Two Takes on Different Viewpoints
THE SIGNAL (Release Date 2/22/08)
VANTAGE POINT (Release Date 2/22/08)
I wasn’t going to do a review of The Signal, because I saw it like 2 months ago and I knew it wouldn’t be released for a couple of months and, if you really want to read reviews, it was at Sundance 2007 so it’s been reviewed a zillion times. Then I saw Vantage Point, which I was jazzed about from the previews: good cast, interesting idea, and action movie. If I were spending movie dollars this weekend instead of prepping for my Oscar bash, I’d seek out The Signal over Vantage Point. (However, the boyfriend has the opposite taste.) And honestly, neither one is entirely successful.
Story (The Signal): Maya and Ben are having an affair, and plan to skip town. Before they can leave, a signal invades all airwaves (radio, tv, phones, cell phones, etc.) on New Year’s Eve. After being exposed to the signal, people become murderously paranoid, including Maya’s husband. Who survives? Who gets ‘infected’? Will Maya and Ben live happily ever after?
Here’s the catch, there are 3 directors, and 3 parts of the story. Each director got to write their section of the movie. That’s important information, because parts 1 and 3, scary and tense. Part 2 is a comedy, with horror elements (like Shaun of the Dead). That’s the flaw of this movie. You never know what you’re going to get, but that middle part is just such a different vibe on the story, it’s confusing and really interferes with what you thought was the main plotline with Ben and Maya. Part 2 is really very funny, and highly entertaining, it’s just in the wrong movie. Think of it like 3 short films, with the same characters, and I think it’s a better movie.
I found some YouTube clips, which will give you a taste. Here’s the red-band trailer, which is clips of part 1. And is a pretty good approximation of the tone and style of parts 1 and 3.