Note To Bullies - Reese Witherspoon Is Hiring
One thing you need to know about Reese Witherspoon is that she is not the person you want to come running to if a bully kicks your ass. This even includes her own kids. In an interview with Good Morning America, Reese said that she wants children to tease her kids and bully them. I am assuming bullying means kicking their ass, but she could just mean stealing their lunch money. Hell, if I was a bully I would go after the Witherspoon lunch money everyday. How many kids are going to be rolling around with a $20 bill in their pocket in 2nd grade for lunch? Not many, and so I don't think Reese is going to have any problems with bullies targeting her kids.
"I wouldn't want my children to miss out on any of that teasing and bullying and don't you think it kind of makes you who you are?
"This drives me crazy about today. Everyone wins the award and then, you know, everybody's an MVP (Most Valuable Player)? No! They're not! Okay? I distinctly recall the two weeks of crying because I didn't make the softball team. It made me interesting, you know?" she added.
Two weeks of crying? I would have thought she would have cried less when she and Ryan split. Two weeks about a softball team? You think maybe Reese is just a wee bit competitive? I'm wondering if her role in Election wasn't so much about good acting as it was a reflection of her true personality. I read comments like this and I think to myself, damn, I wonder how many people she stepped over, punched, and kicked the crap out of in Hollywood because she wanted that role. Watch your brake lines when you are competing against Reese for a role.
Also, I think it is kind of funny that Ryan is out making the rounds shilling for his new film, and spilling about their marriage, so lo and behold, here comes Reese allowing herself to be interviewed and asked questions about her marriage as well. No one said Reese was stupid. If you are GMA, who do you want to interview more? Yep, which is why Ryan is being forced to promote through magazines and Reese gets morning network television.
Here is a link to the interview, or at least portions of it. If you can suffer through the ads, you can see it. I actually couldn't bother to sit through the ads, but I probably could if I was bored. Your decision.