Let's Go Back To The Days Of The Sears Catalog
I have a problem with Sharen Turney. Who you ask is Sharen Turney? She is the woman who is the Chief Executive of Victoria's Secret and she thinks her company is too sexy. Ummm. Lingerie is supposed to be sexy. That's the point. And last I checked your sexiness has turned into lots and lots of sales and a brand known the world over. Hell, women use the bags to carry their lunch in. I really hate that by the way. Not the fact that women carry things other than their purchases in their bags, but when I see one, I am always trying to figure out what they could possibly have bought, and to be fair, there are times when I have seen someone and said, "oh dear God, please don't let that woman have bought a thong."
I'm guessing Sharen wants to get back to the glory days of Sears catalogs and JC Penney Sunday inserts. For those men who really don't remember a time before VS catalogs, videotapes, or the internet, let me tell you what life was like when you were a teenager and looking for a little porn for yourself.
Basically you could hope that someone in your family had some hidden magazines in the house or that one of your close friends would lend you one of his. If that didn't work you could always use your imagination, but that doesn't work well if you haven't actually been with someone. You could go through all the Sidney Sheldon books your mom had around the house or if you were lucky a copy of the Thorn Birds or some other author who would throw in a sex scene now and then. If you were too lazy for any of that though there were the women in the the catalogs and the Sunday inserts who were attractive enough to be sure, but were wearing bras and panties that were more akin to body armor than anything sexy.
Back in 1977 Roy Raymond realized this was a problem and started Victoria's Secret. Yes, I know he started it because he was embarrassed to shop for his wife at most lingerie stores, but I also like to think he started the company because he had a vision. A vision that one day his models would be dressed in heels and lingerie and shipped for free to every home in this great country so teenage boys would not suffer the shame of trying to make out a breast on a scrambled television, but instead show them from an early age what was unattainable, but to at least have a dream.
That dream has made lots and lots of people rich and famous, and lots of acne scarred youngsters easy access to soft porn.