Friday, February 08, 2008

Four For Friday - Fashion Week

Don't forget that Monday is a really big day. Grammy recap and our BAFTA insider will be doing her salacious inside scoop from the awards there, with photos I might add.

From Fashion Week

#1 This celebutard/reality female was spotted not, once, not twice, but three times this past week with different aging men who had paid a substantial sum to "spend some time" with her. Considering she hasn't been able to get a new tv gig, this is probably not a bad way for her to make a living.

#2 This barely 20's male B list television actor who is the "in" person right now was great in the afternoons, but was a complete ass by midnight because of his 12 hour a day constant coke habit. That's two from this group now.

#3 This couple consisting of a guy and his B list quickly dropping to C list actress wife with the B+ name recognition spent their first time together in months as a couple. She is not the nicest person to her husband or to their child, and so he had walked out. She made the rounds quietly with a couple of guys, but realized she missed her husband's money so has been kissing his ass in attempt to get him back. The thing is she had never really been nice to him in public before, and this week was acting like a Stepford Wife, so it was pretty obvious what was going on.

#4 How do you describe this guy without giving it away? Actor, barely. Oh, he thinks he is, but in reality is known for one particular role. Spooky? You bet. Arrogant? Absolutely. Straight? 100%, or so we all thought. Seems though that his fondness for a certain act is not limited to women as he was spotted in a restroom getting some attention from a guy.


  1. 1- Oaris or Kristin Cavelleri
    2- Chace Crawford on another Gossip dork
    3- workin on it
    4-Vincent Gallo or Kfed? lol

  2. sorry that's Paris

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    4- piven?

  4. Can #4 be Crispen Glover?--he is creepy!!!!!

    Will anyone please vote for my photo entry of me with a celeb??
    Here is the link.
    thanks so much!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. Cavalari or one of the Hills girls
    2. Chace Crawford or one of the Gossip Guys
    3. I thought Salma Hayek, I saw the first photo of her being affectionate with her man/baby's daddy. But I don't know about her "making the rounds" having just given birth.
    4. ?

  7. I like the Pivert for #4. He seems like the "what do I care who/what it is when I'm only seeing the top of their head?" type.

    #2 - does the "two from this group" refer to Chase's costar doing the two coke suppliers? I really hope it's not Blake, but she does seem to be heading down that path.

    #1 Paris

    #3 Debra Messing is a great guess.

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    1. Was thinking it might be Tara Reid.
    2. Don't know
    3. don't know
    4. dont know

  9. Anonymous12:47 PM

    #3 - Jen and Ben? Is she a bitch or is she nice?

  10. Not Paris, maybe Cavalleri. Paris wasn't at Fashion Week. She doesn't never made much money from tv or movies. She makes her money from perfume sales, which actually did well, clothing line, etc. It sounds more like Cavelleri.

  11. #4 - Wilmer Valderrama?

  12. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I wouldnt say Piven is "barely" an actor. He has had many film roles, a stint on Seinfeld, and a huge TV role.

  13. 1. KC
    2. Ed Westwick
    3. Messing
    4. Wilmer V.

  14. I thought Salma for #3. As her husband is loaded.

  15. #1 has got to be Tara Reid. I have no idea where she gets all the money for all the traveling and shopping she does. Her family is not wealthy and she hasn't worked in ages

  16. I thought Messing for #3...not that "stepford wife" is a clue, but she DID play the lead role on "the starter wife"...

  17. 1. Brittny Gastineau
    2. Chace Crawford
    3. no clue
    4. Wilmer Valderrama

  18. what about Kate Beckinsale for #3???

  19. Anonymous1:02 PM

    4 - would you really call Wilmer "spooky" though? First thing that came to mind was Duchovny ("spooky mulder"), but he's clearly an actor.

    no clue on the others. I like the Crispin Glover angle, since he's clearly spooky, and known for crazy kinky sex stuff. But he's an actor/artist.

  20. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I don't thinks Selma is married yet.

  21. Wilmer creeped me the hell out when I saw him, so Spooky for me haha.

  22. Yeah, Duchovny was what came to mind for #4 because of the spooky comment and he really is known for one role, but he's done other work too, so dunno.

  23. 1. my first thought was brittany gastineau
    2. another gossip guy besides chace (akc-already known cokehead)
    3. messing is a great guess...does anyone know what her husband does? ($$$)
    4. I don't think it's piven, yes he may be an ass but he is a well established actor...but idk who it would be. wilmer v I guess

  24. Anonymous1:16 PM

    could number #4 be jared leto? i know he is an actor who has been in lots of stuff but he is mainly known for My So Called Life. and from interviews and stuff that i've read, he seems pretty arrogant.

  25. Jared is touring right now. These blinds are from Fashion Week and to me it's pretty obvious that he's got one foot out of the closet.

    Which is why I'm saying it's not Duchovny, because he hasn't been out here and neither has Crispin Glover. I'm sticking to Wilmer for that fourth one.

    And nobody really cares about Ed Westwick, Chace is the 'in' one haha.

  26. Off Topic:

    Did ya'll get a gander at Heidi Fleiss' lips? OMG!! She got a DUI in Vegas.

  27. I think #2 is Chace Crawford, as he is definitely the "in" person right now, barely 20s.

    I don't think #1 is Tara Reid, only because she's been out of the country for months, with pics of her in London showing up the other day.

  28. I would think Messing has her own money from W&G plus residuals from reruns. Plus, I think her husband is a screenwriter or something.

  29. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Vincent Gallo is a great guess for #4. He's kind of an actor, kind of a director and kind of an artist...amongst other things.

    Also, he was famously filmed getting a BJ in Brown Bunny.

  30. i don't know if Tara Reid is #1 but she is definitely an escort.
    mainly overseas - which is why she is always photog'd with random rich looking lecherous men.

    Can it be Herpes Hilton? who would pay to risk contracting the herp?

  31. 4 is DEFINITELY gallo; he has been creeping out all of fashion week and is best known for having a "certain act" performed on him by chloe sevigny.

    and he is the scariest man alive.

  32. 1. That Gastineau girl
    2. Zac Efron
    3. Kate Beckinsale or Jen Garner
    4. Vincent Gallo (who cares?)

  33. (fleiss is a meth addict)

    sorry for the multiple posts

  34. I'm sure this is everyone's question and maybe it's stupid but Why, for the love of God, would anyone try Meth???? You see pics of people on it, you watch documentries on it, it's almost impossible to get off of, Why would anyone stick the pipe to their lips or snort something like that? All I can think is they are f*#ked up already and can't get more coke or whatever. I know good, professional, wonderful people who are so screwed now and their life is over because of this crap. What is it?

  35. !. probably Tara Reid
    2. ? Some stupid idiot.
    3. My first thought was Salma Hayek too.
    4. Wouldn't surprise me if it was Mr. Fox Mulder.

  36. I don't think Jen Garner could be described as quickly dropping to C list since she just had a movie out that did really well (Juno).

    How about Courtney Cox for #3? Has she been at Fashion Week?

  37. 4. P. diddy, Sean combs whatever he is called now a day.His one acting role was in Monster's Ball ( spooky). Everyone knows he is very arrogant and gay rumors about him has been circulating for years!

  38. #3 Tori Spelling is the only name which came to mind, although it's most likely wrong.

  39. Anonymous2:06 PM

    hmm... i can def. see Vincent Gallo for #4. he's a weirdo so the "spooky" thing would fit. and i know he's really arrogant know...he's an "artist." i don't think "spooky" when i think of wilmer, he's just retarded.

    number 3 couldn't be jennifer garner, you see pictures of her everyday out in public with her daughter, violet, and she seems to really love her and enjoy being with her and doing things hands on with her.

    i guess i could see salma but what about Brooke Shields? she's got the name recognition thing going for her, she's been in NY filming that new Lipstick Jungle thing or whatever it's called so it's plausible that this would have been the first time her and her husband would have been together in a while since they live in LA, and she's been very open with the postpartum stuff and resenting her children so i could see that she wouldn't be then nicest to her babies. i know she's married, i think her husband is screenwriter but i don't know about the $$ part. iwould think that she would make more, but again, i have no idea.

    just a guess.

  40. i think EL would have said children,no?
    Although Brooke did suffer PPD she did get therapy for it and wrote a book so I doubt she's it for this one.

    What actress has ONE child and married to a non actor that has cash? hmm.. any producers? i'm not good with the hollywood peeps behind the lens. big business? althletes?

  41. I guess now that I reread everything, Vincent Dallo seems a better guess than Crispen Glover.

    Please vote for me!

  42. Joaquin Phoenix for number 4

  43. Adrian, You lucky, lucky girl,

  44. #2 is most likely ed westwick from gossip girl. he is the youngest of the guys on that show (is ONLY 20, so you can't reeeally say that he is in his 20s). i don't want it to be penn badgley!

  45. I re-read 4, it's definitely Vincent Gallo haha.

  46. i'm calling him Vincent Swallow from this moment on.

  47. This is totally an out there guess, but what about Justin Timberlake for #4? He's still trying to break out as an actor. He's known to be arrogant. I just can't put the spooky in there....

    I'm probably wrong, but I thought I'd throw it out there...

  48. Off topic:

    News just broke that Brad Renfro died from a heroin od. Sad

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. thanks patsy!
    I will be even luckier if I get into the top 75 pictures--then I have a chance of winning $500!
    That's why I need people to click in & vote!
    Even if I don't win, it is exciting to get that picture out there-- I have been holding on to it for quite a long time!

  51. I'm voting for you Adrian. You're a cutie - and he's so young there!

  52. Anonymous2:52 PM


    I haven't seen that bunny movie but between him and Chloe they made a very weird couple LOL.

  53. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Jared Leto is a great guess for #4. "How do you describe this guy without giving it away?" If they said singer/actor and the remaining adjectives it would be too obvious.

  54. #1. Gotta be the Parisite.
    #2...How 'bout that wee McCartney boy--Jesse? He's only 20, one of the 'in' guys at the moment (or so I'm told, I know shit)...does he fit?
    #3. What about Ellen's ex, whassername? *mental note--post BEFORE bong).
    #4. LOVE the P. Diddy/Daddy/Doody guess...totally fits (Jared Leto has been in quite a few movies, I'd qualify him as a bona fide actor who sings, like Kevin Bacon or Juliette Lewis).

    ANNE HECHE!!!!!

    1 minute delay in my world.

  55. #4 could def be Gallo - but Puffy guess is really good too. I could see that.

    @crichmond1000 - most of the people I know who used Meth did it to be skinny. That's LA for ya'

  56. #1. That ho Paris
    #2. Everyone is guessing Chace so why not.
    #3. Salma Hayek?? Idk idk
    #4. Noo idea

  57. I like that name Jax, haha. Ugh @ everyone naming people who WEREN'T AT FASHION WEEK. I mean that narrows your pool right there and you're still flailing about Jared Leto....

    Yes I am biased but still.

  58. Anonymous3:24 PM

    MORGEN DORFFER - I have to ask - is that a Daria reference? If so - yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Daria!!!!!!


    I wholeheartedly agree with Gallo for #4. Creepy serial killer eyes, arrogant as all f*ck - gotta be him.

    I don't think #3 could be Salma - as someone pointed out, she's engaged, not married. And yeah, a little close to the whole birth thing to have already had the guy walk out & then hook up again.

    #1 no clue - is Tara Reid a reality show person though?

    I'm not too familiar with these 20 yr old younguns...except my sweet Shia....*swoon* lol

  59. Thanks so much twisted sister--you made my day!! We were both very young back there-- & the coolest part??!! No one called him Bono--everyone involved with the band refered to him as Paul!
    I think we called him Paul all night, also!!
    Those were the good old days!
    Now I found blogging to keep me busy!!

  60. 1. Is Carmen Electra at Fashion Week? She did the reality show with her former husband, and she is rumored to be struggling financially. The "celebutard" part does sound more like someone like Britany Gastineau.
    2. Chace Crawford
    3. Debra Messing
    4. Vinnie Swallow (LOL, Jax.)

  61. Good guesses everyone!

    #1--Paris is too obvious, right? As to the herp question, I hope escorts use condoms. (but still...)
    Tara seems like a good guess to me, though was she there?

    @Majik; haha. Anne Heche is a good guess for 3-- except her dude doesn't have a lot of money, and there has been so much vitriol between them, eek.

    #4 is Gallo, all the way: poster boy for arrogance

    Couldn't #2 also be Zacscara?

  62. I still say Kate Beckinsale for #3

  63. OT: Remember the blind about the actor displaying increasingly bizarre behavior such as hitting yard sales and trying to spend gold coins? Check this out.

  64. Anonymous4:06 PM

    hey morgen dorffer - you are right, jared leto IS on tour in europe right now with his silly band. i guessed him because i was forgetting that these were FASHION WEEK blind items. i was just trying to come up with some "spooky"/goth-y type actors. that "spooky" comment was really strange. but anyway, i agree with the vincent gallo thing, i've seen some pictures of him at fashion week and he looks C R AAAA Z Y and he most definitely is a legend in his own mind, and i could most certainly imagine him letting another guy get friendly friendly. oh well, if it wasn't fashion week and jared wasn't on tour i would still stand by my guess :-P

  65. Anonymous4:11 PM

    just from all the other crappy gossip columns i read, i know that #1 can't be paris, she's been in LA this week. she had her movie premier. and i think tara reid is still in europe.

    so those two are out.

  66. Kate Beckinsale is seen with her husband and kid a lot. I seem to remember some Halloween pictures...

    Messing has more money than her husband, I think.

    #3 has me stumped.

    The Gallo guess for #4 is brills!

    crichmond - Meth is so scary and screws ppl up so badly (the pleasure centers of your brain are completely destroyed by even casual use), I have the same reaction as you. Why?! It seems to be a rural thing, where whole families of multiple generations are doing the stuff and selling it. And it has become an urban gay drug for heightened sexual experience.

    If you ever watch Intervention, you would see that the meth heads never make it. They get tossed from rehab or start using again as soon as they are let out.

  67. Aww! You guys are awesome--someone must be voting--since I posted the link here I moved up quite a bit!

    If you have nothing to do, you can vote every 24 hours.

    I don't think #3 is Kate Beckinsale-- Her husband is not the father of her daughter--it is someone else.
    I am not sure why Jeremy Piven is a guess for every blind item out there!

  68. Meth is a problem in the part of the USA where I live. I asked a meth head why he likes meth and he said it is CHEAP only $5. Anyway, I would never touch the stuff, but that's why people do it, it is somewhat easy to make yourself, cheap in price, unlike cocaine and opiates. I knew someone on heroin and he spent over $3,000 a week on it, and about the same cost for a cocaine addict. Meth has destroyed the upper midwest, seems everywhere I go I see them, bad teeth and open sores on the face.

  69. Anonymous5:12 PM

    side note:

    Vincent Gallo is worth googling if you aren't too familiar with him.

    He's been around FOREVER. He's a lot older than you probably think, and he's been there, done that.

    I have this weird fascination with the man. I find him endlessly amusing as a pop cultural figure. A billion times more interesting than Paris, Lohan, etc.

  70. #1 Shanna Moakler

  71. I took time out of my hectic day to of moving my boss to his new job to vote for you Adrian. You had the best pic by FAR.

    @jax - vincent swallow LOL

  72. I'm telling #4 is Puffy and let us not forget that he showed his 2008 Sean John collection at fashion week. He has gone on record stating he is cutting down on recording so he can focus on his "acting career" when his only real role was in Monster's ball.

  73. How about Liz Hurley for #3? I know it say "their child," but maybe her husband adopted the boy. I don't know what Liz is like. Nice? Mean?

  74. #3 makes no sense for Messing. Her husband is a mainly out of work actor. She's the one hauling in the $$ in that relationship.

    It's also NOT Salma cause she's not Pinault's wife yet. They're not married.

    I wish EL would have clarified if it's tv or movie actress. Whoever it is must be married to someone with money.

    Kind of like a Ron Perelman/Ellen Barkin kind of deal.

    #2 for some reason I thought Zac Effron right away. Or one of the Gossip Girls boys.

  75. I googled Mr Swallow. He is definately spooky.


    Damn, people READ the clues!

    She was promoting her piece of shit flop movie!

    #2 Chace Crawford

  77. First time poster -

    # 4 - Gene Simmons?

  78. Thank you Pinky--that was before digital--I only have the 1 picture, & no negative!! I made my husband scan it for me!

  79. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Why are people guessing Tara Reid as a "reality" female anyway? Or Sean Combs as a (cough) spooky (cough) actor? One person says a name and a dozen hop right on the crazy train. (Sean was at Fashion Week with his MOM.)

    Now go and research some Fashion Week coverage and try again. Here, I'll give you a start:

    Just pick one of these Fashion Week parties, look for the celeb names in bold, and have a field day!

    How about Donald Trump for #4?

    See how fun this can be?!? I'm only hard on you because I care.

    Love and kisses,

  80. I know this is off the wall in a sick and twisted way (not aiming at you twisted sister... :-)but the first thought for number 3 was Brittany Murphy??

    Anything is possible...

  81. And I doubt #3 is Salma. She is sweet. I know someone who worked with her and I just can't imagine that she is awful. Gosh, I hope not....and mean to her child?

    I'm just not thinking that a woman who had her first baby at 38 would be mean to her baby...

  82. @ peek freans: I don't know, Sean Combs sure scares me whenever I see him (or hear his shitty "music")! ;-)

    OT, because I hate P. Doody and need to vent because I'm still at work: Last night I saw a commercial for a new TV production of "A Raisin in the Sun"-- starring (and, of course, produced by) one talentless Sean Combs. Talk about a vanity project! I wish Sidney Poitier would beat his ass for defiling the role he made famous.

    Ugh. You can buy yourself a movie to star in, Doody, but you can't buy acting talent.

  83. Tara Reid as a "reality" female? She had that stinkalicious show 'Taradise' or 'Tarafying' on E! a couple of years ago. Fits like a glove, if you ask me.

  84. Going back one week in photos here and on other sites there are only two couples with a child that come up in any photos........Tom and KatE and Ben and Jen and she didn't look so great in that photo and KatE looked like a Stepford wife.......

  85. Does Sean John (P.Diddy) MOM also accompanies him to the bathroom?

  86. #! - Was Kardashian at Fashion Week? She'll need lots of $$ to settle the suit with Brandy's family.
    #2 - Chace Crawford. So who else from GG is a cokehead?
    #3 - Just throwing it out there... SJParker?
    #4 - You've all convinced me its VGallo.

  87. On Celebrity Mound found David Zelman and Debra Messing and The Trumps.

    So far only 4 couples on most blogs that have one child that appear to 'fit' number 3.

    Photo looks like Debra....weird expression on her face....

  88. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I think 1&2 tie in with the Highschool Musical Kid. Zack E. is 19 almost 20 and Vannessa Hudges I'm sure a lot of older men would pay money for her and the hint said "now that's two fron this same group".

  89. Judi- the other GG cokehead is Blake Lively.

    I give up on telling people to read the clues. I don't understand, this is the internet. Majority of your time on the computer is spent reading, unless you're just playing music in that case it's listening - so why is it so hard for people to read anything when that's what you're doing on the computer anyway? Blah, going to bed.

  90. Gallo isnt't known for anything, really, and his sexual preferences are hardly etched in stone as this blind suggests. He's so minor, I don't think enty would frankly give a shit either way. Was he even at fashion week? Not just the fringe NYC shows but the main events?

    I resisted it at first, but Puff Daddy or Sean or whatever seems to fit. He's well known, he's very straight.

    Salma Hayek isn't desperate for money with or without her guy. She's from a very wealthy family and very successful. Messing?

  91. Not Brittany Murphy for #2, noel. She doesn't have a kid.

  92. I'm too sleepy. I meant #3.

  93. 1) KC or Brittany Gastineau. I wouldn't call Tara Reid a celebutard/reality girl. She may be a D List actress, but she is an actress. The E! show was more of a hosting gig than a reality show (the show was known as "Wild On" before Tara)

    2) One of the Gossip Guys

    3)Can't think of a good guess

    4)I like the Vincent Gallo guess. many people know that Chloe Sevigny really went down on the guy in Brown Bunny (even if they can't tell you who the guy was) so that may fit the "one role" and it also fits the "fondness for a certain act" part.

  94. i would say that gallo made an impact with buffalo 66. mos def spooky. an indie darling that he wrote, directed and acted in. since then, his ego has taken over the wheel and it's all coming up shizz.

    link to some of his fash-week antics:

  95. #2 definitely sounds like one of the Gossip Guys.

    #3 wouldn't be SJP; the blind says she needs him for his $$ and SJP has plenty of that

    I'm still working on #4. Diddy might think he is an actor but I don't know of one role he would be known for. Maybe someone like David Blaine and the "role" was that underwater stunt he did? I think this is someone whose is more famous for being famous rather then for being an actor, besides that one role that is mentioned.

  96. 1. I don't think it's Kristin Cavalleri It was rumored a while back that MTV had gotten her to be on The Hills this season. I wouldn't call it a job, but she's more employed than the Gastineau girl. This is the girl who made out with Parisite for media attention, so I don't think this would be too much of a stretch for her.

    2. Chance Crawford. I thought the first GG castmate was Taylor Momsen. Didn't Black Lively get ruled out because she comes from a family in the industry?

    3. No clue.

    4 What throws me off about this one is the "spooky" clue. Diddy isn't spooky, and neither was his character in Monster's Ball. This makes me think it's Gallo.

  97. Brandy- Vanessa is here in Tx filming. What about Ashley Nosedale?
    I still like Zac for #2 and the whole HSMusical connection! Anyone see another member of that cast at Fashion week?
    Gene for #4 is VERY interesting!
    I agree with JenG being a doting mom...Gotta be someone 'inconvenienced' by mom'hood.

  98. 1. Kristen Cavalleri

    2. Chace Crawford. What is going on with the Gossip Girl set? Leighton Messer, Blake Lively, and Chace Crawford are all rumored to have huge drug habits. Someone give them a group rehab discount ASAP.

    3. Jennifer Garner/Ben Affleck. Jen's career is in the toilet and Ben is her only crutch to reviving any part of her career.

    4. Adam Brody. OC lives on!

  99. Thanks for the clarification, Morgen and Bramar. Not sure about Blake being a cokehead because I think she's been aware/careful of drugs all her life. Maybe it's Momsen.
    True, Bramar, about SJP and her $$. And def not Salma; if she never works another day in her life - with or without a guy - she'd live very well with her own $$.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Hey--wouldn't it be funny if #4 was K-Fed????
    Does Chaos count as acting?
    and wasn't he on CSI or Law & Order???

  102. #4 Screech---remember what he did to those girls in the video?

  103. Sorry if someone already said this, but unless Ent is really out of it, and I doubt he is, Diddy starred on Broadway in a remake of Raisin in the Sun and he's bringing that to TV soon, so I don't know that he'd be so laughable as an actor, but you never know...

  104. #4 is K-Fed. "In reality" means he is well known for one role in reality television. Unless there is another one note reality celeb who is "spookier" and trying to break into larger roles.

  105. What about someone like Chris Angel?

    Actor,barely, yup. (CSI credit.)
    *Could his street show be considered, (loosely), reality?

    Spooky, yup. Arrogant, yup.

    I just cant figure in the fasion week. ~sigh~

  106. Anonymous8:54 AM

    actually, i thought criss angel for a minute or so too, but i'm pretty sure he wasn't at fashion week.

    i'm pretty convinced it was gallo.

  107. 1. Skankdashian
    2. Efron
    3. Dunno
    4. Jesse "beat down" Metcalfe

  108. OK!!!
    I am 296 out of 4002 entries--someone is voting for me.
    Please help!

  109. Anonymous7:05 PM

    i voted for you, it was a really cute picture and i can't believe you have it.... i probably would have locked it in a safe or something :p

  110. I have that picture for so many years-- I have been wondering what I could do with it. Now I know-- I can try to win $500!!--except my old boyfriend who took the picture & didn't center me always wanted a copy, & I didn't have the negative--he was able to copy it off the website, Boo!
    Thanks for voting. :)
    I hate posting personal things on websites, but I needed the exposure!
    I just need to work my way up to the top 75 pictures. I think I can beat out spongebob.

  111. Hilarious! I would not have thought of Vincent Gallo for #4 except that last night the Brown Bunny was on TV and so I took the opportunity to watch it (seeing as I wouldn't be caught dead renting it). The movie is only known for TWO things: the real bj and how Gallo highlighted himself and his spooky weird good looks the whole movie! I swear, although the notorious scene is totally full on graphic, just find it on the internet because the Playmate style focus on Gallo the full two hours is insufferable.
    Wouldn't call P.Diddy spooky though.
    I like Elizabeth Hurley for #3, she was spotted with Hugh Grant more than her husband since their 3-way vacation photos, and sorry, I'm not going to go searching for photos of them to back up my guess.

  112. Maybe #3 is Jaime Pressley? Sp?

  113. #3 Has to be someone without much money for herself, thus needs her husband's money.
    Debra Messing (Will and Grace), SJP (Sex and the City), Jen Garner (Alias), Courtney Cox (Friends) all had very successful tv shows and it seems highly unlikely that they will ever be hurting for money, even if they live to be 100. Also, of these 4 examples, Debra Messing is the only one that is married to a "guy", not an actor.

    Kate Beckinsale is seen frequently with her family, and it could never be Tom and Katie, they're together all the time.

    Salma and Jaime Pressley are both only engaged...

    The Donald's wife Melania was never an actress, and certainly was never b-list.

    Liz Hurley could be a good guess though...

  114. oh, uh, sorry for the long post above...

    #1 has to be one of those girls from those crappy MTV "reality" shows...(The Hills, Laguna Beach, etc) Paris totally doesn't fit this.

    #2: Chase is a good guess

    and I agree with Vincent Gallo for #4...
    Diddy, Jesse Metcalfe and Jared Leto have all had gay rumors swirling about so that would go against the "Straight? 100%, or so we all thought."

  115. 4. Christopher Walken?! Spooky as all fucking hell.



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