Wednesday, February 13, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which recent mom is already bored with her new accessory? Despite pimping herself out to the celebrity mags as a loving parent, she is constantly finding reasons to leave the baby and "escape."


  1. Gotta be Nicole Ritchie. She's been out and about an awful lot lately.

  2. John Ratzenberger. J/K

    Nichole Ritchie.

  3. I think it's Nicole Richie, too. You don't go from being a self-absorbed, spoiled, irresponsible "girl" to a doting, selfless mother overnight. Having a kid can change you, but NOT overnight! Being a parent is HARD work and kids (and dogs!)are not friggin accessories, people!!

  4. I'm not straying from the obvious here - Nicole Richie.

  5. But the events that Nicole has attended have been industry parties- it's not like she's going clubbing. And Joel has been with her, and you can't tell me BOTH of them have had it already. Before she had the baby, she and Joel were getting pretty active with charity work and I think trying to build up some credibility.

    I don't know, I'm not entirely buying Nicole. Not ruling her out, just not entirely convinced.

  6. Well I don't think it's Nicole or Christina, only because neither of them have given interviews or done photo spreads since giving birth.

    I'm going with someone less obvious - how about Jamie Pressley - we've never seen her with her baby, maybe even Salma Hayek.

  7. That's a shame. I can't fathom it.

  8. I agree Princess Pea- those are good guesses. Also, maybe Bridget Moynahan? She was painted as the doting loving mother jilted by Tom Brady.....there are always two sides to every story and methinks she can't be THAT fantastic.

  9. Bridget's a good guess too, Chatty.

    I may have spoken too soon - Christina is on the new People cover. Still don't think it's Nicole or Christina though. We need to think outside the box. The answer to every blind can't always be Nicole, Christina, Britney, Ben, etc., etc.

  10. I like the less obvious choices - Selma, Jamie P, Bridget M.

    I lean towards Jamie P. She had work done right after having that kid (at least it appears she had work done). And how often do you see her with her kid? Not that often. She has given several interviews where she mostly talks about his name and herself.

  11. I agree that Nicole and Christina are too obvious. At Dlisted, some mentioned Milla Jovovich because of the word "escape" and her having modeled for CKlein. Not sure who the subject of this BI is.

  12. nicole hasn't even been seen in public with her baby, so she's not really trying to portray some grand loving mother image. christina's done a few spreads. i'm going with the less obvious as well.

  13. Keri Russell also recently had a baby...

  14. What about Melanie Brown... Scary Spice. She has been on tour, yes, but she was also in the mags a lot when the baby was born.

  15. It says "recent" mom. Could it be Gwen Stefani?? The "escape" in quotes could be referencing her album "the great escape".

  16. I meant "The Sweet Escape"

  17. Off topic, but is this the answer to the blind about someone going to rehab because her drug problem cost her the baby?

  18. I don't like this blind item. I'm a mother, an awesome mom, but even though it's my whole life it's not always interesting. I'm forever patient and attentive but geez, there's 24 hrs in a day and sometimes I like to run away even to go hang at the book store. If I had fun money or events to go to, all the better for making the most of the couple hrs a mom can steal on her own.
    Not everyone is a natural at parenting, some don't take to it at all, but maybe there's a full-time dad in this case who is into being full-time when the mom is not there, hope so!

  19. I like the Mel B. answer. She had her baby recently enough. And that baby is a golden ticket for her.

  20. Kaitlin- good catch!

    J-Mo, I think there' a MAJOR difference between being an honest parent who needs time to recharge, and treating your child like an accessory that you're ready to trade in. I think you'd be hard pressed to find any parent who isn't looking for quality "off" time.

    But this sounds like something more along the lines of cashing in and then dismissing.

  21. Kaitlin, you're link doesn't work! What was the answer? =(

  22. Anonymous10:26 AM

    AMEN J-MO!

  23. Anonymous10:27 AM

    when i read that, the first thing that popped into my head was gwen, too.

  24. Jennifer:

    It's Jessica Sierra. I realize she isn't really a "celebrity," but what I concluded during Ent's last big reveal is that none of the answers to his blinds are usually the big major stars we hope they are. Yeah, there are a few thrown in, but it's not always the Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, or in this case, Eva Mendes that I was hoping for.

    That's why I think she must be the answer to this blind.

    Jusy my opinion, anyway.

    If the link won't work for you, google Jessica Sierra and ohnotheydidnt and it should be the first link available.

  25. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Doubt it's Gwen. Why would she be so anxious to have #2?

  26. Katie "Jordan" Price. Hella bad mom, so says the former nanny.

  27. "Doubt it's Gwen. Why would she be so anxious to have #2?"

    Well, rumor has it that she and Gavin were on the rocks and he was against the pregnancy - but it may be her way of keeping him around.

  28. Listen, I know I already said Gwen, but I was thinking maybe it's Tori Spelling??

  29. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I still think Jessica Sierra is the HIV+ singer who had an abortion

  30. Jessica Sierra went on Celebrity Rehab before she was pregnant and learned after rehab (and getting busted by the cops b/c of a relapse)that she was pregnant. She is now back in rehab b/c she was court-ordered, not b/c she lost her baby

  31. This is TOTALLY Katie Holmes Cruise. Lately it's been all about her glammed up and out sans Suri.

  32. Eve, I thought of her, too, but the blind says she's a new or recent mom, which would rule them out.

  33. I hope Nicole doesn't have Post Partum. Shes not even trying to look good.
    and she already has an addictive personality, so shes a prime candidate.

    i can understand why she (whoever the blind is about)s freaking out though. its hard to be a new mom and juggle a career.
    I wish all of them luck!

  34. I thought the term "escape" was totally referring to Katie Holmes and the fact that most people think she is a prisoner. Im going with Katie

  35. It's Katie or Bridget -- Bridget has a good reason to come across as the loving parent -- and yet might feel indifferent to a baby whose daddy scorned her, and Katie has been reportedly training for the Boston Marathon and has been seen without Little Sci more and more.

    And yet most celebs spend very little time with their kids in general -- it's the nannies who do the raising. Any nannies here who can attest to that??

  36. Then what does the term "recent mom" refer to? Katie is not a recent mom.

  37. Though I like Katie for this anyone else notice that Christina is the cover girl (with baby) for this week's People?

  38. I don't think it's Katie Holmes. The baby is probably the only normal companion that she has. I'd think she would be clinging to the baby to avoid having to deal with the troll and his extended family.

  39. I am going to say Christina - she was recently quoted at her DVD signing stating that she was going stir crazy in the house and had to get out. She looks like she needs the attention at all the events she was at over the Grammy weekend whereas Nicole just seemed tired due to having a newborn at home. Plus Christina has a baby nurse not exactly the best mom in my opinion.

  40. Yeah, well Katie better cling to Suri while she can b/c as soon as that kid is old enough to walk and talk and *think*, Tom and his cronies are going to whisk her away to 'boarding school.'

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that wouldn't rule out someone just because they had a kid six or 7 months ago, that's still 'recent.' How old is Suri now? I honestly can't remember. But I think anyone with a kid under say, 18 months is a 'recent' mother.

    Also, Ent often has lesser-known celebs as answers, but NYDN typically is the opposite and goes for the obvious. So despite what I just said I'm inclined to think they are talking about either Nicole or Xtina. Personally I remember being kind of surprised when Xtina started promoting her concert DVD (specifically the autograph setup in the bookstore) so soon after giving birth, and the times I have seen her out she hasn't been with Jordan (her husband). Nicole has been out to a few industry events but it's always been with Joel, as someone above mentioned. So I'm more inclined to guess Xtina, if it is between these two.

  41. I think it's Xtina. She has the cover of OK.

  42. I'll go for Xtina, she's the one on the magazine covers.



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