Friday, February 01, 2008

Random Photos Part One

If you have ever wanted to know what Jenna Fischer is like as a person, this photo says it all.
Although she is not sporting a smile, I think we all know how kind Eliza Dushku can be, so I'll let it pass this time.
Looky, looky. Although she does seem to be saying, "don't get too close."
Molly Sims back on the runway for a good cause.
Wow, it must be Friday because I am actually going to type the words that Jessica Alba looks good.
Even Heidi Klum got back on the runway, and looks amazing as usual.
This shirt is so sheer, I can almost guess what sex the baby is.
I wasn't going to post this photo of Gwyneth Paltrow because it really isn't all that great, but then I saw her leg. Look at how skinny this woman is. Her legs are like twigs.
Rufus Wainwright in Melbourne.
Rosario Dawson looks so much better now that she doesn't always have to be with Rose McGowan in every photo.
Nicole Kidman has the baby of baby bumps.
Liza. Kind of says it all. She is one of the first people who you could just say the first name and everyone would know who you were referring to. She looks fabulous. Did I ever tell you the one about how I accidentally had her credit card for like a week? We were eating at the same place and the waiters switched cards. Neither of us noticed. When I think about it now, I am more shocked that she actually had to pay for a meal. Liza should never have to pay.
I am not a big fan of posting celebrity kids unless they are with the celebrity and then only rarely unless it is Suri, but I think one post of Michael Jackson's children is newsworthy. Do they even look like him? He did donate the sperm right?


  1. Is Nicole showing a little gray roots? She is a natural redhead, and she can't be dying her hair while pregnant, right?

  2. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Michael Jackson's kids look like they are staight off a farm in Iowa. They look they just came in from milking the cow and helping daddy with the tractor.

  3. Jennifer Garner looks like pure hell. Stringy, greasy hair.

    MJ's kid looks like a little old man.

    I like that Nicole Kidman is actually smiling what looks to be a genuine smile.

    Gwyneth Palrow's jeans wouldn't fit around my wrist, and my ring size is a 5.

    And I think I have a girl crush on Jenna Fisher. She's just adorable.

  4. Liza rocked in Arrested Development... I love watching her biography movie - helluva life.

  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    there are many women who dye their hair when pregnant!??
    those legs are... i actually don't know what to say, i got it.. anyone need a toothpick? shit, that's just scary.

  6. Anonymous1:13 PM

    oh, p.s. ben, i'm available.

  7. m. jackson's children are cuties! where's little blanket? why did they give heidi the fug dress? halle is starting to get that "i'm done with being pregnant" look. and jenn, give it up already! he's NEVER gonna change...NEVER. not for you or any other woman, never.

  8. and gwyneth that bag is wearing you. by the way, do a good deed and tell jenn that he's never gonna change. i know you won't though because is all about you 24/7.

  9. Why is Col. Mustard escorting Gwyn to her car? Is the murder weapon her purse?

    Halle looks lovely. Molly, you work it girl. And I love Eliza...why don't we see more of her?!

  10. Uhm, it's been a long time since I took Biology in high school, but isn't being black a dominate gene? I mean, even if MJ bleaches his skin or has that "disease" he's still black right?? Which would mean his children should have some black features??? My brain hurts, going back to lurking now...

  11. elsie - those children are not his biological offspring. no way he would want children of color. he's spent a lifetime trying to change his black features and skin color. i think that's why he was covering them for so long(knowing there would be questions about the biological dad).

  12. Oh, wow. That IS Col. Mustard.

    We had a boat named Col. Mustard growing up. It was a tiny ugly fishing boat that was, you guessed it, mustard yellow. I, myself, was always Ms. Scarlett.

  13. Elsiefire, I'm not sure exactly what you mean with black features, BUT I will say that there have been many instances in where the children of black couples come out lighter due to what's in their lineage.

    That boy looks like a younger version of Jacko. And let me just say that at one time I did think Michael tried to bleach himself, but now after seeing that Fox anchor with that disease I believe it's true. I even have white specks on does my mother and my sisters. Strange thing Melanin.

  14. tracee - please look at a pic of michael when he was that age. that little boy looks nothing like him.

  15. Captivagirl: Michael totally looked like a mini beaver when he was a kid. The eyes and ears look the same. Nose? Not his.

  16. Yellow - Nicole is sporting some seriously gray hair in these two photos. Also a lot of wrinkles for someone who hasn't spent her life out in the sun. Is she a smoker? She's got some major tire treads in her forehead.

  17. Didn't it eventually come out that Jackson did NOT offer up his sperm as originally reported? There seemed to be no question about that once a photo of those kids surfaced when they were really young and had platinum blond hair. That wouldn't happen with half-black children, seriously.

    P.S. I love Jenna Fischer! Do some kindness blinds about her so my hopelessly idealized image of her isn't tarnished!
    P.P.S. Liza's still out and kicking. Is the blind about an HIV positive singer Liza Minelli?!

  18. P.P.S. The HIV+ singer had an abortion, so it wouldn't be Liza. Love Jenna Fischer, too! The dressed-up ladies look beautiful. Garner and Paltrow look not so good.
    Looking at MJ's kids, they do look like siblings, no? Same shaped face and ears and nose... I don't know. What do you all think? Same birth parents?

  19. I feel bad for Michael's kids. Can you imagine what kind of odd existence they must have? Christ.

    I'm wondering how long Ben and Jen are going to keep us this charade.

    That is the cutest picture of Jenna Fishcer EVER!

  20. MJ's kids may be sibs, but they're not his.

    Quite simply put--those children were blonde and blue eyed in their very early years and had a blonde/blue eyed mom--represented by bb. Michael, obvs, has dark eyes and dark hair--he must be BB, as both of his parents are BB. B is always dominant, b is always recessive, meaning that where B is present, b doesn't get expressed as a trait--kinda like it never existed.

    Back to highschool (you remember the Punnett square, dontcha?)

    B B
    b Bb Bb
    b Bb Bb

    There is a 100% chance that all of MJ's children, even with a bb mom, would have brown hair and brown eyes. I can't tell what their eye colour is now (most white children are born with blue eyes that darken later), but the fact that they were blonde at any point in their young lives is a dead giveaway that they do not belong to Michael biologically.

    And I can't wait until they decide to write a book about their creepy, weird 'dad'.

  21. To clarify--even if they're brown haired/brown eyed now, genetically they must still be bb in order to have been both blonde and blue eyed at one time.

  22. over at "webster's is my bitch" they pointed out how much the brother looks like frankie munez. strangely, he does.
    majik is very right, although i couldn't have spelled it out like that anymore.

  23. I see I'm not the first one to notice that Michael Jackson's kids are white.

  24. M. Culkin was hot favourite as the donor for MJ's first 2 kids.
    Don't forget he's been known to dye there hair so we'll probably never know what colour it is. Do they look a little too skinny or am I just used to seeing fat kids everywhere?

  25. bio bunny thanks for the tip. i saw the pic of blanket! hey micheal - your children need their hair cut, all of them.

  26. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I'd give my to know what was going on with Jen and Satan.

  27. I actually am saddened for MJ's children. Can you imagine having him as a 'father'. A man who obviously never experienced growing up with his peers and is so self involved? I hope that they overcome whatever life has thus far put in their way.

    Gwyneth needs to eat something.

    Love the story about the credit card and Liza Ent, but a whole week? Hell, I would notice my cc was missing within minutes.

  28. Dying kid's hair? That is weird. I mean were it their choice and they were a tad older...but forced on them? I don't think they look too skinny though. They're probably active and eat well prepared meals, not crap.
    Love the 'Disney' product placement-

  29. "Dying kid's hair? That is weird."

    He calls his damned kid 'Blanket' and made them all wear veils for the first 6 years of their lives....that's NOT weird?????

  30. Ha, Jackson's "Blanket" and Jolie's "Blob".

  31. Moly Sims is growing a new ass on her front side.

  32. Ent loves Liza because he sucks cock and takes it up his fat ass

  33. Heidi Klum has great knockers.

  34. Majik, I agree on both points..had totally forgotten those kids were BLONDE when younger though, that had me completely shell shocked. I'm used to the 'Blanket' thing by now. Ya think he told them about "Halloween" and that they could be fashionable 'ghosts' all year 'round? Where IS CPS-hanging kids out windows-phsh-talkin' 5150? Does ANYONE care about buying babies and paperwork? He's changing them now!

  35. Klum's implants are fake. So are most VS models' breasts. They are attractive without them, but highly masculinized women, hence the high waist-to-hip ratio (the most reliable marker of high exposure to testosterone and low estrogen), manly bone structures (not that that makes them unattractive per se!), broad shoulders, and male-typical height.

  36. I mean Klum's breasts are fake, because they're implants! Ha ha ha. I have to start proof-reading....



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