Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Nicolas Cage, You Ignorant Slut

Actually I don't think that really has anything to do with anything, but haven't you ever wanted to use that phrase in a sentence without just actually quoting it in the context of the show? If you don't know what show I am referring to, wait for a comment and it will explain all to you. Actually, what I think Nicolas Cage is, is a jerk who has a problem with even the slightest negative thing said about him.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Kathleen Turner's new book. You can look at the posts here and here. Here is the offending statement about Nic Cage. "Everything Francis (Ford Coppola) wanted him (Cage) to do, he went against to show that he wasn't under his uncle's wing. "Which was ridiculous. Oh, that stupid voice of his and the fake teeth! Honestly, I cringe to think about it. He caused so many problems. He was arrested twice for drunk driving and, I think, once for stealing a dog. He'd come across a Chihuahua he liked and stuck it in his jacket."

And here is what Cage said to Page Six in response. "While I recall Kathleen Turner being a great lady and wonderful actress, the credibility of her biography and her memory is at stake . . . Fact credibility should have been exercised on (her) part."

Well today Nic filed a libel suit against Kathleen. There must be some truth to what Kathleen said because first of all her publishers wouldn't have printed it, and second Nic made the pansy ass move of suing in the UK. UK libel laws are much tougher than in the US so remember that next time you think the Sun or News of The World are just printing lies.

Nic's spokesperson said this: “The libel action follows false allegations that appear in the forthcoming autobiography. As legal proceedings have been commenced, it would be inappropriate to comment further.”

The main reasons why celebrities love to sue in the UK are that instead of Nic Cage having to prove something is libelous and mailicious as he would here in the US, in the UK it will be up to Kathleen Turner to prove that it was true. Malice does not even play a part in UK proceedings. These two items are unique to British law and combined with the outrageously high litigation costs in the UK, most people just give up quickly. It is so bad in the UK that even talking about the allegedly libelous article in print is itself libelous. So, the law basically stifles any kind of freedom of the press.

Nic Cage being the weak assed guy he is decided to avail himself of those laws because he doesn't believe in the rule of law in the country he calls home. He would much rather use the laws of a foreign country instead of the one that has given him everything. His here is allegedly Elvis. I say allegedly because the next thing you know he will sue me and say his hero is actually Big Bird or something. I don't think Elvis would have used the laws of a foreign country to defend his besmirched reputation, he would have just gone out and said, "hell yeah and I drove drunk and it was just a little sport stealing the
chihuahua. Now go make me a peanut butter and banana sandwich, and remember to sprinkle it with those Vicodin. They give it a little crunch."


  1. once an asshole......

  2. Elvis is an angel...Cage needs to step back

    (yes, I'm an Elvisaloonie) ;-)

  3. This action he's taking ruins his reputation far more than anything Kathleen Turner wrote about him. Further proof he really IS as stupid as people say.

  4. Anonymous10:06 AM

    To be fair, News of the World, the Mirror, and The Sun print corrections and appologies all the time. The most recent I recall is an apology and retraction from NOTW for their story about Kate Moss having an orgy at her birthday party.

    That said, Nic Cage is an ass and comes off as an even bigger ass by making a big stink about this. Kathleen Turner is getting tons of free publicity for her book, so good for her.

    He'd have been better off just saying her memory was incorrect and that it was all false and leaving it at that. Now he comes off as petty.

  5. EL forgot the other reason people sue in the UK - the damages awarded are huge. Enough to buy Mr Cage another house - would that be number 15? Enough to bankrupt Kathleen Turner.

    Get over yourself Nic, you stupid pillock.

  6. What a jack ass... as usual. Typical Nic Cage behavior. As for the title... Ahhhh Enty = i remember it and love it when you quote things the "kids" should know and don;t...LOL. makes me feel ummmmm old.

  7. lol i used to work with a Jane and I called her an I.S. everyday to her face. god i miss her.

  8. Where. The Hell. Is this picture. From.

  9. khemenu, that Kate Moss blurb you reference sounds like the answer to a blind item here.

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    twisted sister:

    Does it? Can't remember. I'm sure Kate Moss has probably had at least a three way before, if not participated in an orgy. Actually, I'm sure a lot of Hollywood people have participated in orgies.

    Typing "orgies" is totally making me giggle to myself. I'm 12 years old, apparently.

    ORGIES!!!1! ZOMG!

  11. LMAO@khemenu! Orgies, orgies, orgies!

    I DO think there was a blind about someone celebrating their bday with an orgy. Does anyone else remember this, or is the crack getting to me?

  12. Anonymous11:45 AM

    There was that revealed blind about Autumn Reeser (I think that was her name) who celebrated a bday or anniversary with a threeway with her boyfriend and another woman. It was a while ago, one of the first blinds.

  13. I can agree Cage is a pillock!!

  14. Well, remember, we all thought he was the dude whose wife was spending money faster than he could make it...Maybe he is doing it so he can keep Alice in bling-bling or whatever the fuck she is shopping for.

  15. littleoleme - the pic is from when Nic was the King of Bacchus, in the New Orleans Mardi Gras.

  16. I must be the only one who recalls how friggin crazy Nic Cage was all through the 80's and the majority of the 90's.

    I love how suddenly this is hurting his rep... you know how all the children see him as a role model. hahahaha!

    And to be honest I think he really did steal that dog... I bet the National Enquirer printed a story about it when it happen.

    But I about bet those DUI's were covered up. Thank goodness now we have all the low life paps making sure nothing gets hid.

  17. "hell yeah and I drove drunk and it was just a little sport stealing the chihuahua. Now go make me a peanut butter and banana sandwich, and remember to sprinkle it with those Vicodin. They give it a little crunch."

    oh, enty, i love you!! i think i'll try that. do you think you could invite my beloved "Dr. House" to join me for a "chunky" pb & j and some medical conversation??
    couldja, huh???

    crap. taking the vicodin myself anyway. ouch and toodles, all.



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