Thursday, February 21, 2008

Today's Blind Items - Jackass

I see everyone is busy with Michael Musto. Thanks to nycer for letting me know Michael had done some. They are rare, but always the best, and other than me, I think he is the only person who regularly reveals blind items which is always a plus. I am in talks with the chatroom people to make the rooms larger and much less, how shall I say, Miley friendly. They will have their home, but hopefully there will be a home for everyone else to have big discussions like the blind items today without being asked asl or asked for sex.

This B- list actress with the A list movie resume. When I say A list movie resume I mean summer type popcorn flicks that do well. Well she was at a premiere recently and decided that she didn't like where the limo driver was going to drop her off. She opened her door and saw that he had missed a spot by about five feet. God forbid she was going to walk the five feet. With the door halfway open she unleashed a verbal tirade against the poor driver that included every four letter word known to man and to Xenu. (not a clue, just thought it was fun to write) After she made him move up the five feet, she opened her own door and then went around to the drivers side and then let him have it again. The guy drove away leaving her there in the street. She then put on her happy face and made nice for the red carpet.


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