Thursday, February 14, 2008

Do They Give Happy Endings With A Detox?

David Hasselhoff spent the night in the detox center at Cedars again last week. By my count it is at least the fourth or fifth time that there has been a public acknowledgment that he needed medical help after a binge drinking episode. I think it is great and all that he is going to a hospital to get treated in their detox center, but it seems to me he is using their facilities much the same way someone else would use a steam room or a spa.

The Hoff goes out and goes on a 2 day bender to the point of near poisoning and then checks himself into Cedars where they bring him back to life and send him on his way. What that doesn't do is address the issues of why he keeps doing this and the possibility that maybe something needs to be done to prevent this from happening every three to four weeks. It's like he has to pay the ex once a month and that acts as a trigger and he gets hammered. The Hoff's liver must look atrocious and I for one don't want to see him on a liver waiting list down the road. We all know he is going to need one and because of who he is and how much money he has, he will slip to the front of the line. I don't think that if you drink yourself to death that you should be allowed another liver when there are other more needy or worthy people waiting. No, I am not a judgment passer, but if a guy got drunk at a bar, crashed his car into a pole and lost an eye, would you be willing to let him have a new eye and the kid behind him in line has to wait longer?

I know Hoff went to rehab over the holidays, but maybe he should think about going back real soon.


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