Wednesday, February 13, 2008

If You Are Bored Today

If you saw a headline that said actress involved in a live in 3some, you would honestly think it would be a bit more salacious than the article I just read in the Daily Mail. Oh, they are not teasing at all, it really does exist between Tilda Swinton, her young male lover, and her grandfather type lover who is also the father of her twins. It is just that even with something this sensational, the Daily Mail treats it as if it was quiet time at the library or a BBC report on how to grow your grass greener.

You have a quote like the one below:

The twins, it emerges, were with Swinton and her lover at the Bafta's ceremony, and returned to the family home as a group - including Kopp - on Tuesday afternoon.

They were greeted at the door by Byrne, who helped them with their cases.

The unconventional ménage then retired inside.

Kopp, it seems, is staying over in Scotland for a few days, with the full blessing of Byrne, an eccentrically bewhiskered figure who, aged 67, could almost be cast in the role of grandfather.

Who is - ahem! - occupying which bedroom is a rather tricky question which, for whatever reason, Byrne prefers not to answer.

"I wouldn't encourage you to ask anything like that," he growled.

"It's nobody's business. It's our business. It's nobody in the world's business."

And then they go on with a narrative about the community in which they live and its charming history as well as a traipse through 35 generations of Swinton history. Anyway if you want to read all about her relationship with the two men and how she makes it all work, click here. It is very long. I just never thought a 3some could be so damn boring.


  1. When this was posted as a BI I remember that there were a lot of correct guesses. A few super sleuths were even able to provide extensive specifics about the situation.

    Some of you people are wasting your time here; the FBi and Homeland Security would love to have your services.

  2. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Honestly, this adds to her eccentricity and makes me love her more. She's a phenomenally talented actress, and a little kooky.

    If the 3 of them are fine with the arrangement, it's none of our business. And Ent, that's the reason why it's "boring" is because they aren't blabbing away to whoever will listen about their arrangement.

  3. "It's nobody's business. It's our business. It's nobody in the world's business."

    Kudos to the lot of them for making this work. The kids still have their dad, Tilda gets to fuck a toyboy, the toyboy has no 'stepdad' angst. All happy bunnies.

  4. Hell, that guy is so hot the husband probably wants to do him too!

  5. Why, oh why is the older guy's mustache "yellow" around the mouth? I'm sorry, although he seems like a nice enough guy, but that just turns my stomach.

  6. It certainly is their business, but both of the guys are eeeewwww GROSS, in my opinion.

  7. Anonymous11:55 AM

    sign me up!

  8. Good to know I won't have to share him with you AND Tilda, Twisty.

    Say, whatever happened to Tracee? Haven't seen her comment in awhile.

  9. Pinky, honey, they're allll

    I don't know what happened to Tracee. She seems to get busy from time to time (like I do), so hopefully, that's what it is.

    What the heck happened to YOU, though? You've been mia for some time and have only been back recently.

  10. Seemed to me like she'd stopped commenting after 'lawyer dude' started wondering if she'd 'do' particular people. Maybe it was just my imagination.

    As for why I left, I'll just say I came back because I missed youse guys.

  11. AWwwwww.....we missed you, too. And you miss Chicago, but not our weather. I wouldn't miss it either given the weather we've been having.

    I'm SOOOOOOOo glad you're back!

  12. Anonymous1:23 PM

    That guy would be hot if his lips didn't look like a vagina.

  13. I haven't seen many vaginas, Brenda, but I'll take your word for it.

    Twisty - you're so sweet. My boss just took a big ass job in Chicago. The day he left the high was 4 degrees there. That's almost as chilly as EL ;)

  14. LMAO, Pink. That was WITHOUT the windchill, dear. WITH the windchill it was -35, the high for the day.

    Now don't be hatin' on EL just because you think he done Hez wrong. As an outsider, it always looked like their 'great friendship' was one-sided anyway. Besides, you're not here to hate him, you're here to LUV us. ;-)

  15. Things aren't always as they seem, Twisty. But let's drop that conversation because you're right, I'm here because I lurves you guys.

  16. Why is it a skinny (though talented) hag gets TWO guys and I can't even find one? Of course, this also means that there are two more ugly guys off the market--maybe I should thank her...

  17. long time lurker.

    I was not privy to Hezs conversation with Enty about CDAN but I never understood why she thought he should pay her way?
    If she wanted to travel to another city for a gossip convention then why should he fly her out and put her up in a hotel?

    Hez seems like a nice woman, I don't think she needs you to come here and defend her over and over again for something that occurred in 07.

    Anyway, I love this site but have noticed a lot of negativity towards Enty. I really don't want to see it become like Perez, that would be a loss.

    back to lurking!

  18. @Just saying - everyone's entitled to their opinion no matter how naive it may be ;) That's why I find Tilda's loverboy hot (and probably a mass murderer), and Majik and Twisty think he's gross.

  19. Way to go Tilda. Most people don't have the balls to make their life work their way.

    I too have my busy times where I can't get my CDAN fix during the day. I do come to read up later through.

    I wish I could quit you Entie.

  20. pinky i was going to go back to lurking but since you feel like being a complete bitch to everyone who comes here to enjoy the site then i will tell you how much of a shit disturber you are and that you need to grow up and stop fighting the invisible battle for Hez.
    It was months ago NO ONE CARES BUT YOU. please get over it. or just shut up about it already.
    What stake do have in this besides looking like a spoiled child who didn't get her way?
    I'm a nice person normally but don't go calling me naive when I've probably been here longer than you.
    Sorry to 'hijack' the thread guys but enough is enough.



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