Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which filthy party girl has secretly been chasing after her pal's hubby? But the ladette in question has no idea that he actually hates her "largerthan-life" personality...


  1. This just in, from the the New York City medical examiner:

    "Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine.

    "We have concluded that the manner of death is accident, resulting from the abuse of prescription medications."

    Holy shit, that's a LOT of drugs.

  2. Mooshki--that is what I was thinking. Why would anyone take that much?


  3. well filthy girl says Parisite or Lilo to me....Maybe Mary Kate Olsen, Britney (if this is old). But who of their friends is married? I wonder if Nicole and Joel are secretly married.

  4. This is totally OT also, but the Panache Report has run an update on Ent's blind item about the HIV+ singer:

    Our friends at "Entertainment Lawyer," reported last week that a HIV+
    white pop singer was asked by her local health department who she had
    sex with so they could be notified. Last week, allegations persisted,
    on the backend, there was a media frenzy bidding war for the list
    because it contained identities of some of the most famous and richest
    men on planet earth. This week we are hearing, this whole story has
    been swept under the rug, similar to the Heath Ledger video cover-up.
    Fast Forward: Sky Villa has unearthed similar data. We have also been
    informed about a white pop princess with the package, we're not saying
    it's the same celebrity but the similarities are astounding. This is
    what we uncovered: One of her reps asked that the few black men she
    had been intimate with-be moved to the top of the list to take the
    focus off the white male celebrities who dominate the list. This way,
    a black man can be set up to be the "fall guy," if and when this
    sensitive information ever leaks-and be accused of infecting one of
    America's Sweethearts with the deadly virus. I guess her rep didn't
    realize, it doesn't matter what order your name is in. It's just
    devastating to be included on a list like this, regardless of order.
    The Truth: If this is the same woman, she could have gotten infected
    by anyone. One of our sources walked in on her at a industry party, in
    a bedroom, while she was bent over snorting cocaine, an anonymous sex
    partner was pounding her from the back without a condom. He was her
    dealer and she exchanged sex for drugs although she can afford to buy
    her narcotics but she's addicted to the thrill of anonymous sex. Who
    Is She?

  5. Oh Heath!

    re: bryn, "One of America's sweethearts" ...???

  6. Did ENT ever actually say that the HIV+ singer was WHITE?

  7. When I googled "pop princess", and considering only those of white Americans, photos of Britney, Christina, Jessica, Hillary, Miley and Mandy came up.

    Based on behavior and circumstance, I hate to say I'm thinking Britney.

  8. Catherine, Daily Mirror Blinds are almost always about British celebs.

    Wow, for some reason I didn't think there was anyway the HIV-er was Britney, but "pop princess" sure seems to make her the likely answer.

  9. I would guess Mandy Moore before any of those other names you listed...I mean, she's close personal friends with the Osbournes...

  10. "While no medications were taken in excess, we learned today the combination of doctor-prescribed drugs proved lethal for our boy," the family said. "Heath's accidental death serves as a caution to the hidden dangers of combining prescription medication, even at low dosage."

    "Wednesday morning's announcement puts to rest lingering rumors that illegal drugs may have played a part in the Brokeback Mountain star's untimely passing, despite denials from police that any such substances were even found in the actor's SoHo apartment. It should also quell any Mary-Kate Olsen-related conspiracy theories."

    Also the police have confirmed that MK only received one phone call before he was confirmed dead by paramedics.

    About time I think the press were awful to her and are obviously on a mission now with the Olsens (see this weeks US star mag - Twisted Sisters) as they have lost their cash cow britney.

  11. Some Wikipedia research: Oxycodone & Hydrocodone are opiates. Diazepam, Temazepam and Alprazolam are sedatives, and all addictive. Alprazolam is contraindicated with respiratory distress, so I assume it would be particularly bad with his pneumonia. It's also listed as being addictive in as soon as 3 days. Doxylamine is basically Nyquil, so was probably just for the pneumonia and not an addiction. The family statement makes it sound like these drugs were prescribed for legitimate medical reasons, but I find that impossible to believe. Not that I blame them - they need any consolation they can find.

  12. Actually, I'd be willing to believe the prescription drugs were all prescribed for legitimate medical reasons. The problem is that some of the prescriptions were reportedly from Europe, and others I'm assuming were from the States? So if he's being treated by two or more doctors, then who is informing him of the dangers of drug interactions? Probably no one. It's just so sad.

  13. chatty, I can believe the sedatives were legitimately prescribed by different doctors (although I think it's clear they wouldn't have legitimately prescribed them if Heath had been honest when he told them what prescriptions he already had), but the opiates? Not a chance.

  14. Yes, it is way too easy to be prescribed a lot of different drugs from different's really up to the patient to be responsible and find out about the limits and dangers. It's hard to believe he didn't know that he was being reckless, at the very least.

  15. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Um wow if Britney IS the HIV+ singer, then Adnan better run and get himself tested. Didnt he say when they picked up the pregnancy test that they were hoping she was pregnant...?

  16. I understand a doc prescribing meds for pneumonia - I had 3 or 4 prescription and I hate pills - but 3 different sedatives??? That's a death sentence waiting to happen right there. My doctor prescribed me Ambien over the holidays. He gave me 7 pills and was very adamant about how to take them. No wonder Heath's dead. And I'm sure his pneumonia added to the problem...

  17. tedtedted - where's that quote from? It's pretty stupid of them to imply that the police were misleading in their statement about not finding illegal drugs in the apartment. They said in their initial statement that there were prescription drugs there. Despite my speculations, there is no proof yet that any of those drugs were illegal.

  18. Over at the Panache Report, they are saying in the comments that 1. the use of "package" in the Panache BI coincides with the code word "package" used when Britney was transported to the hospital last week. Also, the Enquirer is running a story of her purported pregnancy early last year that suddenly vanished, after she was rejected by KFed. Also, Lufti is saying only he, Britney and her psychiatrist knows what made her bipolar, and it occurred roughly 5 years ago - very mysterious.

    Who knows if any of this is true, and if so, very sad.

  19. I think it's Jessica Simpson. I can see her getting fucked up the ass by her nigger dealer. Can't you?

  20. And the filthy party girl is Jagged Tits Reid.


  22. IMO- I think the healthcare/pharmacy systems need some sort of "codus" for prescriptions written to patients. If someone is sick or under the influence or just plain not caring or not paying attention or not able to speak (emergency situation)it is so easy to mix drugs together. I (myself) don't know if some meds are bad with other meds and I sometimes forget to mention them when I see a Dr. ...cause I am not feeling good, don't take them on a regular basis or I am in pain! your mind tends to wander. Another thing too, for someone like me who suffers from sciatica on occasion, I shouldn't have to feel like a drug addict if I ask the clinic for a prescription for a pain reliever for the first time in 3 yrs. Y'know what I mean? My regular physician that I see is a specialist in something that has nothing to do with my back, so I can't ask him. But prescription drugs have been so abused, it makes me feel embarrassed to ask for some pain relief.

  23. mmm...looks like les suckno has reincarnated as perez hilton...

  24. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I know this sounds a little rude, and I know he had pneumonia, but those prescribed pills--most of them are also taken recreationally A LOT in Hollywood (not to mention elsewhere). Either his doctors were being irresponsible, or he was deceiving them as to other pills he was taking. I say this because Xanax is a freakin' horse tranquilizer and I honestly dont understand why that wouldnt be enough to put someone "out".

    Even if his name is on that prescription label, that doesnt mean they were not being abused, ESPECIALLY in Hollywood.

  25. when all those meds are taken is that not considered suicide?

    if one doctor prescribed all of that he should have his license yanked.

    IDT Brit is HIV+ but nothing about her would shock me anymore. The characters in her life just get creepier by the minute. I hope it's not true, since she just gave birth a year ago. Those kids do not deserve this

  26. K- I don't recall ENT stating the pop singer was white...I believe it was an assumption...or they know who it is and they did a slip themselves.

    As sad as I hate to write this, A part of me thinks it's Britney, which would explain her erratic behavior (I would freak out too). Her partners have got to be pretty scandalous and the whole divorce thing (why divorce a money pit? she didn't turn weird until then...)and kevin on a mission to take the boys away,(because she is partying? or because he fears they will contract the disease out of carelessness?) etc. You never hear about "big wig" people trying to help her, only her family. Problem is, if she was purposely having sex with new people without protection, she could be in big trouble with the law..."It would all fall into place then..."

    Geez, my writings are ramblings, sorry...

  27. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Well just so you guys know, if this IS Brit, and it DID happen 5 years ago and make her go bipolar, that its 100% medically possible now to have a child while HIV+, that will not have the virus themselves when born.

  28. Kellysirkus, since she had a c-section, she shouldn't have passed it on to the spawn. (If that's what you were saying.)

    Didn't they say in one of the early reports there were pills left in the prescription bottles? I wouldn't guess it would be a suicide attempt unless he had emptied the bottles. As an addict, it seems likely that he would regularly take excessive doses of the drugs.

  29. i don't think it's brit or jessica. they've never been connected to any black men, have they? also, it's been a long time since brit was considered "america's sweetheart" and jessica is not a coke whore. COURTNEY LOVE does have an album called "america's sweetheart"

  30. Gosh, (assuming this is about brit)I find it hard to believe she found out she had HIV 5 years ago...It would SO make sense if she found out during her alleged pregnancy & abortion...that is when all this crazy stuff started happening. She shaved her head to appear "ugly" cause that is how I would feel if I just found out I was HIV+. I don't know, I just think if Brit was HIV+, it would completely explain why she has been acting so erratic. She has no one and pushed everyone away because of the disease (in all honesty, I would probably do the same thing-1. pity party for myself 2. I would be scared of others knowing this sad and horrible disease I now have to live with and life I know it will never be the same.)

  31. (blogger just ate my comment, so hope i'm not posting twice)

    trix, i'm with you on the heath thing -- the question of whether or not the drugs were prescription or illegal is a distraction. many of those drugs are highly addictive and used recreationally all over the world. any doc worth his/her salt would not prescribe all of those together and using different docs for different scripts? that's pretty fishy behavior...

    as for the laddete -- i know it's prolly a brit, given the source, but the first person who popped in to my mind was pamela anderson and her good friend cindy crawford. while rande likes his women wild and fun in the bedroom, he also likes them to be baking him apple pies in the kitchen and pammie's too dirty and addicted to get that domestic...

    and the hiv+ singer? could totally be britney, but was she ever really 'america's sweetheart'? also, the crazy behavior is par for the course when someone's in an extreme altered state -- she wouldn't need to be distraught about hiv to be so erratic.

    i like the courtney love guess...

  32. Courtney Love "America's Sweetheart" album 2004

  33. ENT already stated that the BI wasn't about Courtney

  34. Anonymous10:22 AM

    @Captivagrl...Yes Brit has been with blk men Ray J for one and a few others but they keep it on the low when "Americas Sweethearts" sleep with black men. This is a sad blind item and I hope it's not Britney someone else said I would have went nuts as well.

  35. Captiva - yes, britney has been linked with black guys, one which was her MARRIED backup dancer Columbus Short (google brit and him). Brit was also seen partying with Diddy and Dallas Austin (don't know if she slept with them). My husband personally saw a cellphone video of Brit and Parisite with their legs spread playing with each other - GROSS!!! It was one of his co-workers that took the phone video at a party last year, and he told me about it when he got home from work.

  36. customer - thanks for the info didn't know that

  37. Courtney Love could never be considered a "pop singer," let alone a "pop princess."

  38. I know there is a lot that doesn't fit with Parasite for the article Byrn posted("singer," "America's Sweetheart," etc.), but Ent has said on several occasions that she takes it up the butt for coke. And she *thinks* that she's a singer and that everyone loves her. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if she were HIV+.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Enty ruled out Courtney Love.

    I am sad if this one is even true.

    I still believe Britney shaved her head to avoid drug testing, court's use follicle testing.

  41. Re: Heath Ledger
    I don't think we can assume that because all these meds were in Heath's system that he took them all at once. He could have taken one kind in the morning and another kind that afternoon, for example. Both could have still shown up on the toxicology report. If he was sick and had a fever he could have taken meds and forgot what he had taken and took more.

    Also, three different tranquilizers and two different pain meds indicate to me that the first ones prescribed might not have worked and the doctor prescribed something different. Maybe he got a prescription for alprazolam here in the states. Perhaps in Britain he took pneumonia and told the doctor what he was taking and the doctor changed him to Diazepam because the other was bad with a respiratory problem. When doctors change your prescriptions, they don't come and take the others back.
    Hydrocodone is given as a cough suppressant. I had hydrocodone in tablet form for coughing once when I had the flu. Liquid meds make me throw up. The pain meds could have also been from an injury he received on set.

    All I am saying is there are a lot of possible ways this could happened. Let's give the poor guy the benefit of doubt for his child's sake until we have more info.

  42. ok first off from what i hear Heath was prescribed pills in the US AND the UK by different doctors and unless he speaks up there is no way for the other doc to know what he was taking or what not to mix.

    second wtf does being friends with the Osbournes have to do with soemone being HIV + and doing drugs? that was the dumbest thing i have ever read. IMO.

    third- what about those rape rumours about Britney before she hooked up with Scrotum? I memeber peopel saying that 'someone who always wanted to have sex with and did.'

    fourth- can we all lay off it's Kevin's fault she's iike this now? clearly there was a mental issue going on long b4 she met him..hello Jason Alexander 55h marriage?

    ok done. lol.

  43. More Wikipedia: Mixing hydrocodone with... benzodiazapines... can have severe adverse reactions including but not limited to: Heart failure, Heart attack, respiratory distress, pulmonary failure, liver or kidney failure, jaundice, amnesia, seizures, blackouts and coma.

  44. Re- Heath: I don't think this was intentional. He mixed too many pills. It could have happened many ways, and we'll never really know. It's sad, but prescription pills are used just as much as illegal ones for recreational purposes. Most people would read the warnings, and not mix them- unfortunately, sometimes it happens accidentally, or attempting to get a high. It's sad that he is gone for his daughter and his family.

    Re- Brit: She's been nutso for a long time and it is sad. Hopefully she'll get whatever help she needs. She has also seemingly had a problem with pills and drugs. Most healthy 20-somethings really shouldn't need multiple pills daily. (NOTE- I said most & healthy, so I mean no offense to anyone) I don't think blaming KFed, or anyone else is a good idea. Her parents should have maybe had more control when she was a teen- but I don't know them, and I'd rather not judge.

    Re- HIV+ singer: I still hope this is made up. It did seem that Enty said that they found out (or were they just told again) when going for an abortion. I didn't know physicals were required for abortions, but I don't have any abortion experiences to pull from. So if it is the Brit, it probably wouldn't have been years ago. Maybe I read them wrong. I still hope this is made up though.

  45. Jax- I don't remember rape rumors.... could you elaborate?

  46. I missed this the first time through:

    The medical examiner has ruled that Heath Ledger's death is an "accident," resulting from the "abuse of prescription medications."

    The medical examiner official determined he was abusing the drugs.

  47. as a nurse speaking, hydrocodone is vicodin. so if someone gave that to you for just a cough, they need to have their license taken away. second, an abortion is a surgical procedure, thus requiring a physical.

  48. britney did not shave her head to avoid drug testing. why would she leave it on the floor of the salon where it was eventually put up on ebay. she did it bc she is sick.

    I think ENT said that the singer told her doctor that she was hiv+ while she was getting a physical for an abortion. so she already knew.

    also, when did ENT ever say the singer was white?? One of the first posts by Brynn has the detail from Panache Report saying that ENT said the singer was white and was going to move black guys to the top of the list of partners to blame on them. When was this ever said? Bc i like the Foxy Brown guess even tho she is definately not America's Sweetheart but that nickname was in the panache report too, so who knows how accurate it is?

  49. captivagrl:

    "#1 This whacked out, aging female singer, and I am using the term singer very loosely here, walked up to her ex-boyfriend who was with his current girlfriend. Apparently our singer was a wee bit jealous and a wee bit pissed that her ex was with someone else. She walked straight up to the new girlfriend and asked, "Did he tell you that he's HIV positive?" "I should know, he gave it to me." She then turned and walked away. How is that for a date? Probably the last one.

    Courtney Love. I need to make it perfectly clear that as far as I know she only said it as a joke and is NOT HIV+. This is NOT the same singer mentioned in a recent blind item who is HIV+. "

    Jax: I hope I wasn't coming across as blaming Kevin for Brit's problems, I was just stating the timing of her loco craziness seemed to be when they split.(I seem to be making excuses for her, LOL). I took the 55 hr. marriage as just a joke gone too far after a night of drinking...LOL

  50. Catherine- Thanks, I wasn't aware of a physical, and that would also make sense if the singer disclosed her HIV status willingly.

    And ks, that is true. She is wacky, and I remember my ex-hussband coming to court with a shaved head. It was a thought. Probably wrong though!

  51. Pregnancy and increase in hormones can sometimes bring out bipolar illness. I cannot belive this girl functioned so long without intervention. Manic state bipolar is nothing to laugh at. My Mom has it and after her last episode she was on lockdown for 6 months before the doctors were able to level her out. Bipolar is very sensitive to stressors and 'any' stress can set people off. At the peak, the just do not sleep so you can imagine what that does to your physical body. It's a strange disease because it's so individualized. It's not a one size fits all fix.
    Unless Britney moves to Timbuktu, she is in real trouble.

  52. HIV singer ?
    what about brittany murphy - she had a dance club hit and she's coming out with an album- plus we know she loves coke and she's dated various guys

  53. angie: "Ent has said on several occasions that she [Paris] takes it up the butt for coke."

    I believe that's actually something Paris herself said in a video taken at a party. Not too sure, but it might be the same video where she's making various drunk-ass remarks, including the widely-reported n-word comments.

  54. Anonymous12:09 PM

    How about Joss Stone or Fergie for the HIV+ singer? Joss Stone is known for trading sex for tracks. Fergie had a drug problem.

  55. Please, God, let the HIV positive singer be Parasite Hilton.

  56. But I think it is Blohan

  57. jolara- no that was balnket Kfed issue not you...evceryone is so quick to pint fingers. my best freinds hubby has been bi polar for about 8 years and its terrible for the spouses. he gets into thsi weird thing where he feels like shit is crawling on him and shaves all his hair on his body off.everything even eyebrows..its quite sad and then the next day he's totally normal. its is very much like BS.

    i feel awful for her when she finally comes out of the haze and sees what she's done to herself and lost her kids.

  58. pariss- i reember reading it either on TMZ or..shudder who knows the validaty but i do rmeember it was around the time she was hanging with Paris and we all thought it was Greasy Davis.

  59. wow my typing was bad sorry.

  60. Anonymous12:45 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Anonymous12:50 PM

    kevin used her, i watched her reality show and it was obvious. if she is bipolar, it's not a haze she needs to come out of, it's a sickness and i hope she gets control of it. i'm not arguing with anyone, just stating my observations.

    catherine, i have also been given hydrocodone for a sinus infection and also for a cough.

  62. Michele, I think I need the name of your doctor. ;) I had a killer cold this fall and was coughing literally non-stop for at least an hour each night (painful and exhausting!) and I had to push the doctor I saw just to get prescription-strength Robitussin.

  63. I hate to jump on the Britney is HIV+ bandwagon, but....

    Ent referenced the Rolling Stone interview about a Britney article. Then I looked up the article and this is the title:

    "The Tragedy of Britney Spears
    She was a pop princess. Now she's in and out of hospitals, rehab and court. How Britney lost it all."

    Is it a coincidence that he referenced this Rolling Stone article and it calls her a "pop princess" and the HIV+ BI uses the term "pop princess"?


  64. jolara, ent nixed love for the hiv+ singer? thought for sure it was her.

    and mooshki -- i was thinking of her as 'pop princess' because she started the whole tiara thing (remember she the tiara, ripped nightie and smeared lipstick look?)...

    clearly she's responsible for both kurt's death and the phenomenon of drunk sorority girls sporting tiaras or wearing 'princess' in glitter across their asses.

    can we pin heath on her, too?

  65. joking aside, it's all sad stuff.

    and hiv+ or not, britney is really sick -- it's going to take her a while to get stabilized and can you imagine what it's going to be like when she realizes all she's done?

    my guess is that she's been b/p for a long time, but this latest, protracted episode was probably triggered by pregnancy or divorce or a nasty combination of the two.

    she's been used by everyone around her since she was a girl... ugh.

  66. 'Filthy party girl' must be Sienna.

  67. mooshki - when I had a really bad cough, my doctor prescribed Dimetane Expectorant, which is a codeine-based cough medicine (I misread the label and filled a soup spoon with the meds instead of a tsp. - holy cow - it was like a horse tranq, so I could see how that might be easily abused).

    and to miss - could "filthy party girl" be Tara Reid?

  68. Anonymous1:20 PM

    mooshki, it sure knocked my ass out at night - so i didn't know if i was coughing or not! but yeah, before that i was coughing so hard i thought i did the abs of steel workout, my abs hurt so bad!

  69. Maybe I'm drug resistant or something. The cough syrup I got had codeine in it, and it cut my cough back to every few minutes instead of every few seconds, but it didn't make me sleepy at all. And when I took Vicodin for a toothache, I didn't feel any side effects. Unfortunately, it didn't do a thing for the pain either. (Worst hell of my life.)

    Bippy - it is very sad. And I don't think she'll ever willingly take medication for her bipolar, so this is going to go on for a very long time, unless she kills herself.

  70. Holy crap - lots of good stuff here. Thanks to Chatty for sending me this way. I didn't bother reading the comments because I wasn't interested in the Daily Mirror blind.

    Mooshki, regarding the police and Heath - their first statement was that there were drugs all over the apartment, which did lead people to believe they were illegal drugs, so that may be what they're talking about.

    Re Brit - if she's not bipolar, couldn't she be having a breakdown if she found out only months ago that she's HIV positive? I think that's something that would send a lot of people over the edge.

    Mooshki, one more thing. I know people who can take Tylenol 3 and go to work and be fine. I take half a Flinstone vitamin and I'm sleepy. Everyone is different. Go fig.

  71. Catherine, :)
    Hydrocodone is an effective antitussive (anti-cough) agent, and as an opiate it is also an effective analgesic for mild to moderate pain control. Five mg of hydrocodone is equivalent to 30 mg of codeine when administered orally. Early comparisons concluded that hydrocodone and morphine were equipotent for pain control in humans. However, it is now considered that a dose of 15 mg (1/4 gr) of hydrocodone is equivalent to 10 mg (1/6 gr) of morphine. Hydrocodone is considered to be morphine-like in all respects.

    THERE ARE OVER 200 PRODUCTS CONTAINING HYDROCODONE IN THE U.S. In its most usual product forms hydrocodone is combined with acetaminophen (Vicodin, Lortab), but it is also combined with aspirin (Lortab ASA), ibuprofen (Vicoprofen), and antihistamines (Hycomine). Both tablet and liquid forms of hydrocodone are available (e.g., Tussionex)

    Mooshki, :)
    The way a medical examiner uses the terminology "abusing" is different than the way we think of drug abuse. It also says his death was an accident.
    I probably won't explain this very well. Suppose you took a tylenol and an asperin and you died. If it said on the label not to combine the two, a medical examiner could say you abused two non-prescription drugs. Then everyone could think you were taking illegal drugs according to the terminology used. Confusing and somewhat misleading.

    I am not naive about drug abuse. Nor do I think Heath was some innocent. But I have not read or heard anything to convince me he was addicted or abusing for pleasure.

  72. Info on hydrocodone should have been in quotes.

  73. Can I add something here? If you've ever known anyone who is really sick - like you are with pneumonia - you know it's easy to overdo it when it comes to drugs. You feel like you're dying and you just want some relief. It's bad enough if you're given two or three things to take, but six could definitely kill you.

  74. There are at least 2 strengths of Vicodin so if it didn't work for you, it's possible that it was the lesser strength... which doesn't work on me at all. Two extra strength Tylenol do a better job.
    Next time you can't sleep because of coughing, slather the soles of your feet with Vapor Rub and put on socks. In 5 mins., you'll stop coughing. It's an old grandma's remedy that actually works. So many people were talking about it, Canadian scientists tested it out and it was successful 100% of the time. My mom was ill with bronchitis over the holidays, and did it for 3 nights and got the sleep she needed. It's inexpensive and easy to do.
    Yes, for Heath, we have to look at the medical definition of 'abuse.' Only Christopher Plummer brought up pneumonia. The M.E. did not, so we don't know for sure he had it. Heath talked about not being able to sleep during and after shooting Dark Knight, so it was a problem he had since when? Last summer? That's a LONG time. And let's keep in mind that Heath lived in NYC, not Hollywood.
    People don't "go" bipolar. It's not something that's acquired or caught. Manic episodes are triggered by trauma, stress, etc. Brit's always been bipolar, and maybe it was diagnosed or she had her first major episode 5 years ago. A breakdown is a sign of mental illness. And I think that given her behavior over the past year, the HIV+ singer is her, and it just makes me sad for her. I think she got it through sex and shaving her head was a way to make herself non-sexual.
    The guy who said that Joss Stone and I think one other female singer traded sex for tracks issued a retraction a couple of days later. He was mad at them and made it up.

  75. Oh, yeah. The blind. Daily Mirror is a UK rag so the answers will always be UK people unless they write otherwise. Amy, Kate and Sienna are always in the news, but which party girl has a larger-than-life personality? If it was a US person, I'd say Parisite but in the UK, I have no idea.

  76. I agree Twisty.
    Enough sleep deprivation will also make one unable to think clearly. There is a reason it is used as an instrument of torture. Any parent who has had a sick child can tell you what a few nights without sleep can do to your cognitive reasoning. ;) I imagine after months of sleeplessness one would take about anything to sleep.

    For this blind I am going with either Winehouse or Dunst. These are the two most often written about as being dirty, even though they probably aren't. Didn't Dunst spend some time in the U.K. not so long ago?

  77. I pray it is Parasite Hilton, but think it is Blohan.

  78. Mel Lyman (born March 24, 1938, Eureka, California — died 1978, exact date and location unknown) was an American cult leader and musician.

    [edit] Musician
    “ Mel Lyman played harmonica like no one under the sun / Mel Lyman didn't just play harmonica, he was one. - Landis MacKellar[1] ”

    Lyman grew up in California and Oregon. Following some itinerant traveling he joined Jim Kweskin's Boston-based jug band in 1963 as a banjo and harmonica player.

    Lyman, a skilled harmonica player, is remembered in folk music circles for playing a long solo at the end of the 1965 Newport Folk Festival to the riled crowd streaming out after Bob Dylan's famous appearance with an electric band. Some felt that Lyman, an acoustic music purist, was delivering a wordless counterargument to Dylan's new-found rock direction.

    [edit] The Mel Lyman Family
    After moving to Boston, Lyman became involved with Timothy Leary's group of LSD enthusiasts and ingested large quantities of the drug. At some point, Lyman began to think of himself as destined for a role as a spiritual force and leader.

    “ I am singing America to you and it is Mel Lyman. He is the new soul of the world. - Jim Kweskin[2] ”

    Lyman was by all accounts very charismatic, and he soon began to gather acolytes, including Kweskin. Lyman founded and headed the Mel Lyman Family, centered in a few houses in the Fort Hill section of Roxbury, a poor neighborhood of Boston. The Family combined some of the outward forms of an urban hippie commune with a religio-political structure centered on Lyman.

    In 1967, the Family gained control (apparently using strong-arm tactics) of the Avatar, a Boston underground newspaper. Later they founded their own short-lived paper, American Avatar. Lyman's writings in these publications brought him his first significant public notoriety, particularly as Lyman at various times claimed to be: the living embodiment of Truth, the greatest man in the world, Jesus Christ, and an alien entity sent to Earth in human form by extraterrestrials. Such pronouncements were typically delivered with extreme fervor and liberal use of the caps lock key.

    “ Love is something you BECOME after there is no more YOU... through complete sacrifice of the personality... - Mel Lyman[3] ”

    Because Lyman and the Family were seen to be part of the burgeoning Boston hippie community, they were able to attract recruits from amongst the many, mostly young, people in pursuit of an alternative lifestyle at that time.

    But although Lyman and the Family shared some attributes with the hippies — use of LSD, fairly unconventional sexual mores, and Lyman's cosmic millennialism — they were not hippies in appearance or beliefs. Rather than the gentle and collectivist hippie ethic, Lyman espoused a philosophy that contained, among other things, strong currents of megalomania and nihilism.

    “ I am going to burn down the world / I am going to tear down everything that cannot stand alone / I am going to shove hope up your ass / I am going to turn ideals to shit / I am going to reduce everything that stands to rubble / and then I am going to burn the rubble / and then I am going to scatter the ashes / and then maybe someone will be able to see something as it really is / Watch Out - Mel Lyman[4] ”

    [edit] Decline of the Family, and Lyman's death
    In 1971, Rolling Stone magazine published an extensive and philippic cover exposé of the Family. The Rolling Stone report described an authoritarian and dysfunctional environment, including an elite "Karma Squad" of ultra-loyalists to enforce Lyman's discipline, and isolation rooms for disobedient Family members. Family members disputed these reports.

    “ The only difference between us and the Manson Family is that we don't go around preaching peace and love and we haven't killed anyone, yet. - Jim Kweskin (perhaps in jest)[4] ”

    The Rolling Stone article and the earlier trial of Charles Manson, who seemed to share some traits in common with Lyman, raised the Family's profile and — whether fairly or not — established Lyman in the public mind as a bizarre and possibly dangerous person.

    But although Lyman admired Charles Manson and corresponded with him, and was followed as a Messiah-like figure by the Family, it would be inaccurate to overstate the similarities between the Manson Family and the Mel Lyman Family. Lyman's group was larger and more stable and productive than Manson's. Unlike Manson's group, Lyman's included many persons of accomplishment and note, such as Kweskin, the actor Mark Frechette, and the writer Paul Williams. And although the Family was often accused of strong-arm tactics in dealing with neighbors and alternative-community groups, they never killed anyone. Most importantly, Lyman himself never manifested homicidal intent.

    However, in 1973, members of the Family, including Frechette, staged a bank robbery. One member of the Family was killed by police, and Frechette died in a weightlifting accident in jail in 1975.

    Thus, unlike Manson's Family, Lyman's did not explode in a dramatic denouement. Rather, the Family took a lower profile and carried on, but ceased recruiting. Lyman died in 1978, at only 39 or 40 years of age, under unknown (but presumably natural) circumstances.

    “ [The Family] was a highly intolerant, manipulative, and frightening place to grow up... we were taught to believe that we were being protected from the World. - Guinevere Turner [5] ”

    After Lyman's death, the Family evolved into a conventional commune — small, low-profile, and prosperous. The skills and work ethic honed in refurbishing the structures of the Family compound led to the founding of the profitable Fort Hill Construction Company, and The Family acquired property in Kansas and other places. Many Family members went on to successful careers, and all or almost all current members still revere Lyman, as do many former members, although other former Family members have disowned and attacked him.

  79. Agree completely with liveunderarock. Read an article "Drugs that Killed Heath Could be in Your Home",2933,328926,00.html Then looked and have everyone of them. I don't take pills but used to get migraines and would take anything to stop the pain. For me the scenario works that he was depressed and given the Valium and Xantax for that. They beg you to take them if you have a break up and go to a doctor. They give them to you now if you want to slow down your drinking. A common side effect of anti depressants is insomnia. He told an interviewer of the sleeplessness Anyone who has had insomnia knows that you get used to the pills and will do anything during a brain race in the middle of the night or during the day after lots of sleepless nights. Doxylamine is over the counter and you will throw them into the mix if you are worried about taking any more Ambien. Then get a headache; flu you can't get rid of - pain of any sort and in goes oxycontin. Now say you have had some bad nights in a row and ended up with this combination or close it it - woken up ok the next day - you don;t think - wow I was lucky that combo could have been lethal. No you now know how to get to sleep. You start with anti depressants but it escalates from there. I am almost with the mad Scientologists on anti depressants because I have seen so much of it over the past few years. I was grieving a few years back and even the bloody postman told me to get some. They throw you out of whack and it just evolves. It is drug abuse but not in the recreational sense - just please let me sleep type.

    Also sounds like BS, could be Amy but never a princess. What about Danni Minogue Kylie;s younger desperate to be Kylie's sister - only really known in the UK was a pop princess here in Oz with success before Kylie and she looks dirty. Nasty thoughts but would love to think it was that skank (" I think I am sexy look at me") Mariah.

  80. What the..... has Mel Lyman got to do with anything. Please don;t respond but whoa.

  81. Anonymous10:18 PM

    British- I am thinking Sienna Miller.

  82. re canadachick's comment
    "HIV singer ?
    what about brittany murphy - she had a dance club hit and she's coming out with an album- plus we know she loves coke and she's dated various guys"
    Wasn't there a blind about a scumbag husband trading his wife out to pay his debts? Could possibly make for an interesting list...
    Be kind, I suck at these
