Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Liz Hurley Is A Horrible Employer

I really dislike Liz Hurley so if you ever see her name anywhere in the blog, chances are that she has done something wrong or slightly wrong and I am exaggerating the hell out of it to make it even look worse. This one though doesn't even need any embellishing. Turns out Liz was supposed to go to court today for some employment violations, but she managed to get it settled so the whole world wouldn't know how bad she treats her employees.

Violet D'Souza is an Indian maid who has been working for the Hurley's for four years. In August, when she had been in the UK long enough to learn something and realized that she was getting screwed in wages and hours and everything else, she raised a fuss. She was promptly fired and another slave, I mean worker was brought over from India for the couple to exploit.

Violet would work seven days a week, every week for four years. She was on call 24 hours a day and as part of her duties was required to babysit, clean and cook. How much was she paid? She was paid $200 per week which according to records worked out to about $2.50 an hour. Currently the minimum wage in the UK is about $11 an hour.

Instead of just letting Liz and her "husband" settle, I think the tribunal should have stepped in and made Liz do the same jobs for the same pay for a month. That would have been much better. Instead, she probably paid this woman $20,000 or so to just go away.

Meanwhile in other trash Liz Hurley news. As far as I know she still has not kept her promise to the church where she got married. She and her "husband" were supposed to donate prayer benches in lieu of the cash they should have paid, but Liz and her husband have used every excuse in the book and really don't mind being called the worst people to live in the UK. I would nominate them for the worst people on earth actually, but serial killers and child abusers would have to come ahead of them so they wouldn't actually be the very worst people on earth. Pretty close though.

Oh, the photo above was not my first choice. I had a photo of Hugh Grant walking over to Liz's house today, but for some reason it would not upload. I don't know if her "husband" is out of town and Hugh is going over for a quickie, or if he wants to check out the new maid and see what she does for $2 an hour, but thought it was interesting.


Bryn said...

Hugh and Liz - blind item reveal?

anna said...

that's just plain evil.

mandythegreat said...

Karma is a bitch, people. Just remember, everyone gets theirs in the end.

Brenda22 said...

Could those boobs be pushed up any more? Apparently she's also too cheap to get a dress that fits right.

Anonymous said...

Thought you said last time that you were going to post nasty pictures of her every day until you heard one way or another whether or not she'd paid the minister who married her and her husband.

califblondy said...

I've never understood the appeal. I've never thought she was attractive. Sure she's thin and she can scrunch those boobs up to her chin, but hell, that's nothing special these days.

YahMoBThere said...

Having recently read, "You'll Never Nanny In This Town Again", I CANNOT believe how cheap these wealthy celebs are. They expect 24 hour a day live-in service and then pay $200 or $250 a week to these people who are either young and naive or unworldly because they come from poverty-stricken lives.

I swear, I wish someone would take the job for a month just so they could get their cool drinks of water from the toilet and wash their undies in machines filled with itching powder.

lyz said...

TS - I read that book too. The more famous/more $$ they get, the less regard they have for the people around them.

YahMoBThere said...

Lyz, wasn't it nice to read about the few who were so generous and kind, though? That alone was worth the cost of the book.

takeme2espana said...

She is horrid. Will she not be fined?

Anonymous said...


sprinkles said...

Wow, I seriously need to move to the UK! Minimum wage of $11.00? The minimum wage in my state is $5.25 an hour which has remained in effect for several years.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

I think this is another blind item reveal? Possibly the female who is mean to both husband and child but needs husbands money?

Whatcha Think?

YahMoBThere said...

Sister Mary HP, I don't remember that blind. If you or someone else can post it, it might help.

mooshki said...

I have hated her with a passion ever since she said overweight women should not be allowed to wear bikinis. Bitch.

noel said...

Mooshki- Overweight women may not be allowed to wear bikinis but it is perfectly OK for young boys to!!

Tania said...

She should have lunch with Trudi Styler - they'd have a lot in common! The servant-abusers club..

I think Liz & Hugh are the answer to a blind about the wife who can't stand her new husband and is still seeing her old b/f on the side. By all accounts Hugh is a waspish little jerk, so they deserve each other! Pay the church, bitch.


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