Thursday, February 14, 2008

Kathleen Turner Apologizes To The Whiner -- But...

Kathleen Turner did a classy thing yesterday. In between her book appearances and whatever she does to maintain her loopiness, Kathleen issued an apology to Mr. Whiny Pants, Nicolas Cage. You know, Nic has certainly become more wussified since he got remarried and his National Treasure thing took off. If he had tried to pull this whiny crap off when he was with Lisa Marie Presley or Patricia Arquette they would have kicked his balding, vampire self back to wherever the hell he came from. Now that he actually made $2 in a film that would have probably made even more money if he wasn't in it, he thinks all of a sudden he is the greatest actor living. I think you could have put newlywed and newly not a virgin Gary Coleman in that film as the star and it would have made money, so Nic shouldn't be taking bows just yet.

Anyway, Kathleen said, "I guess what I can say is I'm truly sorry if I caused distress or harm, because one thing is for sure - I never, ever intended to do that.

"This is what I remember, these are my thoughts and (they were) certainly not intended to damage anyone else".

You have to love her. She probably was smiling inside when she said this. She says she is sorry, but she never says they aren't true. What she is really saying is that if this little incident that happened 20 years ago which no one even cares about is causing you stress, then she's sorry, but
that you need to grow a pair because it is the truth.

Kathleen, if you ever want to get loopy with someone you give me a call, and we will get loopy. I will even let you reenact some of those scenes from Body Heat with me, or that other one where you play the hooker with the secret life.


  1. "in a film that would have probably made even more money if he wasn't in it"

    Totally agree. I loved National Treasure despite his being in it.

  2. ET, if you want to fuck a drunken has been slut, have at Kathleen. She's washed up and washed out.

  3. Wow, she looks good there. Looking at her face alone has always been deceiving because it appears pudgy compared to the rest of her.

  4. Diplomacy- some people have it... others don't!!

    Good on her.

  5. The people Ent finds admirable are interesting. I have nothing against Kathleen (even like her), but I hardly admire her and want her as a buddy now that she is selling out her friends and coworkers by spilling embarrassing details about them that may or may not be true (how do we know?).

    Maybe Nicholas Cage dealt with her as a notorious drunk bitch and he isn't going to let her get away with her saying this stuff years later in a book.

    From how sensitive we all are on here (ADMIT IT - most everyone gets all put out at the slightest insult, incl. me), I think any one of us would protest and sue in an instant if someone stated stuff like that in a book about us. Should he be portrayed as a ball-less weenie because he is fighting back? Weird logic.
