Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Is This Where Isabella And Connor Go To School?

The NY Post has jumped on the I hate Scientology bandwagon and have published part of an interview they did with Jenna Hill Miscavige who is the niece of the Grand Poohbah himself.

Jenna came out last month and publicly supported Andrew Morton's book as it dealt with Scientology and immediately thereafter was basically crushed to non-existence by the Scientology folks. That is awful and if you want to read about it, click on the link above.

What I found fascinating is this. Jenna is currently 24 years old. In the year 2000 her parents left the church. You know a church must suck if the brother of the leader wants to leave. Jenna however decided to stay in the church. So, Jenna made this decision at say 16 or 17 years of age. Fine. The church put her in a boarding school. A Scientology boarding school. She stayed in the school until 2005 when she finally left the church. That means that even though she was 21 or 22 years of age she was still stuck in a boarding school. Obviously this is beyond high school, so what is it? Do they have a university or are they just using the opportunity to train their new leaders, or are they being probed by aliens? What are they doing?

While at the boarding school, Jenna was only allowed to see her parents once a year. This, despite the fact that for much of the time she was there she was over the age of 18. She also said that every day was uniform inspection day and that if you failed, that sometimes you would have a five gallon bucket of ice water dumped over your head. Again, this went on even though she was in her 20's.

"We were also required to write down all transgressions . . . similar to a sin in the Catholic religion. After writing them all down, we would receive a meter check on the Electropsychometer to make sure we weren't hiding anything, and you would have to keep writing until you came up clean. This is from the age of 5 until I was 12."

Presumably it stops at the age of 12 because even at that point the kids realize that the damn thing is just a toy hooked up to a bunch of wires and that they were basically scaring the kids into writing down all their sins. Now, unlike a priest who has no idea who said what for the most part, what do you think happens to all these things the kids write down? Jenna doesn't say, but what do you want to bet that Tom Cruise lays in bed at night and rubs them all over himself? OK, maybe not, but someone somewhere in the church is probably keeping these things and when the 10 year old boy starts making money in his 30's, the church comes knocking on his door for a little handout. If they don't get it, then ooops, everything released. Life ruined.

Really nice people these folks aren't they?

Don't even get me started about how they separated her from her parents when she was 12 because they were being a bad influence on her. Read Jenna's letter to the Scientologists here.


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