Jessica Alba Is An Attention Whore
Even though I didn't watch the Academy Awards I know that Jessica Alba was a presenter. I know this because I wanted to check why the hell she was even at the show. I must have missed the announcement that Good Luck Chuck was nominated for Best Picture, or that Best Actress nomination she just missed for Rise Of The Silver Surfer.
I think when the Academy invites people like Jessica it just encourages them to keep making movies. I think we should all discourage that as much as possible. Oh, if she wants she can make straight to DVD films. That way her fans can still sit at home and play with themselves, but the rest of us can save the $11 we know will be a waste as soon as we see her name on a film.
Well, to keep herself in the limelight and drawn to her, she releases stories such as this. "I did have a stumble backstage outside of the green room. Cash caught one arm, the other hit the floor.
"Luckily all the photogs were taking pics of Cameron D."
So, now because the paps didn't catch the moment, she wants the world to know that she fell and to please give her lots and lots of sympathy for her pregnant self. Do, I want any harm to come to her, or her baby(ies)? No, of course not. Obviously the baby is fine though so why even bring it up? If the paps had caught it, then she would probably be saying that the world was making a big deal out of nothing, but, here she is, making a big deal out of nothing.
Now, she can bask in the stories that are sure to follow with headlines that scream. "Jessica baby scare," and other crap like that. This is just such a classless move that she is on double secret probation. Hell, she and Cash deserve each other and I hope he does keep cheating on her. Hell, she probably likes the fact that he does cheat on her because she likes the sympathy she gets from others that he is such an ass.