Friday, February 01, 2008

Lindsay vs. Keira

Although I would prefer to see the fight between Lindsay Lohan and Keira Knightly settled between them in a pool full of pudding, it doesn't look like it is going to happen that way. Well, there is always my imagination. Apparently they are making the film Wuthering Heights because there is a great deal of demand for mid 19th century literature being turned into films, and they have pretty much beaten the crap and ringed any possible story out of any Jane Austen book or idea or thought she ever conceived. This of course compares to the 15 versions of Wuthering Heights that have been released since film was invented. Hell that is only like once every 6 or 7 years. How many times can you make the same film? Come on. Have some imagination. Does a producer go in and pitch Wuthering Heights and say, "Its been 5 years. Time for another one. It's only going to cost you $40-50M." At least with the Jane Austen books they used their imagination and came up with different versions of her books.

Anyway, Lindsay and Keira are the two finalists for the role of Catherine Earnshaw. The director of the film is John Maybury who cast Lindsay in the Dylan Thomas biopic The Edge Of Love, but Lindsay dropped out. It seems as if he is willing to give her a second chance. This is something that Lindsay could really use. A real movie that will be seen by everyone and if done well will receive lots of nominations. Throw on a corset and speak in an accent from a different century and the awards just come rolling in.

The problem is that the British public is firmly against Lindsay starring in the film. A recent poll said that only British actresses should portray the part. When asked why this was the case, Maybury told the Daily Mail, "It can be slightly annoying having American actresses in British parts. They may be able to do brilliant British accents but that can be off putting if their accent is too perfect."

Well then it seems to me that your job as a director would be to make it so her accent isn't perfect. The producers aren't paying you just to sit around and bark at people. I think the idea of a director is to direct the actors, and it seems to me that direction would include whether or not an accent is good or not as well as directing your staff that you only want non-fat soy in your latte.


  1. Under no circumstances EVER should Lohan play a British character. Just. NO!

    This is a joke, right?

  2. Lohan is as much of an actress as Merv Griffin was an actor in The Man With Two Brains.

    Unless this movie is going to be straight-up kitsch, Kiera wins this round.

  3. Lindsay did a decent British accent in The Parent Trap remake. That being said, I hope Keira is the one who gets the part, although I see no reason to remake this film for the umpteenth time.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Whether or not you consider her talented enough for the role (I don't), there is no way Lindsay Lohan would ever put in the work required for her to pull this off.

  5. Keira definitely. Unless he doesn't care if it sinks like a turd in a toilet bowl.

  6. There are Brits & Aussies who play Americans, dammit. And sheesh!

    But not Lindsay, please.

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    The director must be blinded by lust for Lindsey cause there is no way she would be believable in any historical movie.

    If I were producing that film and knew he was even considering casting her I would can him immediately for incompetence.

  8. yeah, i agree with the post above about lindsay having a decent british accent (she did on on SNL spoofing hermione). personally, i think keira knightly's only talent is pouting for the camera.

  9. yeah, i agree with the post above about lindsay having a decent british accent (she did on on SNL spoofing hermione). personally, i think keira knightly's only talent is pouting for the camera.

  10. Anonymous11:57 AM

    They both suck, IMO, but Lindsay would BUTCHER it. Not just the accent, but the role in general. I've never seen the "but she's so talented, such a shame!" aspect to Lindsay. I think she's a marginal talent at best. I would never ever pay $$$ to see her in ANY film (even though I love Wuthering Heights.) Hopefully the movie makers will take that kind of thing (ie I just don't like her) into consideration, too hehe. ;)

  11. Personally, I've seen enough of Keira in period films lately, I mean seriously. And Lindsay, well, er, I don't think so. I vote they shelf the idea for another decade, then cast a now unknown ....
    Both girls will survive.

  12. what? this is a joke.

  13. Seriously someone is considering Lindsay Lohanfor the role of Catherine? Seriously?

    This has to be a joke. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  14. how would they get the restylane out of lilo's lips fo her to play this role......i know they didn't have lips like that in the early 19th century!

  15. If she can do the accent so well we forget she's 'doing an accent', Lohan might be up to it. The girl can act a bit, when she's not hell-bent on self-destruction. She may actually be able to convey Cathy's wilfulness and indeed, self-destructive tendencies.... hmmmm....
    But all the same, I don't really fancy the idea. Not because she's not British, but because she brings too much baggage. And I, too, have seen enough of Keira for a while.

    But never mind Cathy - who would they cast as Heathcliff? Actually, who would you all cast as Heathcliff? (I'm wracking my brains for a suggestion, coming up a blank).

  16. If Lindsay ends up in Wuthering Heights, I'll jump off a Heathcliff...

    I'd rather see Paris Hilton take a crack at that role before her.

  17. Who would insure Hohan? Can she wear black leggings? Drink in her trailer? Screw everyone on set? Show up when she wants? Win a Razzie? Will the movie go straight to DVD? Then Lilo is your girl.

    Is this a serious attempt at a real movie then Keira. Hands down.

  18. I'm with everyone else above. I think we've moved beyond thinking of Lindsay Lohan as an actress. She's a celebrity, a cartoon character, but not an 'actress'. I don't think anyone could realistically be considering this as a possibility.

    Keira Knightley is convincing, but she always seems to be biting the insides of her cheeks when she speaks. Petty to mention, but it annoys me!

    I say if you absolutely HAVE to remake this film, which is seemingly pointless, go for someone who is not quite so over-exposed, that way, you actually watch the film without scrutinizing the person in the role.

  19. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Cathy Earnshaw - out on the windy moors with her self-tanner and straw extensions....

  20. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Cathy Earnshaw - out on the windy moors with her self-tanner and straw extensions....

  21. snort..lindsay is not right and im way over Keira.

  22. I agree with Keira pouting all the time, I'd like to see her do something that isn't a period piece. But NOT another Domino that was horror!

    Lindsay doesn't seem right for this role. I can't see her being sincere or painfully in love. She'll have to up her game BIG time. She needs a fluff role possibly an National Lampoon's movie.

  23. Not Lindsey, unless Catherine Earnshaw is going to snort up piles of coke, get her freak on in the back of a limo,giving Heathcliff a blow job.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. If Lindsay had truly reformed after rehab I'd say go for it, but she hasn't demonstrated much reliability. She's capable of good acting, she just doesn't try.

    It's stupid for them to complain about the British accent when Hollywood movies play fast and loose with foreign languages/accents all the time. It's just the way things work. If you don't like it, make your own movie.

  26. elle said...
    "If Lindsay ends up in Wuthering Heights, I'll jump off a Heathcliff..."

    Elle, I'll join you. What's next? Remaking 'Citizen Kane'? Yes, Enty, apparently they're starting the same treatment with the Brontes.
    Nothing anyone does will change the fact that the penultimate version was made in 1939 and starred Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon. Every time it's been tried, it has tanked. Regardless, of who stars, I certainly won't be seeing it. But it's fun to play at casting it ourselves.
    Cathy = Kate Winslet, Rosamund Pike
    Heathcliff = Colin Firth, Gerard Butler
    Edgar = Colin Firth, Sean Bean

  27. Judi! The one was Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche was damn hot too. But Laurence was the bomb diggity.

  28. Now see? I wouldn't have thought of either one of them for those roles. Acting chops aside, Ralph is too LeslieHoward-like, and Juliette is too mousy.
    Thought of another for Edgar: Clive Owen.

  29. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Keira Knightley is fast becoming the young queen of period films, akin to Helena Bonham-Carter when she was younger. (I'm not talking talent, just the number of period films.) That's why her name is up for the role.

    My mother always said she knew cinema was officially dead when they remake Gone with the Wind starring Paris Hilton and Ashton Kutcher.

    I know myself, I watch alot of older movies and indie films these days because I'm sick of remakes/sequels/prequels. (With few exceptions)

  30. Another one for Heathcliff = Karl Urban with his Eomer hair. >>faint<<

  31. I agree with you Kat, Lohan is just a celebrity to me these days. I'd never be able to believe in a character she played, she'll always be Lindsay Lohan.

    It's a shame that these roles always go to the same people, there are so many talented actresses out there, British and American who can't get a break.

  32. LiLo must give fantastic blow jobs.

    Under no circumstances must she get this role. I would NEVER NEVER NEVER pay to see her in a period piece (or anything else, but I did enjoy Mean Girls).

    Liam Neeson is always good for the dark brooding type--Clive Owen's good, too.

  33. Unless it's a parody where Lindsay Lohan would be giving Heathcliff a BJ, then snorting a line or two of coke directly after...

    Keira has my vote.

    BTW...what happened to creativity? Why all the remakes? I'd LOVE to see a well made, well acted, well produced NEW epic movie. Do we really need another remake of Wuthering Heights?

  34. This just in...

    Both Keira Knightley and Lindsay Lohan have turned down the role of Catherine Earnshaw in the newest production of Wuthering Heights. Director John Maybury is now said to be offering the role to Eva Mendes, once she gets out of rehab.

    Les Suckno, back to you.

  35. Wait is this a parody of Wuthering Heights?

    That would be the ONLY reason to consider Lohan

  36. Seriously, do screenwriters not read ANY period literature anymore? There are SO many other books that could be turned into movies. Why the hell do they keep remaking the same shit that we all read in high school. Be creative. Lord.

  37. Way late a nd no one will prbably read this, but for Heathcliff find another actor much like Cary Elwes was in Princess Bride.

    I think that type of charisma would be a perfect Heathcliff



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