Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Finally A Good Marketing Decision

You know I am not the biggest fan of stars and celebrities having their own clothing lines and selling perfume and cologne. Yes, it generally makes them more money, but 95% of the time it is a product that doesn't need to be made or isn't all that great. I do think celebrity endorsements can be a very good thing and as much as I rag on Jessica Simpson, I think that whole Proactiv thing she did was one of the very best moves of her career. She had an acne problem, found a product she liked and has made a few million while getting herself on television for 30 minutes at a time.

Likewise, I think Fergie being the new spokesperson for MAC Viva Glam is one of the better moves of her career. Fergie has a beauty problem, found a product that covered her face to the point where at least mirrors don't break around her, and so now she is getting paid some bucks to endorse it. Now she won't be on television 30 minutes at a time, but I think exposing her to that kind of lighting for that length of time would show that no makeup line can be that good when it comes to Fergie. Better to keep it limited to photos and a quick glimpse of her in a 30 second commercial surrounded by people who do look good with or without makeup.

"MAC picks people like RuPaul, Mary J. Blige - people that are a little controversial and aren't afraid to speak their minds. I'm very proud to be a part of it."

What MAC does is pick people who wear a bunch of makeup for this particular line. Dita von Teese was the spokesperson last year. Dita wears a ton of makeup. RuPaul? Come on Fergie. Wake up and smell the reality. You are a very nice person, but not the best looking person out there. You never wondered why applying your makeup always takes longer than everyone else? Why the photos you take have to be airbrushed more than is normal? Ok, ok. Maybe the people around you aren't sharing, but I am. You need lots and lots of makeup. This is good for you. I'm sure they will give it to you for free for life now and as you are close to your 50's you need all that you can get.


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I just dont "get" all the Fergie hate. OK, so she has a meth face. Well, she's admitted as much, that she did crystal meth, and she came out of it on top, managing to break free of it and make a career for herself. She's said some things about her addiction that were very insightful. Everyone dogs her voice, but she DOES have range and passion, and does songs that are well suited to her. If she'd just slap some Strivictin or Creme de la Mer on those crows feet, she'd be perfect.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Fergie has a beauty problem, found a product that covered her face

    aw f*ck, just spit pop everywhere......... XD

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    MAC is the makeup of choice for drag queens...for what it's worth.

    Jessica Simpson was on Accutane (she admitted this before she began shilling proactiv). Kinda missleading of her to promote proactiv.

    Also, I don't really mind Fergie. She's not as omnipresent as other celebs are. But I also am the person who likes Kirsten Dunst so what the hell do I know?

  4. Jax you beat me to it. I was just going to ask why all the Fergie hate? I think she is immensely talented and is not afraid to be a little different, not to mention I think she is pretty hot. Something refreshing about not following the Hollywood NORM. Besides, if a hottie like Josh Duahmel (sp) wants to marry her, perhaps there is something to her afterall.

  5. clearly she had/has issues but she's a far cry from the real fugglies in hollywood.

  6. Um, no.... Fergie is a straight up FUG who puts out really crappy pop music.

    That solo album of hers was atrocious.... seriously, it was a crime.

    And my favorite "fergie hate" issue is that she peed on herself during a BEP concert because she was so drunk and too wasted to slip off-stage to go the the WC. So she proceeds to deny it for a few years, and only recently confirmed that it was true. Ewwww, raunchy.

    And yes, MAC is the makeup choice for drag queens or those who need SUPREME face coverage.... so Fergie fits the mold.

  7. Why all the hate for anyone with skin problems? Is tomorrow going to be hate on people with Cerebral Palsy day ?

  8. uh that was Trix..lol.

    Sorry trix but i'm gonna dog on your girl.Bitch CANNOT sing live!
    Saw the BEP up here a few years back and we left before it was done because she sounded effin atrocious. BEP wanted mainstream that's why she's a member..not becasue she's a good singer.

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Hmm I believe ya Jax, but would like to point out that she often gets drunk before hand. That might have something to do with it, plus the fact that onstage she dances while singing, whereas in a studio I doubt she's shaking her ass. Just sayin'. I rarely like to White Knight people, but yeah, just sayin'.

    (lol is it not hilarious that just because a name ends in x that posters still get us two mixed up?)

  10. Anonymous11:25 AM

    @joy OK yeah so she peed herself on stage. Um, is that a reason to hate someone? Or hate ON them? Havent at least half of us if not more peed ourselves a little after getting too drunk one night? Or WORSE? I mean cmon now. There are worse sins than Fergie's, seriously. I think her peeing on stage is funny, I remember reading about Paris Hilton peeing all over herself in someone's kitchen at a party because she was too wasted to wait or realize or care where she was, and I find that almost funnier.

  11. I don't get all the Fergie haters either. She's cute, has a decent voice, and doesn't appear to be a mean diva.

    Come on now, who hasn't been smashed and moistened their thong just a little bit??

  12. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I'm not going to go so far as to say that Josh Duhamel is gay but he used to openly date men when he lived in nyc and was on that soap so....

  13. I don't hate Fergie, but she is ungodly ugly. Really don't think MAC can help her, but a bag over her head would take care of at least one of her problems.

  14. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous12:15 PM

    With her money I dont understand why she doesnt use her resources and cash to get something good to use on her skin. I mean, I'm just some regular peon and I can go to Sephora and get a cream that takes away any trace of a stretch mark I ever had. I know there are products that could help her. Hell, Raisenface Rachel Zoe is lookin' good these days and that woman resembled an old catchers mitt! So I wonder why she doesnt do anything about it....

  16. Anonymous12:15 PM

    she looks like a man and her "fashion" choices are hideous. she wears clothes that are way too small for her.

  17. heard that too khemenu.

    i don't hate her- i hate her lack of talent being pushed down my throat. i hated parting with my hard earned money to listen to a cat being skinned.

  18. judging talent is fair. but i think women are very hard on other women when it comes to beauty. i include myself. not every performer is a classic beauty.

  19. I saw BEP perform live some 6 or so years ago at a small venue right when they just added Fergie, before they got huge. Her voice was amazing! I was blown away. But, I have also seen them in a huge setting a few years ago when they were huge and she did not sound that great. I think it is because she is up there dancing and moving, whereas when I saw her before she was not dancing at all (it was a small stage).

    sorry Jax and Trix, must be the x thingy that got me confused.

  20. moral of the story- never compromise your voice for shitty dance moves. i didn't pay to see you being 'klumsy' in front of 30 000 people.

  21. i think she looks really cute in that pic.

  22. Who believes that she REALLY got off the crystal meth???

    I don't.

    And I know somebody who knows somebody who knows things about certain people who have twirled the glass pizzle.

  23. I love Fergie, no matter what the internets say. I just wish she hadn't had the plastic surgery - the meth face is nowhere near as ugly on her as the stretching.



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