Monday, February 18, 2008

Homemade Heroin Almost Kills Blake

Amy Winehouse's poor excuse for a husband almost killed himself after ingesting some heroin which was mixed with another substance. Obviously heroin is at a premium inside jail, as it is after all a jail and not a place where one is supposed to be able to check off a box and order whatever the hell you want. Anyway, Blake and six other guys decided they would mix their heroin with an "unidentified toxic substance" and as a result all six almost died. I'm thinking Drano, or rat poison, or something like that.

All six became violently ill within a few minutes of taking the concoction and all had to be rushed to the hospital. Earlier this week, Blake was informed he had failed three separate drug tests over the past six weeks and was ordered to spend one night in solitary. One night in solitary? Oh, that will show him. Yea. Let me see. Take drugs all the time and if I get caught three times I get to spend the night in a cell all by myself without my big ass roommate snoring all night. Where do I sign up please? Can I just confess once every few weeks to taking drugs?

If one night in solitary is the only punishment, then what the hell is the reason to not take drugs? If I am looking at many years behind bars for a crime, then why the hell wouldn't I want to take something to make those years fly by a little faster?

Hopefully at some point between now and when he gets released in the next five or six years, Amy will have moved on. If she ever gets back with this guy, she will never get herself back together again.

The prison where Blaaaaaake Incarcerated would only say “A small number of prisoners were treated in health care following the consumption of an unknown substance.”


Anonymous said...

seems that he's been using signed pictures of Amy to pay for his habit. (via perez)

lutefisk said...

at least he is trading pictures of Amy rather than his body cavities for drugs.

I am slipping in the ratings--will anyone please vote for my photo with Bono?
thank you.

Anonymous said...

Even signed pictures of Amy can't guarantee he'll get pure stuff to get high on! If Blaaaake is smart, he'll use this time in the hospital wisely and get himself detoxed.

just saying... said...

ok Adrian
one was ok, two was pushing it,now you're just annoying with that old ass picture of Bono.

ms_wonderland said...

Detox is obviously the last thing on this idiot's mind. Maybe he hasn't noticed how his wife has blossomed since she's been seperated from him. Some people can't join the dots.

It needs pointing out that Blaaaake incarcerated is not a convicted criminal. I think being caught with drugs after conviction would mean longer behind bars.

lutefisk said...

thanks just saying- I get points for you clicking in--you helped my campaign!

liveunderarock said...

Adrian, You handled that "annoying" troll so nicely I'm going to vote for you twice. :)

lutefisk said...

Aw, shucks. Thanks liveunderarock. My kids & I are just trying to have a little fun with this contest-- We want to see if we can get in the top 75!! I score higher if the link is out on the internet!
I appreciate your support-- I guess people have to lighten uo. Obviously if you are on a blog like this it is for fun----- I am not trying to annoy anyone. It's not like I posted "first" or anything!

Unknown said...

If he ever signs up for a liver transplant I hope they knock him off the list...


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