Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jessica Alba In Latina Magazine

Jessica Alba tries to show that she is really proud to be Latina by giving this interview and agreeing to display to the world that she has no discernible acting talent. All I can say is that I am so glad she wasn't given the role in any of these classic horror movies. She needs to stick to comic book movies.


  1. Her Janet Lee(B+W pic) impersonation is awful.

    She is pretty but can't act (or pose) if her life depended on it. From the quotes, she sounds like a complete moron too.

  2. Those are not good photos.

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The Psycho one is just embarrassing...

  4. Anonymous11:22 AM

    the Psycho one looks like her head photoshopped on a man's body/shoulders.

  5. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Ironically I think the Psycho one is actually the best. The last one is hilarious, the expression on her face. She looks like she's doing a Brawny commericial and someone just dropped an egg on the floor. "Oh...no!"

  6. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Omigosh, Caligirl...you're right! I knew there was something freakishly wrong with that one!!

  7. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Yeah, the last one is NOT CONVINCING at all...what is it, btw?

  8. timestops...
    I am guessing it is Rosemary's Baby.

    What is the 3rd, Nightmare on Elm St?

  9. The Rosemary's Baby one is hilarious, for so many reasons.

  10. She's just tempting fate with that Rosemary's Baby thing.

  11. Anonymous11:45 AM

    That ceiling one is hilarious. That could be anyone up there.

  12. I just got this mag this weekend and I am so DISAPPOINTED with them for having her on the cover.

    She has been bashing her heritage for years and now she is acting like she is proud.


  13. Anonymous11:58 AM

    She is such an idiot. Might have a pretty face but her acting is terrible.

  14. Compare the Rosemary's Baby shot to the real thing:

    No comparison

  15. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Actually, that IS the shameful thing: The girl said she didnt identify with Latin culture and "didnt feel Latina". Now she's milking the "Im Hispanic" thing to its absolute MAX. All this "I cant wait for my baby to be brown and I'm gonna only speak Spanish to him even though I dont speak a word of it myself and dont have many months left to learn"

    Kinda seems a shame to put her on the cover of a mag called "Latina" when she said she didnt feel like she was one.

  16. These photos make Lohans photos look good.

    Uh....ENT, I am so over Jessica. Can we ban her too? Unless of course you catch Cash two timing her.

  17. Scream a classic horror movie??? WTF??

  18. She is an ignorant twat.

  19. Isn't the third one from the Exorcist?

  20. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I love the "People are just haters for no reason" - no Jessica, there are plenty of reasons. Everytime you open your mouth you provide plenty of them.

  21. The picture of her on the ceiling is quite interesting, but all of the others.. not so good. AKA, BAD.

  22. so what, it wasn't cool to be latina before, but it is now?

    nice way to represent, alba. what an ass.

  23. I am so over Jessica Alba and her whole poor little Latina me and I do not promote being sexy as I am a REAL actress. Rolls eyes. These pics are absolutely horrendous and just serve as a reminder that she cannot act.

  24. The Psycho picture just looks wierd. Some girls just don't suit short hair. I don't think Jessica has the face for it. And her shoulders DO look really big!

    And yes, if this is supposed to be her "acting"...um...yeah, okay...

    Poor Jess. You've gotta feel sorry for her. She got pregnant presumably to try and keep Cash and it will probably just backfire on her. Not to mention her body will never be the same.

  25. She's not that nice to look at, she's dumb as a rock, and she's trashed being a Latina for what...20+ years? Since when is this the kind of woman to represent Latina women? I'm ashamed of her as a woman, and I'm not Latina.

    Though I speak Spanish, and I'm not dumb enough to think you can learn it in less that 5 months! Let alone to speak it fluently, and exclusively, at home to a newborn to "teach" them the language.

    Hey, Jess, let's test out your Spanish skills, shall we?
    ¡Zurramato! ¡Pinche pendeja! ¡Babosa! Go back to your mut (man slut) and leave Latina heritage alone. You're dumber than most Gringos!

  26. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Her "baby Daddy" is half blk and whatever race he is and she knows her kid is going to be brown so she's speaking up for ppl of color um I guess it's cool, but the pics suck. BTW I had no idea she was Mexican at first I thought she was lightskinned or a mixedblk girl until she came out speak about her Mexican family.
