Thursday, February 07, 2008

George Clooney Tells It Like It Is

Whether you like or dislike George Clooney, he does have an opinion about everything and is not shy about expressing his opinion an issue if you ask. Actually he will tell you his opinion whether you ask or not, or if you are interested or not. He likes sharing, but only what he wants to share, which seems like everything but in fact really isn't. Want to know about Nicole Kidman's pregnancy or Darfur? Ask away. Want to know if he takes Viagra for threesomes, he probably isn;t going to let you know. I think that if a celebrity tells us a bunch of crap opinions that he or she has about issues we really care nothing about, then we as the public should be entitled to ask a few freebie questions that the celebrity would rather not answer. You made us listen to what you had to say, now listen to what we really want to know.

Anyway, in a recent interview, George confirmed out loud what has always been known without speaking and that is actors hate reality stars. Actually his quote was "There is a strange pecking order among actors. Theatre actors look down on film actors, who look down on TV actors. Thank God for reality shows, or we wouldn't have anybody to look down on."

When asked why he looked down on them, he said no one respects celebrities who have no discernible talent. Now I don't know how that applies to some of the actors he has actually worked with in the past. If you get on a television show or film and have no discernible talent does that still give you beat down rights towards a reality star? What if the reality star ends up being nominated for an Academy Award? Still get to look down on them?

I agree with George by the way, and think we become way too enamored of people who just happen to be on a television show whether they have talent or not. I actually have more respect for someone who has won a reality competition like Survivor or Amazing Race because they probably demonstrated some sort of skill that you can respect rather than just being famous for where you happened to be raised or being photogenic enough that someone is willing to give you 20 people to choose from.


  1. Where does George stand on celebrity reality stars?

  2. Yeah! What they said!!!

  3. Ent-Obviously you and George think alike, he also "respects" reality show contestants. His current lady friend shot to fame by eating a bug. Still, I'm not sure it's much of a skill, my two year old does it all the time. But don't worry, I'm keeping her away from George.

  4. UM, he does realize that his girfriend won a reality show competition?

    Oh, what does she care - she's getting the Laboutins whenever she wants.

    Still love my Georgie...


  5. If only it were so cut and dry. One of the most meteoric rises of fame and award adulation was a reality show cast-off, by the name of oscar winner Jennifer Hudson.

    I've known film "stars" who got their foot in the door doing less "PC" work than starting off in reality television.

    Hell, his new piece sold ass and showed snail in photographs. Classy.

  6. I guess this means he won't be doing Dancing With the Stars. I'd read he's a fan. Maybe he's talking about shows like Surreal Life, etc.

  7. "showed snail"

    good lord that one's good! lol.

  8. hey Georgie,
    whAt do You think about a man who is 46 years old and still single?

  9. mngddess, of course he knows she was on a reality show- apparently he does like to "look down at her".

  10. Anonymous11:55 AM

    was there a BI reveal in here or am I just reading too much into the statement "Want to know if he takes Viagra for threesomes, he probably isn;t going to let you know."?

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM


    I always heard that Clooney was impotent. In fact, that BI about a guy on a boat spanking women or whatever but not sleeping with them made me think of Clooney...everyone else was dead set on Jack Nicholson (who to be fair is the more likely candidate).

  12. Last week, EL reported that a HIV+ white pop singer was asked by her local health department who she had sex with so they could be notified. Last week, allegations persisted, on the backend, there was a media frenzy bidding war for the list because it contained identities of some of the most famous and richest men on planet earth. This week we are hearing, this whole story has been swept under the rug, similar to the Heath Ledger video cover-up. Fast Forward: Sky Villa has unearthed similar data. We have also been informed about a white pop princess with the package, the similarities are astounding. This is what we uncovered: One of her reps asked that the few black men she had been intimate with-be moved to the top of the list to take the focus off the white male celebrities who dominate the list. This way, a black man can be set up to be the "fall guy," if and when this sensitive information ever leaks-and be accused of infecting one of America's Sweethearts with the deadly virus. I guess her rep didn't realize, it doesn't matter what order your name is in. It's just devastating to be included on a list like this, regardless of order. The Truth: If this is the same woman, she could have gotten infected by anyone. One of our sources walked in on her at a industry party, in a bedroom, while she was bent over snorting cocaine, an anonymous sex partner was pounding her from the back without a condom. He was her dealer and she exchanged sex for drugs although she can afford to buy her narcotics but she's addicted to the thrill of anonymous sex. Who Is She?

  13. Anonymous12:01 PM

    @klown: No, no BI reveal, just a snarky comment towards the recent Jack Nicholson interview where he said something to that effect.

  14. George should speak frankly about that "gayface" of his cuz it's getting really obvious, pink purses fall out of his mouth every time he speaks! WHEN is he gonna come out as gay/bisexual???

  15. "Showing snail"....haha...I'm gonna use that one.

  16. The thing that is not clarified here is whether George looks down on ALL reality stars or if he's just talking about the VH1/Bachelor/Fear Factor/Real World-Road Rules/etc. set who really don't have any talent. People who go on American Idol, for example, certainly have some talent (for the most part). I think Ent was getting at the same thing when he asked "what if the reality star ends up being nominated for an Academy Award?" (Jennifer Hudson) There are quite a few talent-based reality shows out there, I'm just using AI as the best-known example.

    And even with that example I've always gotten the feeling that many people within the music industry look down on most AI people b/c it's an instant shot at fame as opposed "working" for it the way the rest of them did. Now what falls under the category of "work," you decide. People who go on the Amazing Race and Survivor are more likely to demonstrate physical and/or mental skill than any other reality show b/c of all the challenges, so I can kind of see where Ent is coming from there.

    I know nothing about George's girlfriend so I can't comment on the possible hypocrisy there. Just pointing out that it is possible he is not referring to all reality, just the shows where no talent was necessary to get on in the first place.

  17. Clooney has paid his dues, and frankly I like the way he thinks. So, he's single? Wasn't Warren Beatty single for something like an era? Everyone knew he liked sex with girls. I agree with him about the reality show thing. If it weren't for a stupid reality show, Elizabeth Hasselbeck wouldn't be irritating me every single day.



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