David Hasselhoff spent the night in the detox center at Cedars again last week. By my count it is at least the fourth or fifth time that there has been a public acknowledgment that he needed medical help after a binge drinking episode. I think it is great and all that he is going to a hospital to get treated in their detox center, but it seems to me he is using their facilities much the same way someone else would use a steam room or a spa.
The Hoff goes out and goes on a 2 day bender to the point of near poisoning and then checks himself into Cedars where they bring him back to life and send him on his way. What that doesn't do is address the issues of why he keeps doing this and the possibility that maybe something needs to be done to prevent this from happening every three to four weeks. It's like he has to pay the ex once a month and that acts as a trigger and he gets hammered. The Hoff's liver must look atrocious and I for one don't want to see him on a liver waiting list down the road. We all know he is going to need one and because of who he is and how much money he has, he will slip to the front of the line. I don't think that if you drink yourself to death that you should be allowed another liver when there are other more needy or worthy people waiting. No, I am not a judgment passer, but if a guy got drunk at a bar, crashed his car into a pole and lost an eye, would you be willing to let him have a new eye and the kid behind him in line has to wait longer?
I know Hoff went to rehab over the holidays, but maybe he should think about going back real soon.
See George best for a similar account...HIV positive pople get he bottom of the list (which is BS) and the Hoff should be just below...if you need a transplant due to substance abuse tough shit.
ReplyDeleteHa, you know what is worse. Since the recipient list is based on how ill a patient is, the overdoses and suicide attempts get pretty much first shot. Isn't it strange that someone who has already shown to have no regard or wanting of life, get it.
ReplyDeleteHoff's an issue simply because of his Baywatch money, which is substantial. Else, we wouldn't even be talking about him. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteEnt, my friend works in Detox (in Minnesota) as a nurse. This happens all the time. Drunks just use it as a way to clean up for the job on Monday.
ReplyDeleteHoff gets in because he's a celeb and he's charming, and he gets bumped to the head of the line. I feel bad for all the people who need Detox that are worse off than him and are actually motivated to change.
'the overdoses and suicide attempts get pretty much first shot' 'HIV gets the bottom of the list' BAD info people. Bad, irresponsible & dangerous if it convinces a possible donor from not signing that little piece of paper. Living donors can donate to whomever they choose, usually a family member or friend. But harvested organs are controlled as is the list of eligible recipients. There are so many factors affecting placement. Active alcoholics/druggies are at the bottom though.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone here an organ donor? Is it on your license?
From my friend who's been in the transplant arena for twenty years: I've worked for many years in the transplant field in the US and while there certainly are flaws in the system at the "front end" (i.e., where the person is initially listed), it is impossible to manipulate the system once you are listed.
Hard to believe, yes, but the waiting list in the US is maintained in a centralized database at UNOS (you can read al about it at unos.org). Although there are plenty of controversial issues about how organs are allocated, wealth and fame, fortunately, are not related to those problems. Of course at a broader level--regarding access to health care in the first place--there are huge and disturbing disparities across economic strata. But once a person is actually listed in the system, there is nothing they can do to "move up" over anyone else. I have heard of only one case where someone with great wealth allegedly attempted to manipulate the system, and the hospital and staff associated with the case got into very deep and well-deserved trouble.
zene i watched a family memeber die becaseu he was not on the top of the list due to being HIV and in dire need of a liver so dont tell me i have BAD info sweetie.
ReplyDeletei know more about this than i care to.
While I'm sorry for your loss jax, education is the best way to understand. It's what I did. HIV positive patients have organ transplants routinely now, medical and time concerns are the issues. The numbers show they have the same survival rate as non-HIV+. There's just NOT enough donors. An option is to get a living donor for a partial liver transplant. But more people need to register as one. It takes a minute when you renew your license but most people get squeamish thinking about it.
ReplyDeletezene - I signed my organ donor card - it's on my licence.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, by law, family can overturn your decision, so it's wise to let them know your wishes beforehand.
Zene- sorry you are giving out the bad info! I happen to be an ICU nurse and have worked my butt off daily saving ODs/suicide attempts that get an organ in a few days. Bc they do not have chronic dz (and were not previously) and they are so acutely ill they go right to the top.
ReplyDeleteThere are MANY MANY problems with the organ harvesting situation. However, it is a good thing for some people. And it is worth having to save those few people.
zene thanx for your kind words but don't bother next time if it's going to be followed up with your patronizing response about me getting educated on it. ya i just sat there for 3 weeks and twiddled my thumbs while someone i loved died.
ReplyDeletei'm done here...next post.
Zene readind and supposedly "educating" yourself in no way equates to real life experience of how the system works.
ReplyDeleteHey, don't hassel the Hoff.
ReplyDeletej/k...hassel away.
ReplyDeletefunny that - George Best immediately sprang to my mind, too! There's just no helping some people.
I got a 'register as an organ donor' letter in the post this morning. Hmmm. I used to carry a card, but it fell apart lo these many years ago. Maybe I should look at that letter. Not that anyone would want MY 50-year-old battered organ collection... ;-)
not only am i an organ donor, i also have the box checked to donate my body to science. the asshole i married the first time wouldn't allow me to sign the organ donor card.
ReplyDeletemy family knows how strongly i feel about both, especially my body... my doctors have been scratching their heads for years wondering why someone my age has arthritis (not rheumatoid) to the extent i do. maybe they can find something to help other people (if there's any original bone left by the time i croak!!).
jax, honey, i'm sorry to hear you went through such a terrible thing. i wonder if there is a difference on how things are handled between here and canada.
zene, you don't educate people by beating them over the head. EVERYONE HAS A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE. scale it back a bit, and don't be opening folk's raw wounds, 'kay? oh, and what catherine said.