Monday, February 18, 2008

Is She Serious?

See the problem with this story is that I don't speak enough German to know whether Heidi Klum actually said this or not. I know a little German. He is sitting right over there. Had to do that. Had to. You cannot honestly write a little something about German and not throw that joke in there. I think that movie employed more little people than any movie before or since.

Anyway, Heidi Klum told the German broadcaster ARD that she would be more than willing to have Britney Spears move into the home and stay with her for a few months. Yes, I know we are on the Britney ban, but this is another celebrity talking about her, and Heidi has already made it clear that she enjoys a weekly naked day with Seal and so I think Britney would fit right in.

The thing is I don't know if Heidi was serious and what she thinks she can do that no one else could do. Does Heidi have a little of that Dominatrix in her you think? I mean she has a nanny for each child with a nanny supervising the nannies and then someone supervising the nanny supervisor so I am not sure what Heidi could do other than hiring someone or just making her watch endless reruns of all the shows she has in production in Germany while explaining them to her all in German. Perhaps Seal could go through his two or three hit career and explain how he managed to land someone as gorgeous as Heidi. See, you thought I was tearing into Heidi a little, but I am not. I just honestly wonder what she thinks she can accomplish besides installing a bunch of hidden cameras and then selling the footage as a reality show.


  1. I can't take Val Kilmer seriously and it's all because of that movie. Paaaaaarrrty tricks....soooooovenirrs.

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I love how all these people have an opinion, but you know that if the tables were reversed, and they were having psychological problems or somebody in their family was, they'd be all "Mind your own business! How dare you!"

    This isn't directed at Heidi specifically but at every celebrity who doesn't actually know britney personally or met her only "once or twice" who feels qualified to comment on her current condition.

    Good point Ent about the nannies. Seriously. The woman has like one nanny per kid. Ridiculous!

  3. Um, I would like to live with Heidi and Seal for a few months.

  4. Got a link to the interview? I've only seen the paraphrased English ones. I'm fluent in German.

    I'm thinking this was in jest and it's just not translating properly.

  5. khemenu, don't blame the celebrities - that is the only question the paps ask them these days. "What do you think about Britney?" I think they have to say something just to stop hearing the question.

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM


    But why can't they just say "I don't know, that's none of my business."?

  7. Anonymous11:08 AM

    umm.. I can't always figure out movie quotes: little german?

    and Ent, I think the movie that had the most little people in it was Under the Rainbow. They used to show that weekly on Comedy Central back in the day (I think it was till called The Comedy Channel back then..)

  8. Well, I understand Heidi's impulse. Although I'm working on it, I still think that I can "fix" people. Back during the Anna Nicole saga, I wanted to rescue DannieLynn in the worst way.

    But Heidi is one strict bitch and I bet she could straighten Britney out.

  9. I've seen the interview and that's pretty much what she said. I think she meant it in a motherly kind of way since she also mentioned something about taking drastic measures to bring her back on track and that she's feeling sorry for her.

    Btw.: Heidi's show in Germany [show not shows] is called Germany's Next Top Model. I've seen a few episodes and let me just tell you that she's an unhealthily ambitious bitch who would sell her grandma for a little success.

  10. dnfrommn; the movie in question is "Top Secret". Val Kilmer's finest work yet.

  11. My little Germans detest Heidi in the worst way and think her show over there is terrible. When I talk about how good Project Runway is, they don't believe me.

    Heidi's Top Bitch Nanny is her mother. Die Muttie is in almost every photo with the kids. You just KNOW she is the iron fist in the house and even Seal cuts a wide berth around Grammie Klum.

    BTW, I like Heidi a lot, which infuriates my little Germans.

  12. Rosie O'Donnell also made the same offer to Britney. Who'd you rather sneak a peak at coming from the shower? Kelly or Seal? Hmm, I think I need to pick up a little German.

  13. If it's a dominatrix Britney needs, then why aren't we calling LeeLee Sobieski? I'm sure Xenuhead will give a good reference.

  14. Err, yes, she meant it. Specifically she said Britney could call her, and come and stay with her for a few months if she wanted. Heidi does the "let me help you sort out your tragic low self esteem issues" thing on Germany's Next Top Model, though nowhere near on the level of fauxness as, say, Tyra on ANTM. Personally, I find Heidi to be really genuine on GNTM (she yodels!), and I have a feeling she really meant it when she said she'd help Britney.

  15. "In women's tennis, I always bet against the heterosexual."

    "What fake dog poop?"

    "Ist deine Tochter achtzehn bitte?"

    "It took them two hours just to get the smile off of his face."

    Classic, classic movie. The best of the ZAZ movies, I think.



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