I Love When Readers Are Spies
Readers who are spies are the best spies because you know who and what I care about and who the hell I could really give a rat's ass about. A reader weighed in about who he saw hanging out in NY at Fashion Week, and I will add my stuff in the italics.
Hey Ent-
I was at the Gramercy Park Hotel bar last night and saw a bunch of celebrities, though no one did anything foolish. Ellen Pompeo, her husband, (see and you thought no one did anything foolish. Well, Ellen might not have done anything foolish last night, but really every night she stays married to this guy is another night of foolishness so in all actuality, there is never a time for now that Ellen is not acting foolish. ) Rebecca Gayheart and Eric Dane were on a married couple double-date. (Did you get up close to Eric and check for any kind of scarring on the lips? I keep looking at photos and can't see anything. I mean I know he is not making it up, but you would think you would be able to see something. I think we are all just grateful he doesn't have a Joaquin Phoenix scar. The last thing I need in this world is to have dodge the films of two actors, three if you count Hugh Grant's teeth just because I can't concentrate because I can't stop staring at the scar or teeth. Did Rebecca eat? See, that would be big news. I would love to know if she ate a little and said she was full after a saltine, or if she is doing her In-N-Out type regimen some more and really gaining some weight. Go back to Ellen for a second. Did she look pregnant?) At one point Sean Combs came in wearing a tux (with one bodyguard) and hung out with them, and then Andre Benjamin came in and hung out with Combs. (I bet Sean doesn't like Andre hanging out with him because even though Sean wears a tux 24/7, Andre is such a better dresser. Sean is a guy who has the money to spend as much on fashion as any person alive and it shows. The problem is that Andre can wear anything and it just looks better on him, no matter what it is. ) Dylan McDermott was there wearing a suit and got the number of a pretty blond girl. (This is why Shiva needs to call me and just give up on the whole getting back with Dylan thing. Can't you see that he is just playing you when he needs a little loving?) The weird sighting was the alleged John Krasinski, who had the height, hair, and weird plaid jacket you would expect, along with girls introducing themselves to him, but...if it was him he is a lot stockier than he seems on TV. Perhaps he has gained a little weight? (Oh, that reminds me of something I need to post)