Scientology Has Lots Of Lawyers
Over at Defamer they got their hands on the letter above sent to US Weekly from Kirstie Alley's lawyers. It seems that Ms. Alley's attorneys took exception to a one line joke that was written in the magazine when Nicole Kidman wore that awful silver pants number. You can click on the Defamer link above and then scroll down to see the photo and comment.
The attorney who wrote the letter makes some good points, but the fact is they are not accurate. The first problem I have is that he immediately throws out the race card. What do Scientology and race have to do with each other? I thought the fact that he even raised that issue is noteworthy in itself.
The second problem I have is that he compares Scientology to the big three religions. I think that most people don't think of Scientology as a religion, but rather more like a lodge like the Elks or some secret society. I don't need a bunch of Elks members e-mailing me. It is just the first thing that came out of my head. It can be the lodge in the Flinstones for all I care.
Here is what galls me the most about the letter. Wow, I used gall in a sentence. That word a day thing is paying off. The last two paragraphs are accusing US Weekly of being narrow minded. Has this guy seen the Tom Cruise video? Has he listened to the attacks leveled against everyone else in the world who is not a Scientologist? Against people who have a different set of beliefs? If Tom Cruise is the #2 at Scientology then it must also follow that his views represent the view of the "church" itself. Therefore it would follow that Kirstie Alley has those same beliefs and I think it is fair to return fire with the same amount of criticism.
I didn't see the Scientology lawyers rushing to apologize for anything Tom Cruise said. All they did was try and get the offending comments out of the public eye. I didn't see them "discharge" Tom Cruise from the church for what he said. Maybe they need to look at themselves before they look at others.