Well he hasn't made that claim yet, but give him another few weeks and he will. In an interview with Heart FM whatever the hell that is, Nicolas Cage says that he is the person who discovered Johnny Depp and that he was the one who made it all possible. That's right. If it wasn't for Nicolas Cage, Johnny Depp would still be a nobody, undiscovered by the world. It was only through the grace of God and the shrewd eye of Nicolas Cage that the world was introduced to Johnny Depp.
"I met Johnny many years ago - he was a guitar player and had come to Los Angeles from Florida.
"We had a mutual friend and we were just playing Monopoly one day. I told him he ought to try acting so I introduced him to my agent and the next day he got his first audition and got the part.
He added: "Please don't ask me who won the game of Monopoly, though, I can't remember... it was a long time ago!"
Haha. Damn he is an ass. And how did you get your start in acting exactly Mr. Cage? Hmmm. Let me think about that. Ahhh. That's right. You started off in the business as Nicolas Coppola. Made sure everyone knew that until you got a few parts under your belt, and then became Nicolas Cage. That way we would all think you made it on your own.
Has anyone ever heard Johnny Depp relate that story?
eeh! I like him less every time I read his name!
ReplyDelete(but I'll always love "adaptation")
I never liked him even before the Lisa Marie thing. Ick.
ReplyDeleteIt's soooooooo early to not be liking someone!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I actually have heard something similar to this years ago. Like from the days of reading Tiger Beat & Bop.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that any biographical information about Depp includes the fact that while pursuing a record deal in the early eighties his wife Allison (makeup artist) introduced him to Cage. Cage convinced Depp to give acting a try (to audition for Nightmare on Elm Street). Not sure that discovered is the right word but yeah, the Cage story seems about what I've heard and read.
ReplyDeleteyeah this story has been told by depp in the recent rolling stone interview and yes, dreadpiratecuervo, i believe i read it in one of those teeny mags too lol
ReplyDeleteCage has always given me the creeps. Sounds like he's trying to repair his image after Kathleen Turner's revelations.
ReplyDeleteHe's got a very similar style to Kevin Costner...i.e. monotone and unemotional, no matter the character.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the deal with all the hate on Nicolas? I've never heard anything particular one way or another about him. Was there something specific that he did?
ReplyDeleteHairy men make me wonder what they are hiding.
ReplyDeleteI would hate to think we owed Mr. Cage for Johnny Depp, but if that is the case I will have to thank him, because I love me some Johnny Depp.
cage/coppola - stop coming out from under that rock. you're a bore.
ReplyDeleteThat's the thing we'll remember him for most. Thank you, Nic.
ReplyDeleteI've never been a Cage fan, but I don't see what the fuss on this is. It's been a well-known fact forever that he was instrumental in getting Johnny his start. He's a Coppola for godsake, and despite the fact that he continues to insist that his own fame has nothing to do with it, it has everything to do with it. Obviously his name had clout, and Johnny was a wise boy to use Cage's influence. Personally I'm grateful to Cage for this! Johnny turns my knees to budda.
ReplyDeleteI cut out the Johnny Depp picture from the Rolling Stone interview (the one with the black turtleneck) and hung it up on my refrigerator.
ReplyDeleteAlice W I agree with you--I think he's trying to deflect from the negative things that are in the press about him right now. Hey, if he really did give Johnny that push in the right direction, then yes, that does make me like him a little bit more, but only because I love Johnny Depp so much :)
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that Johnny never mentioned was the Monopoly. Not quite live fast, die young is it?
ReplyDeleteHey Ent, seeing as how you got this so wrong, how about digging up those pics of the young Nic and Johnny lying on the floor?
I am missing out on the REAL story as to why all the hate for Nick lately. Anyone have a clue??
ReplyDeleteCap, I would like to clarify that Nicolas Cage is not under my rock. ;)
ReplyDeleteI think Ent is just giving us a Johnny Depp story to start the week out right. There aren't many Johnny stories making the rounds these days. Thanks Ent. But did you have to use a photo of Nicolas Cage ? ;)
"Harry men make me wonder what they are hiding?" Thanks dijea, that made me laugh. I will be wondering what every hairy man I see today is hiding. :)
typo - hairy men
ReplyDeleteNick is smarmy. But if he made that introduction, he did us all a huMUNgous favor. Could've been another 5 years before Johnny had audience with a decent agent/manager. To that we owe Nick a debt of gratitude. So, I'll say that my mother LOVES 'Raising Arizona'....
ReplyDeleteEw. Ew, ew, ew, ew, EW! I cannot look at this guy... I don't care what his name is. I don't care what he's done. I cannot stand him. A photo of JD would have been infinitely better.
ReplyDeleteAnother celebrity that should die in a fire. My mom doesn't follow celebrity culture at all, but even she said, "God I hate Nicholas Cage. He's WEIRD...he's sooo...CALIFORNIA." Ha! That's it. Nick Cage is so CALIFORNIA. EW!
ReplyDeleteSorry, Ent.
Have heard this story. Don't think Johnny would've gone into acting - he was into his music back at that time. So, um, yeah thanks Nick, you're still a p__ick.
ReplyDeleteMs. Wonderland, maybe they were doing lines of coke inbetween buying houses and paying mortgages.
ReplyDeleteMy thing is: Why bring this up now? Is it to get some shine under Johnny's oscar nom?
Nic is eh. But Johnny's a Yay! Sucks to be Nic.
Nah, I wouldn't say Nick is California at all. Sure, we've got our weirdos, but no more than the rest of the country.
ReplyDeleteWe all have our weirdos, but each place can boast a particular breed of weirdo. Cage strikes me as the-land-of-fruits-and-nuts-weird.
ReplyDeleteIf you're still personally offended calif, let me add that even though I live in a nice part of New Jersey, my GOD, there is definitely a breed of Jersey-weird that's all its own. Jersey-weird is frequently found in a tanning bed, with chunky highlights, acrylic nails, or in an ugly modified car with a massive spoiler.
ReplyDeleteUghh! Oh no, no, no. I just lost my heterosexuality.
ReplyDeleteFrom Bravo's James Lipton when Johnny Depp was on inside the actors studio:
ReplyDeleteDepp, along with his band, relocated to Los Angeles a couple of years later. Eventually they disbanded (though not before touring with Iggy Pop as the opening act), and Depp married a makeup artist named Lori Allison. Although their marriage lasted only a couple of years, Allison completely changed the course of her husband's life by introducing him to actor Nicholas Cage. Cage soon arranged a meeting between his agent and Depp, which led to his first role in the classic horror film, Wes Craven's Nightmare on Elm Street.
Let me add another vote of "yes" to the list... I also just read this story as told by Johnny Depp in the Rolling Stone with Mr. Depp on the cover from about two weeks ago...
ReplyDeleteI have always found Nicolas Cage to be oddly attractive and interesting (yes, he's weird, I know). He's not aging the best, I agree, but while Johnny is very pretty (and talented) and better-looking, I would take Nicolas Cage over a small, scruffy but pretty Johnny Depp. I know, I am in the minority!
ReplyDeleteCage is not California. He is Transylvania. California is too many wonderful things to list, a few odd things, yes, but its not my place to list those...He is not California.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with all the defensiveness from Californians? Every state has a unique brand of weirdo, and everyone knows this about CA! I understand...it's kind of like how I get pissed off that everyone says NJ is dirty and that we have those NY accents, which I didn't understand until I was older and hit the turnpike in North Jersey....
ReplyDeleteQuit getting defensive, all these celebrities are SOOO California! It's the land of fruits and nuts!
I've been to Jersey and I loved it, but I like big hair, faux fur, and the accent. I did drop the acryllic nails several years ago.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but you're still off about Nic. I'm not being defensive. Look at somebody like Goldie Hawn and her offspring. Now that's California. Nic Cage, a dark Italian? Not so much. I've seen way more celebs when I've been in New York City, so I don't think "all these celebrities are sooo California" is an accurate statement.
Not defensive, I just don't care for the lumping.