Friday, February 01, 2008

Naveen Andrews Thinks Lost Sucks

During an interview with Jonathon Ross on BBC One, Naveen Andrews who plays Sayid on Lost, admitted that he has no plans to leave the show. This is probably because he is getting paid really well, and there is this little thing called a contract that kind of precludes him from just walking away. He says that he loved the first season but thinks the show has pretty much sucked since then. "The writing has been poor but I’m definitely doing two more years.”

I think that after those comments the writers might find that Naveen is doing his two years as a ghost, because you don't piss off the writers like that. I will give the guy credit for being honest and candid. In the interview he also talked about how his heroin habit used to be so bad that when he was filming The English Patient he would be shooting up so often that he could only manage to function enough to just do his scene. As soon as his scene was shot he would collapse until the next scene.

Those kind of things are gold because honestly I didn't see The English Patient and had no desire to ever see it, but now might watch for his scenes just to see if I can tell how f**ked up he is.


  1. So he was tweaking when he did that swing scene with Juliette Binoche?

    I might have to rewatch that shit.

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Actually what he says is:"There was a danger of me copping it. I lost two years to heroin, but I was able to work, I don’t know how I did it.

    "You can take incredible abuse and still work... I collapsed on a job because of booze. When I was younger... it was a miracle I got any work done. On The English Patient I was warned. But I used to collapse out of shot."

    "I’m still proud of the first season, around the third I thought they were winging it, the writing was poor but I’m definitely doing two more years.”

  3. Damn. I had promised myself never to watch the English patient but now I might have to.

  4. Points for honesty though it kinda bums me out that he's not feeling what the writers are doing, because I think his character is really well-written. I couldn't disagree with him more, but whatever. Still love him on the show, still like him as a person. Every interview with him I've read or heard on the radio, he's interesting, funny, and plain-spoken.

  5. excellently put Shiny special one. I think the writers finally have a plan for where the show is going, so hopefully it will only get better.

    It seems like he was just commenting on the fist half of the third season.

  6. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That guy always looks like he hasn't taken a shower in a week.

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM

    funny shit, alana. i'm glad he agrees with me that lost sucks!

  8. Kudos to him for saying what I've been thinking since the beginning of Season Two. The show is basically a comic book with comic book dialog written in such a fashion as to make people feel absolutely brilliant for watching it. I used to be a fan (waaaaay back in Season One) but now I'm just watching it to see where how they wrap this ridiculous thing up...

  9. Well, there goes Sayid.

    Its not as good as it once was, but I'm hoping that it will improve. Please improve. I still watch & like to look at Michael Fox & Josh what's his name. MMMM...

  10. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I'm going to vibe in defense of Lost (since I'm probably going to be incommunicado this weekend). I love it, even when it's off it's mark. I like being forced to use my imagination to connect the dots.

    And it's sad to hear that he was high during the English Patient. It's a great film that got over-praised and thereby oversaturated the world. And he was good in it, even if I didn't recognize him 10 years later when he started on Lost.

  11. I thought Lost rocked last night! I actually understood most of it for a change...

    Sorry, but he's pretty hot. But, do not, I repeat do NOT suffer through the English Patient again.

    But, oooh, that Ralph Fiennes. I've already lusted after him once this week. Dammit. I may also be sucked in here...

  12. Harriet, he is HOT in the English Patient. Yummy!

    He certainly could've phrased this better, as in "I didn't like seasons 2 or 3 as much" rather than "the writing has been poor."

  13. mooshki - heather posted what he actually said which was "I’m still proud of the first season, around the third I thought they were winging it, the writing was poor but I’m definitely doing two more years.” It airing on BBC1 tonight and the writer here paraphrased/edited the remarks.

  14. I've been a Lost fan from the beginning. I'm sure that he was talking about the last season. This season will redeem all of the faith in LOST, I can see it now!

  15. i had high hopes for "lost" and was really looking forward to a series with some kind of BEM (bug eyed monster) cruising around the island, not nearly enough of that these days, but i totally agree with ent's paraphrasing: lost sucks. i couldn't even bring myself to watch the new episodes, desperate as i am.
    lost? yes, i am.

  16. Yeah, Bunny, I'm lost, too. And I no longer care. I just wish they'd get TF on with the story!!! I put it on as background noise while online.
    Two more seasons?? Oh, no. I'll never tune in again after this season. Too long, too long.

  17. The English Patient is one of the BEST MOVIES EVAH!! Ralph Fiennes and Kristen Scott Thomas are HOT.

    I had no idea he was a smack-daddy--guess I know what movie I'm rewatching tonight.

  18. Oh, he's been complaining and moaning about it for years now. I think his character is wonderful on Lost, and I'd like to see more of Sayid than Jack, Sawyer or Kate.

    I'm a Lost fanatic, but I do have to agree that the writing has gone downhill a bit, since the end of the 2nd season. Where that really showed was during one of last season's story "arcs" having to do with the characters Naomi and Paulo. I just try to pretend it never happened.

  19. He & Juliet Binoche are the best parts of the English Patient. But do yourself a favor and fast forward through Ralph Fiennes & KST's backstory. You'll skip half the movie that way, but it's only the boring parts of the movie. The cool stuff in the film all takes place in Italy. Remember that. Italy: Good. North Africa: Boring and Depressing. Keep that in mind and you can watch the film- and enjoy it!

    As for Lost...still love the dang show, even while they sort of bobbled a bit in the stories in the second and third seasons, (but let's face it, the only reason the first season doesn't hold up to the same scrutiny is because it was "new", not because it didn't make mistakes), though realistically I know why Naveen Andrews is unhappy with the writing: they haven't written shit for Sayid. He gets one flashback episode (well, he'll get a flashforward this year), a season and then two lines "on the island" spread out between 20 episodes. If I were an actor, I'd be a little disappointed (hell, I'd be pissed). He's not even in most episodes, except as backdrop. Sexy backdrop!

    P.S.- Amber, that's Nikki and Paolo you're thinking of. Heh. Some fanatic!

  20. Yea, Nikki and Paolo. Naomi was the one who parachuted in at the end of season 3 when Desmond rather expected it to be Penny and they found her hanging from a tree. In any case, I agree... that Nikki and Paolo episode was strange and unnecessary. The best part of it was that they were buried alive in the end. Hilarious!

  21. BTW is it just me or does there seem to be an extremely inordinate amount of con artists/criminals on this particular flight? Sawyer, Kate, Nikki and Paolo, and although he wasn't on the flight, Locke's father. As a matter of fact, Sayid could be added to that list for war crimes including torture of prisoners. And these are just the survivors... am I forgetting anyone?



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