Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jamie Lynn Spears Sleeps Around And Drinks Alone

According to the new issue of Star, which is why Bai Ling may have been trying to take multiple copies, Jamie Lynn Spears is a bit of a slut. Star went to Kentwood to dig up dirt on the 16 year old. They came up with one girl who said she knows for a fact that Jamie has slept with people before and after Casey Aldridge. Another source said that Jamie was at a party two days before she announced publicly that she was pregnant and hooked up with a guy by saying that he didn't have to use a condom if he wanted to sleep with her because she was already pregnant.

The one thing Jamie Lynn never did in public apparently, was drink. She only drinks with friends, and in private, and often she just drinks alone. “Some people drink to have a good time,” the insider said. “But she drank to get wrecked. She drank to get messed up and forget about her mother, her sister and all of that.”

On a side note to all of this. Mom and dad are here in LA with the big breadwinner and basket case, and who the hell is home with the 16 year old pregnant girl? Hello? Anyone home? Could mom maybe stay back in Louisiana with the knocked up teenager and maybe leave the shopping with Britney and spending loads of cash to some other member of the family? Have you missed spending her money that much that you have abandoned your 16 year old teenager? Could this be why maybe she got knocked up in the first place? Because you weren't paying attention to who she was seeing and when and where?


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    If this is true, she should really be wearing a condom. If you get an STD whilst pregnant it can cause the fetus to be born blind, deaf, brain damaged or possibly even be stillborn. It doesn't get mentioned a lot, but it does happen.

    Part of me thought her getting pregnant was a desperate way to take control over her own life.

  2. Anonymous11:15 AM

    khemenu - and now it seems like it was just another sign of bad parenting by the Spearses

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Dysfunctional Family.

  4. But can't we chalk most of this up to BS as BI's would indicate it was an old lecherous producer that has impregnated her anyway?

  5. How sad. To be 15/16 and have no parental supervision, support, or guidance- how can we expect her to turn out much better?

  6. You know, in this situation, the parents cant win. When Britney was grabbing headlines the last two months, everyone was bitching about how her parents weren't involved and how her mother was sitting in her mansion in 'siana that Britney bought her.

    Now both parents are in LA trying to reign in their adult daughter and they're getting questioned for not being with their 16 year old.

    Certainly don't consider them stellar parents, but in this situation, I think the possible suicidal, mentally unstable daughter takes prescedence over the under-aged knocked up daughter. Hopefully she's with a capable guardian.

    Christ, this is SO an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies.

  7. but yeah, consider the sources you're talking to.
    Other 16 year old girls.

    I'm not saying that shes NOT doing any of these things, but really. When I was 16, I was probably having a lot more fun than I had time for because bitches a) are jealous b) want attention c) daddy didn't love them enough lol ok i threw in c to be facetious.
    I know at 16 I'd said some things that weren't true (to me at the time, but ended up to be true? lol) just to either look out for someone (ie talking shit on a friends new girlfriend/boyfriend) or because I was bored. I didn't have the internet to stimulate my brain.

    that leads to the question, did the internet make me hate people more or less (because i care more about what Jaime-Lynn Spears is doing than what Margaret (jack in jr high, she was the most popular girl.) {&if you get that reference 1000+ to you}'s life has amounted to. Even if it is seeing her on a cover in bad lingerie on a cadillac fender.

  8. You know, we really have no idea what's going on in this family. We don't know if JL is home alone or has someone with her. She slept around? Who knows? She gets fucked up? Who knows? (source: The star) I live in rural North America and could give you the names a dozen families with similar issues. Some of the parents are wonderful, some suck. I know I love my kids more than anything. Do I screw up sometimes? Yes!! The scariest thing to me is that my kids will make some stupid decision in their lives that will affect the rest of their lives badly. But it won't be the end of the world. We will make it work. Whatever. In my opinion, Britney needs some special attention right now. Jamie lynn probably doesn't want to come to California because someone will try to stick an ultrasound up her vajayjay to get the first picture of the baby. But, you know, that's just speculation.

  9. I think it's pretty clear at this point that Mama or Papa Spears being around is not going to do any good -- possibly the cause of all the harm. Jamie Lynn should seek emancipation and move far away from the ignorant greedy pimp parents

  10. stop blaming the parents..

    i know a lot of parents who went through the same thing with their kids..what are you gonna do?
    she's already preganant and how do we not know she isn't at home with an aunt or casey's mom? fuck me when i start beleiving a couple of twinks looking for their 15mins in a rag mag.
    There is 1000s of famillies like this all over the US who are good parents with no control. Sometimes kids are little f*ckers,get over it. Sorry but a mental illness bordering on psychoctic is way more pressing than a bitchy 16 year old who hasn't heard of condoms.

  11. There are different scenario's involved, this is nothing new. Sometimes you see the best of parents and the kid goes wrong anyway. But other times the parenting sucks. In this case, the parenting sucks. It's obvious.

  12. I just wish them all the best of luck and hopefully this pregnancy will become a real positive experience for Jamie Lynn and the rest of the family...

  13. Ent, puh-lease. This is the same girl who has a mother put her directly in the spotlight for some quick cash and boned the hell out. This girl obviously has no direction and Lynn is just doing this shit with Brit to get in the "good mother" graces again with the media.

    [slapping forehead]

  14. DUH

    1. it's a tabloid.

    2. Jamie isn't pregnant it was a publicity stunt to make us all forget her sister is batshit insane.

  15. DUH

    1. it's a tabloid.

    2. Jamie isn't pregnant it was a publicity stunt to make us all forget her sister is batshit insane.



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