Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which girl group star, and occasional lads' mag fave is more in tune with the ladies... but has, so far, only come out of the closet to her losest friends and family?

**I went ahead and pasted it exactly as written, so the "losest" is theirs, not mine.**


  1. well, its not Mel C. At least I can't recall her ever being on a men's mag. but I don't live in the UK. so idk

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    that's the only person i can think of.

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    What about Girls Aloud (is that what they're called?), the one where the singer is dating Jesse Metcalf? Are they bearding each other?

  4. Victoria Beckham or Mel B.
    I remember reading somewhere that Mel had a lesbian lover who was angry she got dump for Murphy.

  5. the blonde one from girls aloud? they are in lads mags more than the spice girls.

  6. Spice girls are not occasional lads' mag faves these days.

    It's probably someone from Girls Aloud or Sugababes even.

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I thought of the one of girls aloud who everyone always says is the "ugly" one...she is rarely linked to a guy..the other ones are practically attached at the hip at all times to some kind of male "love interest"


  8. Anonymous12:46 PM

    **Nicola was the one I was thinking of.

  9. wasn't it nadine coyle

  10. Sporty Spice. She has been rumored to be lesbian for years.

  11. I think probably Girls Aloud, though Sugababes are possible, too (Heidi Range?). But from GA, the ones with hot bods who do lads mags are Kimberley Walsh and Sarah Harding. Both have dated boyband members, who make excellent beards :D Sarah parties a lot and I reckon this would be hard to keep out of the tabloids, so perhaps Kimberley, who keeps a lower profile.

  12. How about the Pussycat Dolls? What's the girl's name: Scherzinger or something???

  13. What about one of the other two women from Destiny's Child? Kelly Rowland or the other one?

  14. Didn't Nadine dump Jesse?

  15. yah it'll be someone from Girls Aloud but fortunately I've managed to avoid knowing which one is which.

    Ent - any chance of tagging these blinds as being English so we don't have to wade through American guesses?

  16. Aubrey O'Day, Danity Kane

  17. Kimberly has a long term live in boyfriend..
    What was the other ones name in Atomic Kitten, Liz whatsherface..

    Although Sarah seems to always have a new boytoy, maybe its a cover?

  18. Her and Kimberley. Look up 'Chim' ;)



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