Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Recycle All Those Angelina Pregnancy Stories

As I have told you before I really don't care whether Angelina Jolie is pregnant or not. What I do care about though is having to sit through nine months of the same damn stories as last time she was pregnant. It has already started and I think it should stop. Now. I saw my first Jennifer Aniston is really upset article and almost screamed. Can you guess how the article reads? Of course you can because you have seen the same damn thing a million times. Oh, there are different versions of course. Holiday upset, baby upset, anniversary upset, the list goes on. All I know is that you can expect to see this crap for nine months, and the thing is someone must care or they wouldn't print it. I have been doing my part in not printing any Britney stuff, but she is accounting for about 60% of all gossip right now. 60%!! That is ridiculous that one person commands that much space each and every day.

Anyway back to the Jen thing. Lets take a look at the first few paragraphs.

Jennifer Aniston is "really upset" Angelina Jolie is pregnant.

The former 'Friends' star, who divorced Brad Pitt in October 2005 following five years of marriage, is said to have taken the news of Angelina's alleged pregnancy extremely badly.

A source close to the actress said: "Jennifer is putting on a brave face, but inside she is really upset. She wasn't prepared for how she'd feel when she saw the pictures of Angelina and her bump."It took her by surprise because it was further proof of just how much Brad has moved on with his life compared to her."

The article comes from Star Magazine in the UK and just goes on and on and on with the quotes about how she and Brad would still be together if she had got pregnant and she regrets not having kids and blah blah blah. You know the thing is it all sounds so whiny, but I have no doubts that she just whines and whines and whines all the time so you know it fits. She has probably said these same things repeatedly to David and Courteney to the point where they are probably even more sick of it than you will be reading about it for the next nine months. The only way for this chain letter of gossip to end is for Jennifer Aniston to finally find a guy and stay with him and then after about a year all of these damn whiny stories will be done. Finally. Then we can move on to something that really matters like why David is still married to Courteney.


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