Friday, February 15, 2008

So I Went To Bai Ling's Blog

After reading today about how Bai Ling blamed her whole shoplifting episode on a bad breakup, I wanted to read the quote for myself because she goes through guys a little more quickly than the average person. OK, a lot more quickly than the average person. So, to me that excuse was just crap and she was just trying to get attention like I said yesterday.

Anyway, on her blog, she has deleted any of the references to a bad breakup, but it has been awhile since I had read it and I forgot how much she actually posts. She probably blogs more than just about any celebrity, and it is worth a look when you get the chance. Here is what she wrote late last night.

Here I am in Albuquerque with my heart feeling sad, and my emotions are running through me like a wild river, tears come from the lake of my heart hurt my eyes. Life happens to you either you liked it or not, sometimes I feel you have to be so brave to stand in front of the World, and just hope that people will have a tender heart toward you. Right now I just walked from the set to My trailer, cold, but the evening brightness on the sky is just so beautiful in Albuquerque, so beautiful, it takes my breath away like a bralliant lover, nature is my gift, no matter what happens it always there to confort me give me wisdom and love, how lucky I am to have it and recognise its beauty and power. So beautiful here in Albuquerque, the desert the wild endless land, the stars and the moon so up high there quietly singing a Valentines song. Many many friends called me today but I can not talk because I am shooting, I want to thank all my friends and the people that I don't even know out there cared for me and send me love. Its a gift and I am lucky to have you. Thankful with all my heart to all of you and send my Valentines love smile to you, with my sweet sad heart. Bailing Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

English is not her first language, and honestly she uses English better than most of the American teenagers on MySpace so give her a break on the spelling and such. Anyway, it is a really good blog and does what a blog should. Except for the past few days it doesn't look like she has very many visitors so she could probably use the boost if you all click on it.


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