Thursday, February 14, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which rival young actresses on the same hit show are forced to pose together at PR events, even though they hate each other? One resents the other for having knocked her off her "star of the show" pedestal.


  1. Ummm, the Gossip Girls?

  2. Is this even a blind?
    S & B from GG

  3. Kristen Bell and Hayden Pan. from Heroes?

  4. thank god the strike is over now people will realize how lame this show is. so over it.

  5. @ Jax: I can't handle more than 5 minutes of Gossip Girl or One Tree Hill. I feel like I'm losing brain cells everytime I watch it. The OC was superior to this crap.

    This is definitely Leighton and Blake.

  6. Ellen Pompeo and Katherine Heigl from Greys Anatomy

  7. Katherine Heigl & Ellen Pompeo from Grey's Anatomy?

  8. I agree laesmralda, I think it's Hayden P. and Kristin Bell. Kristin used to be the star on Veronica Mars, but now that she's on Heroes with Hayden, she doesn't get as much attention.

  9. Oh I think it's the Gossip Girl girls, they are always getting shipped off to events together. I don't watch it, but wasn't one considered to be the star but then the second string girl started stealing the spotlight on and off the screen?

  10. haha gamma..i actually watched 10 mins of One tree last night but just to see Kfed get knocked the eff out.

  11. I agree with the posters who picked the Gossip Girls. Kristen and Hayden live together now and they were friends long before KB was cast on Heroes. Besides, most Heroes fans hate the character played by Kristen.
    It's gotta be serena and blair.

  12. Anonymous10:25 AM

    @ Jax: I can't handle more than 5 minutes of Gossip Girl or One Tree Hill. I feel like I'm losing brain cells everytime I watch it. The OC was superior to this crap.

    I agree, this shows suck so bad I can't believe ppl actually like them. Seriously

  13. I agree with S & B too. Keep in mind too that Gossip Girl is filmed in NY and this blind was from the NY Daily News.

  14. I don't think it can be Pompeo and Heigl because Pompeo is not young.

  15. Blake and Leighton.

  16. i stopped watching gossip girl after the first like, 3 episodes. Actually, I'd forgotten all about it. Thank you Gordon Ramsay.
    umm I don't watch Heroes, but did Kristen Bell upstage Hayden? Because that would be awesome. Other than the saving whales campaign, I don't think I like her.
    Remember the Titans was on yesterday and there was a little girl on it...I was like "Omg was this movie 15 years ago? because thats Hayden? she looks soo young", but apparently it was more like 8. wth happened. She seriously looked like she was 6 in that movie.

    I wouldn't mind if it were katherine heigl and ellen pompeo because i've been rooting for Katherine Heigl since My Father the Hero, and a copy of seventeen magazine from like 1996
    aww KH, those initials are totally relevant in my life.

  17. nothingsacred, "My Father The Hero" is one of my all-time favorite movies. No matter what Katherine says or does, I will always love her for that.
