Thursday, February 28, 2008

Suzanne Shaw Wins Mum Of The Year

So earlier this week. I think it was this week. Anyway, I posted a photo of Suzanne Shaw and said that I didn't know who she was, but she should watch out for her career if she is already promoting lotteries as a way to make money. Well people commented and wrote me e-mails and explained that she primarily works as a host on television programs and that she is currently on Dancing On Ice which we got rid of here in the States, but is still a huge hit in the UK. She also won the first season of PopStars and was a member of the group Hear'Say.

So, Suzanne must be even more popular than I thought because she has been named Celebrity Mum Of The Year, and in doing so beat out Charlotte Church and former bandmates Myleene Klass and Kym Ryder.

Commenting on her rivals for the award, she said: "I wouldn't say I'm a better mum than Myleene Klass or Kym Ryder. This is for all the mums out there, every celebrity mum. I don't think you can say who is a better mum than who."

What she didn't say is that she knows she is a better mom than Charlotte Church. She knows she kicks Charlotte's ass in motherhood. She knows she can't sing better than Charlotte, but when it comes to raising her kid, she does it better. I also think it is nice that she didn't throw her former bandmates under a bus. No need to burn any bridges when you are doing commercials for the lottery.

Suzanne also had this to say about single moms in general. "It really does annoy me when people criticise single mums. I remember experiencing it when my mum divorced my dad and going to church and being told that divorce was wrong.

"My mum ran out in tears. I would rather my mum was happy than unhappy.

"I'm absolutely disgusted by it. I turn my back on people like that. We don't become mothers because we don't want to stay with our partners. I'm giving Corey a good a life as anybody."

Shaw added: "I do feel it's really good to show that you can do it alone. In the early days I did it alone and it was hard. My son got me through it. Survival kicks in."

Suzanne. Congratulations. Last week I didn't even know your name and now I know way too much about you and will be stuck with all of that knowledge in my head for all time.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Didn't Kerry Katona also win "mum of the year" once?

    just saying.

  2. I'm guessing the fact that she didn't include Charlotte Church was a mere oversight. It happens.

  3. Just did a bit of wiki reading, myself, and good for her! The louse who got her preggers apparently is a notorious a-hole, and both cheated on her while she was pregnant and then walked out when her son was only 4 months old. At least she hasn't sold her kid out for some reality TV program ala Denise Richards... (yet).

  4. Anonymous10:53 AM

    At least she can form coherent sentences and doesnt feel the need to trash on fellow moms. I dont think she's all that bad.

  5. Suzanne Shaw's lovely, she's not a good target for you Ent. She actually has talent and is definitely NOT in of the same breed as Kerry Katona. She's works hard for her money.

  6. Awwwwww.... This: "I would rather my mum was happy than unhappy" makes me really love her.

  7. Wait - was that Charlotte Church mention a reveal?

  8. Yeah she was a shoe in, the other nominees were awful!

    Her ex left her on Mothers day(her first one), told her he was off to give his mother a card and never came back...he is a tosser of the highest order and was once engaged to Anna Friel from that Daisys show and Isla Fischer too.



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