Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'll Stifle Your Creativity

Look, I am all for the actor finding roles that bring out the best in them and making themselves a better performer. Obviously some actors have it and others, like Jessica Alba never will. What I can't stand is when an actor bad mouths a franchise that made them a ton of money and made them famous.

Hayden Christensen has been going around on his press junket for the crap film Jumper by saying that he will never work with George Lucas again and that Star Wars "wasn't necessarily anything you could feel good about creatively. It's not why you become an actor, to do stuff like that."

Ummm. So you became an actor so you could do crap like Jumper which the studio was planning on making a bunch of until this one turned out so bad?

Maybe you would like to go back and do what you were doing before you got lucky enough to get cast in the Star Wars franchise. Oh, and that franchise that stifled your creativity. I don't remember anyone holding a gun to your head saying that you needed to audition for the role or that you needed to accept the role when offered to you. Seems to have served your needs pretty well, so for you to come out and throw a bunch of that artist bullshit aqt the world now seems really f**king hypocritical since you were plenty happy to be cashing those paychecks the past few years and becoming famous long before you ever could have hoped.

Yes, you did a good job in Life As A House, but it was in a supporting role and those are always easier to do well in. Plus, it was a hell of a well written role.

All you have to say when people ask you questions is just say that you loved your time with George Lucas and thank him for everything and that you are excited about the next stage of your career. Don't be a snob, because you are not that good, and you would still sell your soul for enough money as evidenced by Jumper, so why don't you just shut up and be thankful.


  1. Tell me fucking about it. Nice one Ent!

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    what a douche.

  3. Well said Ent. What an honor to work with someone of Lucas' calibre and to speak of him so crass? What a git.
    He was so flat in the films, Lucas probably had to edit the hell out of the films just to get decent footage of him! He just sealed his fate.
    Anyone want to bet on which American car he'll be plugging in 6months?

  4. Anyone that makes money off of franchise films only to complain later is just an ass. It's hella good money and any upstart actor that tells you they are above it just didn't get the part.

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Hayden needs to shut the f-up and just be happy (and honored) he got to be part of the huge thing that is the Star Wars franchise.
    I used to work for one of George's companies and I had a blast while I was there. I was a peon, but I'm still so glad that I got to be part of that "universe" for a little while.
    Yes - I am a Star Wars geek. ;)

  6. Although I don't think he should have slammed Lucas and probably could have kept that bit of whining to himself, I have to agree that he was pretty shitty in the Star Wars movies. He was really good in "Life as a House," even in a supporting role. I mean, he really made me believe he was a straight teenager wanting to have sex with the neighbor girl in the shower! George Lucas overly concentrates on the special effects and those stupid critters (Jar-Jar Binks anyone?) than he does on the actors. And while it worked okay with Harrison Ford, other actors don't have the charisma or ability to shine through the wooden dialogue or lack of direction. Like Hayden or that kid who played Anakin as a child. I thought even Liam Neeson and Ewan MacGregor were terrible and I think they're good actors.

    And, man, could that photo of Hayden make him look any gay-er? It reminds me of the poster for "40-Year-Old Virgin."

  7. Okay, while I agree that he is being completely ungrateful... the Star Wars prequels kind of sucked. Creatively speaking, the dialogue was the stuff of bad Harlequin romance novels, and for YEARS they had me thinking Natalie Portman was a horrible actress, but it turns out it was just the writing. Really, really bad writing.

    That said, he was awful in those films, too, but he has not redeemed himself as Portman has. His two best films are Life as a House (pre-Star Wars) and Shattered Glass (post), but other than that I can't really think of anything. Plus, in every single role I've seen him in, he's played a whingy teenager/journalist/future Dark Overload, so it's not like there's been much variety to his work, either. He's hardly proved himself good enough to slight something like Star Wars, which made him famous. So he's right and wrong, and I like him and I don't like him, but one thing's for sure: Jumper looks like a really crappy movie, so STFU Hayden.

  8. Personally, I think Hayden sucked in SW and did a great job of ruining the three films.

  9. wow, considering how much dirt lucasfilm has on him, i'm surprised he's saying anything.

    bwa ha ha!

  10. I can only repeat what Jonathan Ross (BBC film buff) said on reviewing Jumpers: 'Why does hayden Christensen keep getting cast in big-budget films?'

  11. I'm just flabbergasted that he still gets work. He is so bad. SO BAD.

  12. Smooth move Hayden ~ bite the hand that feeds you! You're right, you'll never work with George again. After that comment he wouldn't work with you again either. I'm sure this will only help your career, directors will be dying to work with you now so you can throw them under a bus too.

  13. Dear Hayden;

    You're not fooling anyone. You're a bad actor, on screen and off. Give my love to Rachel.


  14. What, does he think Jumper's being the number one film means he can get away with this? People see films in spite of you, not because of you, Hayden.

  15. Agree w/ everyone. Dissing Lucas? Is he out of his mind? He should be thankful he gets any work in a profession he sucks at. 10 seconds into his first appearance in SW, I was pissed, ranting why GL would cast this NOTHING in such a hugely important role. Couldn't wait for him to hurry up and become Vader. Portman's bones were made long before SW, so however well (or not) those films did was not going to have an affect on her career.
    I cannot stand HC; I think he's horrible and too ugly to be cast as a romantic lead in anything. Have never seen him in anything else, nor will I.

  16. What's more interesting is *why* HC thinks he has license to diss GL. . . . isn't Lucas rumoured to be a closet queen? So maybe HC thinks the non-acting services he rendered to G once upon a time buy him some leeway in discussing Georgie. OK, just a random, baseless theory.

  17. Fester, I think you hit the nail on the head so to speak. Not getting the HC hate or GL love at all. Normally when creepy older guys abuse their position to take advandage of youngsters we're outraged. Is it opposite day or what?

  18. Only a rumor and one that plagues everyone in show biz, true or not. Talent, on the other hand, or lack thereof is pretty evident.
