Naveen Andrews Thinks Lost Sucks
During an interview with Jonathon Ross on BBC One, Naveen Andrews who plays Sayid on Lost, admitted that he has no plans to leave the show. This is probably because he is getting paid really well, and there is this little thing called a contract that kind of precludes him from just walking away. He says that he loved the first season but thinks the show has pretty much sucked since then. "The writing has been poor but I’m definitely doing two more years.”
I think that after those comments the writers might find that Naveen is doing his two years as a ghost, because you don't piss off the writers like that. I will give the guy credit for being honest and candid. In the interview he also talked about how his heroin habit used to be so bad that when he was filming The English Patient he would be shooting up so often that he could only manage to function enough to just do his scene. As soon as his scene was shot he would collapse until the next scene.
Those kind of things are gold because honestly I didn't see The English Patient and had no desire to ever see it, but now might watch for his scenes just to see if I can tell how f**ked up he is.