Random Photos Part One
Instead of giving you the usual best dressed, worst dressed, biggest stars of the night, I am sticking with the random photos theme for the most part. Of course I've kissed your ass some and put in many of your favorites, but this whole section is about randomness, so if you want the same twenty photos of the same twenty people, go to People or E!.
As always, if a reader sends me a photo, I will use it. This one is from majik. I just wish that you would all go see someone else in concert besides Linkin Park. Could I get some Barry Manilow please? Here is Linkin Park from London, Ontario. Thanks majik.Amy Adams gets this pot because she has been one of my favorites over the past twelve months and I think it took a lot of guts to sing in front of a billion people. Well, not a billion. I mean it was the lowest rated telecast in Oscar history, so lets call it 750M people.
How many times a day do you think David Carradine gets called grasshopper?
Charlie Cox doing some great things for the Starlight Foundation.
Cate Blanchett looked amazing on Saturday.
Brad Pitt on the other hand thought it was a 70's tribute to Robert Redford. Why doesn't Angelina just invite Robert Redford over to the house, f**k his brains out and let Brad go back to being Brad.
Andrew Dice Clay. Remember when he was causing people to boycott television shows and creating a stir wherever he went? Now he just looks old and like a candidate for the Surreal Life.
Ellen Page at least got herself an Independent Spirit Award.
The lovely Eliza Dushku
I just thought you might find Damian Perkins to be someone you would like to see more of in the future.
Good to know that Josh Brolin and Diane Lane know how to have some fun.
Daniel Day Lewis with his pearly whites. Ummmm. Yeah.
Harvey Walden is a one man sex parade through LA.
The first time George Clooney ever brought a date to the Academy Awards. That Valentine's Day prediction is looking better and better.
Gallows - Leeds
Faye Dunaway had to yell who she was more than once to the photographers.
The Fakers - Sydney
Jason Dundas is another newcomer to Random Photos.
Johnny Depp and the lovely Vanessa Paradis. I said lovely because she isn't smiling.
Javier Bardem looking casual.
Javier Bardem looking formal.
Ice - T, Little Ice T, and the woman that seems awfully close to both.
Meatloaf has seen better days.
Jeremy Piven and Marion Cotillard wouldn't be the worst couple in the history of celebrity couples.
If I didn't tell you this was Lauren Holly would you have known it was her?
Sung to the tune from TimeWarp. "Lets do the duck walk today."
At some point you would hope that Joan Van Ark's plastic surgeon would just say no to more money.
Aaaaah. The 80's An Academy Award Winner Marlee Matlin now doing Dancing With The Stars, and Steve Guttenberg just happy to be recognized.
My favorite photo of the weekend. Rainn Wilson hosting the Independent Spirit Awards.
My Hee Haw photo of the weekend. Tanya Tucker and her daughter Pressly.
The Independent Spirit Awards should have a Parker Posey award.
Marisa Tomei was just pissed there wasn't an open bar.
More Cate Blanchett, but this time with Viggo Mortensen.
Hard to believe the whole island was fighting over Ginger.
The odd couple in a photo this weekend. Tiffany and Dennis Rodman.
My second odd couple of the weekend. Tracey Edmonds and Rocco Dispirito.
Wow. Sex with a supermodel even made Sean Penn smile.
OMG - does ANYONE in LA actually age well??? And about those Daniel Day Lewis teeth? By UK standards, those ARE pearly whites...
ReplyDeleteDaniel Day-Lewis is a handsome man, no matter what. Not only that, but he's eloquent and sensitive, and that man deserved his award. Seriously, I'd rather have a talented person make the cut, than one who has had the right surgeon cut them. Ya know?
ReplyDeleteWho is with Harvey? Is that his wife?
ReplyDeleteAnd speaking of Celebrity Fit Club, Tiffany looks like she gained it all back. Sad.
Okay, I LOVE LOVE LOVE DDL, but fuck, do they NOT have Crest White Strips in the U.K.?????? I'd do him anyway, but still.
EL wrote:
"Ice - T, Little Ice T, and the woman that seems awfully close to both."
WHAT does THAT mean? Was there a blind about this?
Tom Cruise looks like he's out with his mom on Easter Sunday.
Why do people think a pregnant woman's stomach is fair game? I never understood the strangers who would come up and pat or touch my stomach when I was pregnant. It was so annoying. Once, I lost my cool and this sweet little old lady came up and started rubbing my belly and said, "You're pregnant! First time?" I said, "No, we did it a lot." and walked away. Hate to be rude, but wow, that gets old really fast.
So is Marisa a boozer? Is this the reason why she disappeared???
ReplyDeleteYIKES! George is looking way too skinny. What the hail is that all about?
KatE Cruise appears to be a GIANT.
Isn't this just Clooney's third time at the Oscars? He's like Theron -- he only goes when invited....
ReplyDeleteOh Yeah, Meatloaf askeers me.
ReplyDeleteYellowish teeth or not, Daniel Day Lewis kicks so much ass.
ReplyDeleteI love Viggo. That man is in a league of his own. Top notch talent, and from all appearences a stand-up person too.
ReplyDeletets - you'd turn down getting felt up by Viggo? I'd get pregnant just for the chance. (And that'd be a feat!)
ReplyDeleteMarisa looks awesome in that suit, shame about the cheap hair dye.
twisted, your comment re being pregnant reminds me of all the "Oh, you're on your honeymoon!" comments we got ... Finally, I just replied sweetly by saying, "Well, he is." That usually did the trick...
ReplyDeleteI love that Daniel Day-Lewis doesn't bleach his teeth!
ReplyDeleteOMG Tiffany has apparantly taken to wearing prom dresses from the era she was famous in.
ReplyDeleteWhats with the bottom line of Joan Van Ark's eyes? Is that funky poorly done brown eyeliner every time she's photographed...? or what? What is going through this crazy persons mind, that she goes out looking like that. Good makeup can cover all that fug--just look at Cameron Diaz!
Not surprised Georgie took the gal pal to the Oscars. They're getting so chummy, I'm thinking he's finally feeling that pull to get married and keep the 'mo rumors under wraps.
"Good to know that Josh Brolin and Diane Lane know how to have some fun."...when he's not beating her, you mean?
Brad Pitt is sooo channeling Hunter S Thompson with that whole look...if Hunter S were partial to weaves and hair plugs...
That camera angle on TomKat is just....precious.
ReplyDeleteBrad Pitt looks more like Brad Davis than Robert Redford in that pick.
OK-anyone out there love Rainn Wilson as much as I do???
ReplyDeleteAlthough not in the random photos, did anyone notice how Nicole Kidmans breasts grew so much this last week. It seems there were pics of her last week, maybe they were old but I thought they were current, and she had no boobies. I know mine were the first thing to grow. Before I even knew I was preggo, someone commented on how large my breasts were. Now, suddenly, her are huge. It's nuts.
ReplyDeleteI had the same thought about George. For some reason, this whole relationship seems a bit contrived. All I keep reading is "George had his arm on the small of her back the entire time"...he's always been private now all of a sudden he's going overboard. Maybe I'm wrong, but something's not what it seems.
Mistik, great line! I wish I'd thought of that. ;-)
ReplyDeleteDN, well now that you put it THAT way, honey...NO! Viggo can feel me up anytime, preggers or not.
Before we get too ridiculous with the Viggo-touching-Cate's-tummy thing, remember that they starred together in Lord of the Rings and must know each other very well. I sincerely doubt he's taking liberties... he seems like a very hands-on guy in general, with affection and what-not.
ReplyDeleteEnt, I love your column, but give Vanessa the credit she deserves. Try not to be so obsessed with teeth. What did we do 200 years ago if we didn't like our smile. Sheesh, we deal. We take what we have and enjoy it, part of the human condition. Again, love your site, L
ReplyDeletePimmy, nobody is getting ridiculous - these are off handed comments on a gossip blog. Don't take them seriously. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAww it's lovely to see Cate and Viggo together again. Classy, both of them.
ReplyDeletePoor Vanessa dare not open her mouth in public these days with the American obsession for fake teeth. Not healthy real teeth - the American ideal is as fake as a set of dentures.
"Okay, I LOVE LOVE LOVE DDL, but fuck, do they NOT have Crest White Strips in the U.K.?????? I'd do him anyway, but still."
ReplyDeleteCourse we have them, TS! Or the same stuff under a different name. My friends use them. (I tried them & they hurt like hell - my teeth are sensitive).
DDL, though, probably just doesn't give a shit! ;-)
Love Eliza Dushku, but I'm not keen on that dress. If it weren't for the cleavage, it'd fit right in to 'Big Love'.
Nah, your two newbies don't do much for me - sorry Ent! But Rainn.... that's a hunk o' burning love, right there... ;-P
Another thought - does George's girlfriend remind anybody else of the robot, April, that Warren built for himself in 'Buffy'?
ReplyDeleteThat is, if I haven't just blinded you all with my geekiness... ;-)
Joan Van Ark is starting to look like that cat woman, Joslyn whatever...the woman who has had so much plastic surgery to look like a cat. Yikes!
ReplyDeleteTania, you know what MY friends are using because 1) it causes less sensitivity to the teeth, 2) it's much cheaper and 3) two different dental hygienists recommended it? Are you sitting down? Murine Ear Wax drops. Both things contain Carbamide Peroxide which is the whitening agent. You just paint it on with a q-tip. Today's trivia.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Joan Van Ark would look as ghastly if she would nix the nude lipstick and go with something that might cover that shit up. Ye Gods, man.
ReplyDeleteOoo! Tania, I know who you're talking about and yes, she does!
ReplyDeleteI suppose my posting name gives away what a "Buffy" geek I am...
Tom looks....mini-wee. KatE looks GIANT. Can't believe they didn't check for the angle first...lol.
ReplyDeleteCan't believe that's Lauren Holly...she used to be soooooo pretty!!
btw...Linkin Park was an AMAZING concert--highly recommended. Look for Foo Fighter and Raine Maida pics Easter weekend!!
About Joan Van Ark: The plastic surgery is definitely out of control, but her makeup choices make her look worse. I don't know how she can think that nude lipstick works, and that weird taupe color she uses for her eyebrows and eyes is hideous.
ReplyDeleteAlso, she looks like she's using some kind of color-correcting base without adding foundation. Her skin color looks ashy. Good gawd, it's awful.
Do these people actually think they look normal? I don't get how they look in the mirror, & still go out in public.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is something about Ceorge Clooney--EVERY report always labels him the "confirmed bachelor". What's with that?
I hope he doesn't have AIDS--he does not look healthy at all. This relationship does seem to be a publicist's invention.
How cute katie brought her Polly Pocket.
ReplyDeleteRocco is GAY damnit..get a man who likes fish Tracey.
Rain, you are supreme.
You know the Pivert is a lech but i wouldn't say no to Ari. Marion is amazing....you must rent Love me if you Dare.
Talking of Ricky Horror, Van Ark would make a good RiffRaff... sorry, Richard O'Brien.
ReplyDeleteIn this photo, Sean Penn looks like a life-sized cutout of himself. I surely hope Petra didn't schtup him. Ew.
Ginger looks fine. So does Meatloaf. So does DDL. And of course, Cate. However, neither Lauren Holly nor Eliza look good.
Viggo would have asked to touch before doing so.
Marion has a boyfriend. She doesn't do hookups. Piv is dreaming. Speaking of which, one year Piv took his mom to where was it? The Emmys?
As I figured would happen, Marion's hair and makeup were subpar. Shame.
Are people really still pissed because Depp hooked up with Paradis? Jesus. It's been 8 years. GTF over it.
Twisted Sister,
ReplyDeleteLOL - really? Who'd have thought? Thanks for the tip, I'll see If they sell those over here!
just a tad... ;-) Many of my online pals have names like that - dead giveaways, all! Me too, I just don't use it here.
Yep, she's April to a 't'. I wonder if George has programmed her with 'special skills'? *snerk*
Is it just me, or does Clooney's gal look a tad too much like Mirah Carey's cousin? Ehhhsh.
ReplyDeleteoooooh-wheeee - methinks JoanVanArk has had some really bad cosmetic tatooing done(eyeliner/brows) AND probably is wearing nude lipstick to take the eye away from those nasty restylened lips....ever try cooking something that doesn't turn out- you try to fix it and that only makes it worse..that's what happens to a lot of redone faces....you'd think, however, they'd have enough $$ to get it done right the first time....meow
ReplyDeleteGeorge has some kind of "medical condition" he doesn't want known ('member back to the motorcycle accident/hospital visit?).
ReplyDeleteMy smutty sense is tingling over that one.
When I saw Sarah on the carpet with George, my jaw dropped to the ground. If this isn't a publicist intervention, I'd like to say
"Well played Sarah, well played".
He does seem to enjoy the company of brunette pretties who know how to keep their mouth shut in public.
Love the comments!
ReplyDeleteI am assuming Marisa is the answer for the open bar/free booze blind a couple of weeks back.
Viggo could touch me anytime any where, husbands...what husband?
Also, Katherine Heigl brought her mom to the Oscars, (as in previous discussion) and they had an argument in the restaurant fueled by martinis, according to Lainey who was sitting next to them, hmm I wonder what it was about....
And, lastly, please forgive my lingo-illiterateness, what is 'mo in reference to George Clooney, unfortunately he rings my gaydar, but what does 'mo mean?
@sis: 'mo=homo
Yeah I feel ya. Remember those first reports about the Fabio fight, and how we all heard George was with a male friend? Then suddenly it was all about how he didnt want to be photographed with a lady friend. And then the photos come out, and boom, he's with a man. Fishy stuff.
Nah, I'm sure Joan was just getting ready for a role as a Wraith on Stargate: Atlantis.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to ask Katie, while Tom is standing next to her, "What does your son want to be when he grows up?"
If you hadn't said Lauren Holly, I might have guessed Kathy Griffin.
Sorry, Ellen Page is cuter than Eliza.
did sean peen have work done? it's like i'm in a time warp and he's just waiting for madonna to come slap some bitches.
ReplyDeleteNo dissing DDL - I'll never forget him in last of the Mohicans. Yum Yum. Plus he's smart, even if he is kinda batshit crazy. And he likes to smile!
ReplyDeletewhen i first saw the lauren holly pic i thought it was reba ...
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone think that pic of Rocco Dispirito looks like Mario Lanza?
ReplyDeleteI just dated myself, didn't I?