Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which megastar has been bingeing on doughnuts and digestive biscuits - and then throwing them up again?

But it still hasn't prevented him from piling on the pounds...


  1. Russell Crowe

    Oh wait, I forgot Jax was supposed to post first. Sorry, Jax! ;-P

  2. Shit. (oops, there I go again)I lurve (that's kind of an understatement) me some Russell Crowe, even when he's fat, but I do wish he would get fit and healthy and stay that way. I want my Roman General back! Max-i-muuuuuus!

  3. Brad Pitt looks like he's gaining the baby weight.

  4. so elton john, shamu like in yesterday's pictures on perez.

  5. Sounds like something Tommyboy would do..

  6. Why do I always think of John Travolta when hearing about porky celebs?

  7. Anonymous10:59 AM

    They had a similar blind about two years ago and most people thought it was either Robbie Williams or George Michael.

  8. Elton, I bet he loves his disgestive biscuits with a nice cup of tea:)

    Especially as this is in a British Tab.

  9. This is why I think it's Russell Crowe:

  10. twisted sister, yeah but he's stil got it. This was in January:

    Looking like a great big huggy bear

  11. What the hell is a digestive biscuit?

  12. What's a digestive biscuit?

    I'm assuming it involves some kind of bran or that Wheetabix cereal the Brits eat...

    Wouldn't purging up any kind of bran substance be pretty frickin' painful?!

    BTW, my first "fat megastar" thought was Tommyboy, too. As in custom Armani man-girdle for the wedding...

  13. WTF is a digestive biscuit? Is that a rice cake?

  14. Sunny, thanks, but doesn't the blind say he's still got it, too?

    What'a s a digestive biscuit? I'm still working on 'deffo'.

  15. deffo = definitely..

    Digestive biscuit= plain cookie to you folk..:D

  16. One of these things

  17. deffo = deaf
    def = definitely

    William F. Buckley has died. Was he ill?

  18. twisted sister, by 'got it' I meant sex appeal. Tom Hanks is a megastar, but he hasn't ever had 'it'.

  19. Maybe in the US, deffo over here is definitely.

  20. Sunny, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I'm not a Crowe fan, so I didn't know what "it" I mean he's a great actor, but not my thang when it comes to sex-appeal, so that wasn't on my radar screen.

    Jac, well, I learn something new here everyday. Where are ya?

  21. Hanks looked like he'd lost a chunk of weight on the Oscars, looking rather statesmanlike. I assume he's got another woman.

    I can't believe Crowe would upchuck -- if he had to lose for a role or something, I think he'd just man it up and diet.

    This really does sound like Elton.

  22. lainiekazan said...
    I can't believe Crowe would upchuck -- if he had to lose for a role or something, I think he'd just man it up and diet.

    Def! lol. He's put himself through some brutal training, esp for Cinderella Man.

    twisted sister, I know it's possible and even likely, but I can never understand when people don't see the sexy in that beast. ;)

  23. Ireland TS...

    As for the deffo, these 2 butchered it last summer.

    *warning the following link may make your brain leak out your ears*

  24. Anonymous11:49 AM

    The only problem I have with Elton John being a guess is that he's always been kinda fat. It's not a recent thing.

  25. HAHA!!! Jac, why do I get the feeling those two will be just as annoying at 48 as they are at 18?

    I'm half Irish and have always wanted to get to Ireland. What a beautiful place - I envy you. And it's SO COOL that EL has people from all over the world posting here.

    Sunny, I know what you mean. I don't get it when people say they're not into Christian Bale or Daniel Day-Lewis. How can that be? I don't know, but more for me. ;-)

  26. Yummm, Christian Bale.

  27. Denzel Washington was looking quite chubby at the oscars red carpet.

    I don't think Russell Crowe gives a fuck about his weight.

  28. Its beautiful but cold and too congested!!!
    I'd much prefer the sun and open roads!
    Sorry I don't get the Christian Bale thing at all, I think American Psycho put me off.
    Now some Javier Bardem or Ray Stevenson...yum yum...:D

  29. Step away from Christian Bale. Just step away. I will hurt you.

  30. lol snautrag, If I ever see RC's wife~'step away from Russell Crowe...'

  31. twisted sister: William F. Buckley was suffering from emphysema.

  32. Carol, thanks. I hadn't heard anything about that and suddenly look at drudge report and see he's gone.

  33. You're very welcome, twisted sister.

  34. I think they're subtlety talking about Eddie Izzard. He has 2 comedy routines where he talks about being on a small plane and only getting digestive biscuits while the pilot has jammy dodgers. Then he does the whole JFK bit about being in Germany saying 'ich bin ein berliner' which means 'I am a donut'.

  35. Anonymous1:45 PM

    My first thought was Robbie Williams. It's the Mirror, after all - and he's probably immune to the weight-loss effects of drugs by now so an eating disorder wouldn't be too unlikely.

    That said, I still have a soft spot for him!

  36. noooooo! not my eddie!!
    he does kind of fluctuate a little, but is he a megastar?
    i thought he was more of an aquired taste (and i would love to aquire *wink,wink*)

  37. drugs are robbies kryptonite not biscuits.

    i say Travolta.

    Twist- too busy to post
    EL and I have some freaky timing..he posts and a second later im clicking. weird.

  38. Elton John, for the following reasons:

    1. Has previously admitted to having bulemia (I remember seeing it on Baba Wawa or A&E--I'm thinking within the last 10 years.
    2. Digestives are British or Canadian (I think you folks Stateside call them 'Arrowroots'--maybe that's just me). Elton is British, Hubby (can't remember the name) is Canadian. Digestives would be a low fat cookie MUST HAVE in that house!
    3. Elton John, love him or hate him, is a MEGASTAR.
    4. Elton was reportedly FURIOUS with Madonna for putting together an Oscar party last minute when his had been planned for months. All the A listers who would have gone to Elton's party ended up going to Madonna's, and all the B/C listers went to his (I really don't remember which site I read this one...mighta been Perez). This, combined with chronically low self esteem and a previous eating disorder, would be enough to renew the old behaviour.

  39. but majik he's always been tubby..this is someone who yo yos or had never been fat prev.

    i think we are focusing on the terminology too much,its a Brit papaer that's how they talk.

  40. Well where the hell have you been all day, dearie? And don't tell me work, because we all know this is more important.

    Hey, I'm just making a joke about the person who whined that you always posted first on every single thread (which isn't even true).

  41. meetings up to my tits'd think i'd feel important but i don't. lol.

    oh i know you's Chi-town today?

  42. It's cold and covered with snow. I don't mind it because I like all four seasons, but everyone around me is bitching like it's the end of the world.

  43. Has to be Robbie Williams. He's a megastar in Britain, and has always fought the fat.

  44. Sunny, I am totally on par with you. Russell is the greatest. And I agree that he would definitely just man-up and diet--like after The Insider, he was huge for Gladiator. One of those pictures makes me think that another Master & Commander film might be in the works. Sweeeet. :)

  45. Aw Angie, I wish. He's growing his hair out to star as the Sheriff of "Nottingham", working again with Ridley Scott.



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