Monday, February 18, 2008

Random Photos Part One

I put Bonnie Hunt on top basically because I wasn't really paying attention. That being said, I think she is far funnier than and far more talented than she gets credit for.
John Corbett and Bo Derek still going strong. She is almost 52 and looks incredible.
I guess Ashley Judd wanted to avoid a repeat of the see through, rain soaked white t-shirt incident from the Indy 500.
Aretha Franklin - Los Angeles
Dominic Purcell. I know you love him and he is such a nice guy that he brought his mom to the Irish Film and Television Awards.
I love Colm Meany, but he has seen better days than this one.
The CLEO bachelor of the year finalists.
A few things about this photo. Celine Dion is in Africa visiting a feeding station. Hopefully she got a meal because she was the thinnest person in the place. Also, cut your kid's hair and has he actually ever heard of or listened to Lynyrd Skynyrd or are you just trying to make us think he is cool.
Tough to Twist in pants when they are about five sizes too small.
Mariah Carey on the set of her new video. Guess it will be much like all her other videos where she wears barely any clothes and makes us all think all she does is walk around half naked drinking champagne. Oh, well actually I guess they are more of a documentary rather than a music video.
Kate Winslet looking stunning as usual.
Hello Katheryn Thomas. Where have you been all my life?
Jonathon Rhys Myers at the Irish Film and Television Awards.
Eric Bana in Spain. If you go through all his photos from that night he will make you crazy because he doesn't know what to do with his hands.
In case you are one of the three or four people on earth who wanted to know what Trisha Yearwood looked like lately.
Simply Red - London
Patton Oswalt approaches this award show as all celebrities should now and in the future.
Neil Young - Amsterdam
I know I am going to hell, but Mel Gibson doesn't look bad at all.


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Looks like Katheryn Thomas spilled a bottle of Marvelous Magenta nail polish.

  2. celine - you and kate hudson should take those little boys to the barber shop. they are not girls. if you really want girls try again.

  3. Dominic Purcell took his mom to an award show!!! Isn't that the international signal saying I'm gay?

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    ha ha ew Jonathon Rhys Myers' porn stache

  5. ashley looks on the verge of tears.every thing on her is wrong but i'm sure very meaningful somehow to ms. batshit crazy. the key, the ribbon, the cheap old lady gardening hat, etc.... i'd love to see the the rest of the crazy get-up.

  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Mel looks intoxicated, but cleaned up well. I'll stand by ya, Ent.

    JRM looks like rehab didn't do anything.

  7. I absolutely LOVE Bonnie Hunt! I think she's funny, smart and gorgeous. I hope I look as good as she does at her age (or mine for that matter!)

    Love John Corbett. He is soooo hot! I fell in love with him in Northern Exposure and fell in love all over in SATC and MBFGW.

    Why is it that 2 of the most talented singers in the world are so...well...ICK!!!

    Mel actually looks HOT! Like the old Mel we used to love!

    Good call on Simply Red too!

  8. Woohoooo!!! Home girl got top slot. Thanks, EL!

    I'm glad Bo Derek and John Corbett are still together. They've always looked really happy together.

    Hoo baby, was Aretha ever pissed that Beyonce introduced Tina Turner as 'the queen'. That confused me, too. Everybody knows Aretha is the queen of soul.

    What is it with celebs and their long haired boys? It looks stupid, people.

    Patton Oswalt, Neil Young AND Mel Gibson all look good. Must be the lighting.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Whoa! No RR. Thanks ENT!

  11. mel looks like his wax figure at toussauds.

    even with the shirt the kid don't have a hope in hell.

  12. I adore John Corbett.

    Bonnie Hunt looks great there.

    If I was a Hollywood person, I'd be hammered at EVERY event. Might as well, I'm hammered at half of them now, and I'm not even famous.

    Trisha Yearwood looks dumpy.

    Eric Bana has a really long neck. He just looks like he's totally out of place.

    Mariah Carey, bless her heart. She wants so badly to be a petite little girl, doesn't she?

    Was Colm Meany so hungry he had to resort to eating his own face?

    And sadly, I'd still do Jonathan Rhys Myers, cokehead and all. Le sigh. It's the Henry VIII thing that gets me.

  13. Thought you had better taste ENT
    KT (while quite talented) has a smack of Rene Z smacked arse face when she's not wearing a load of make-up..

  14. See more about the whole DressGate drama and the wicked skank that IS Ashley Judd at Click on the I Hate Ashley Judd category on the right for the full story. :)

  15. Trisha Yearwood is awesome! She has an amazing voice. Who says she has to be all "glammed" up all the time?

  16. "Mariah Carey, bless her heart. She wants so badly to be a petite little girl, doesn't she?"


    I think the problem is... that she thinks she is 30 pounds lighter than she really is... haha!

    Mariah just kills me with those clothes from 1985. All the spandex and shiney high heels with her ugly boob job hanging out...

    And she wonders why she can't find a man to date...

  17. *sigh*

    I lurves me some Dominic Purcell. He's the perfect man. And he loves his mom...and he's in my favourite place in the whole world, Ireland...

    ...dream a little dream with me....



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