Charlize Theron Has An Interesting Philosophy
While speaking at the Dublin Film Festival, Charlize Theron was asked what she was going to wear to the Academy Awards. When she said pajamas, the crowd didn't quite understand. Seems that Charlize is of the opinion that unless you or your film is nominated, than it is not appropriate to go to the show. Not just for the Academy Awards, but for an award show.
"We are not going. I don't think you go to those kind of award shows unless you are nominated. I think it's a special thing if you get a nomination, or your film does. Then you go. But we don't have any nominations or anything like that in the house, so we sit in our jammies and watch it on the couch."
Now if all stars felt or acted the same way as Charlize then the Academy would have no one there. Of course one way they combat that is by inviting as many people as possible to present an award or read who wins or requiring that if you win the year before you need to show up the next year. I think it is an interesting philosophy she follows. She does lots of other crazy crap but this is one I think is kind of cool. Haven't you ever wondered why a celebrity was on the red carpet being fondled by Ryan Seacrest when you know they have no real reason to be at the show? Is it because they want or need the attention. Is it because they love getting dressed up, or they want a free dinner after the show? I think for the most part it is attention and also not being secure enough to be absent from a gathering where so many peers are. Are they afraid someone will get or steal a role or make some connection they could have made if they were there?
I think it shows a certain level of security from Charlize that she doesn't even give a crap one way or the other who is there or what goes on or who is talking to whom. Of course if everyone were that secure than we would have no Teri Hatchers in the world and we would all be bored and have nothing to gossip about.