Knight because he and Adrianne Curry have come to blows about her alleged interest in the lady-folk. They are a really dysfunctional couple and rumored to be using each other as beards.

    As for Baio, his show isn't raising his profile. If anything, it makes him seem like a controlling douche. Reality TV isn't doing his "career" any favors.

  35. oops - that should read "only one." I think faster than I type.

    dijea - your welcome.

  36. I think they are A list name recognition, but professionally B list, that's why I thought of Ashton and Demi. Although, I'd hardly call Ashton anywhere near B list actor

  37. hey, where is the chat room? Is that still happening?

  38. Demi and ashton
    Scott Baio

  39. On another note, We were right,

    WD= America Young

    I googled Ashlee simpson behind the scenes "outta my head" and there's a video on can see her in a couple of places, especially in the fight sequence shorts.

  40. Who the hell is America Young? Must be one lucky girl to get to attend Pauly Shore's party, pffft.

  41. kellysirkus--the chat room is OK but pretty frenetic--hard to keep up with the pace.

    But considering I have no friends thanks to work these days, it made me feel social a few times today.

  42. Can I just say something real quick. I hate when people refer to Justin Long as "the Mac Guy."

    Didn't anyone see the movie "Waiting?" If not, you should - it's hilarious and has Ryan Renolds playing an even funnier-than-Van-Wilder role.

    He was also in that new Die Hard Movie and Accepted- really funny collegey movie. To me he'll always be "The Waiting Guy." Drew Barrymore's a lucky chick.

  43. Scientologists aren't supposed to be gay either...

    Why did I get singled out with my guesses, sheesh, they were only guesses.

  44. I agree with you Jolara. It is the Cruises. Ent always talks about the glassy look in Katie's eyes.

  45. Exactly! Thanks for the back up Brenda!!!

  46. Jax,

    Not trying to pick but where did you get the idea there is a non-surgical eye lift, or any lift for that matter? Ain't no such thang sweetie. The contour thread lifts are not being performed anymore. Surgery = scarring and downtime and MUCH more bruising than was seen in those pics of M.

    Don't get me wrong Madge has had some recent work done...but not a nose job and all the other stuff mentioned. Downtime from that stuff is a B**ch.

    Unless she has been MIA and I just haven't noticed?

  47. the cheeks are NO DOUBT different.

  48. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Here, here, Melissa. I detest that moniker for him, because he already had a career, starting with Dodgeball.

    Jennifer Connely and Paul Bettany for #1?

  49. marisa and jax, in our house, being "the mac guy" is an honored position!
    i actually like him a lot, and have always loved drew.
    hope they go the distanced.

    as for corey feldman for #2, does he even HAVE any money left? and i don't think christopher knight was a teen A lister. he wasn't really a teen for most of the series, and i wouldn't have called him an "A" lister then. i agree that we're probably talking more 90210 or that type and time frame, don'tcha think?

  50. hey Trix- thanks for the cookie recipe... they are delish!!

  51. Anonymous6:04 PM

    how about scarlett johansson and ryan reynolds for #1

  52. Wasn't Justin Long's first major role as the quirky high school kid in the TV show "Ed" with Tom Cavanaugh?

  53. justin long is also doing stand up in that new vince vaughn comedy/standupcompilationmoviething and he's supposed to be pretty funny, fwiw.

  54. See I think of Justin Long and immediately think of Dodgeball... and his cheerleader tryout mishap. Really I loved that movie...

    And I can see him being B list. So I like the guess of him and Drew for #1.

    I have to admit... I thought BI #2 was Corey Feldman too.

  55. did anyone see the ted c blind?

  56. In the random photos below this entry Ent refers to the medications not kicking in yet for Katie and Tomboy. Hint about it being them for the blind item? Katie looks awfully cheery in that photo, not her usually deer in headlights look.


  57. #2 bud bundy

    not baio or brady bunch, those broads begged those two to marry them.

  58. @ vamp:

    It's been said often but it always bears repeating. I hate the way Ted C rights. Good grief.

    Anyway, the Furrowed Frank sounds like Ryan Seacrest. The only thing off about the story is the concept of him working out.

  59. Another vote for Tom and Katie as number one. I think as Scientologists, they are very much "do as I say," not "do as I do." I totally recall the rumors that Tom was a cokehead and that is how his "manic" energy allowed him to stay up late and work on multiple projects. If Katie gets by on ecstasy, mazel tov honey.

  60. I thought Justin Long was great in "Galaxy Quest." Great in "Dodgeball" too.

    Totally think #1 is Demi and Ashton. Sneaking into a corner to secretly share drugs sounds like something a close couple would do, and I don't think Tom and Katie are really that close. Except for photo ops.

    I would have said Corey Feldman for #2, but don't think he was ever A list. Think maybe Scott Baio for that one and he has to keep paying her because of the TV show?

  61. I like Corey for #2 too but can't help thinking that maybe someone from 90210 is the answer.

  62. I am totally for KatE Cruise and her tiny husband for #1. This makes me happy least they know how to have a little fun ;)

  63. 1. Courtney Cox and David Arquette.

    2. Chad Michael Murray and Kenzie Dalton.

  64. Justin Long is the Herbie Fully Loaded guy! I swear the movie is addictive. My kid loves it and somehow I always get sucked in.

  65. #2 is definitely Chad Michael Murray and whoever his little wife is

  66. if the cruises really work on another baby - like stated, it would be the blue pills, and plenty of them, so that tommy can go for Katie.

  67. My guess is James Van Der Beek for #2. Would anyone beard that for free?

  68. Courtney Cox and what's his name for #1. We all know they love to party...

  69. Anonymous6:37 AM

    feldman not "a" list back in the day?? goonies, dream a little dream, lost boys, stand by me, license to drive. yeah, he was back in the day.

  70. I agree michele. Don't forget Lost Boys. They may not all have been great movies, but he had teen draw for some reason- I was more of a Haim girl :0)

  71. Trix,
    I immediateley thought of Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany, too for #1... No cloue for #2, though.


  73. 1 is tom and katie..."VITAMINS" is the clue...they believe thats all people need rather than antidepressents...

    2. my father knew james van der beek's father in law (he has sinced passed) and he and his wife are for real...

    im thinking someone in the late 80s to mid 90s...

  74. Anonymous8:51 AM

    i was team haim, too. now he's just ick!

    does teen a lister mean the actor was a teen or he was famous with the teens? because feldman was a teen idol whereas the 90210 "kids" were like 30.

  75. Re: non-surgical eye lift. Don't they have a glue/tape thing they do? Thought I remembered seeing something about that. It could've been combined with botox or something else. Whatever she had done, I'd definitely put it in the GOOD plastic surgery category. She looks great. Maybe she went to Demi's doc.

  76. 2. Jason Priestly was my first thought, though someone just said 90210 is out

  77. P.S. Jason Priestly was rumored to have had a BF, one that he called after 911

  78. Mooshki, glue and tape? Maybe in the 1930s but no, not now. M's face has never been that marked/lined. Probably a bit of botox, staying out of the sun, good weekly skincare, facials, maybe some microdermabrasion, etc. Whatever she's doing, it's working.



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