Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Avril Tries The Tyra School Of Management

Apparently Avril Lavigne knows how to piss off her employees as much as Tyra. Imagine the nerve of employees who actually want to get paid what everyone else gets paid. Oh, its all well and good to go off singing about how everything should be equal just as long as it doesn't actually involve anyone working for you.

Avril Lavigne has been forced to renegotiate all of her contracts with her back up dancers. The reason? No one wanted to go on tour with Avril because she pays such miserly wages.

The Dancer's Alliance, an organization which looks after dancers' interests, accused the star of paying her employees wages below the industry rate and demanded all wannabes stay away from the try-outs - which were due to be held today at the Hollywood Dance Center in Los Angeles.

Avril's people didn't want to back down and were sure they could find someone or some agency which would be willing to do the work for poverty wages. Guess what? They couldn't, so late last night they canceled the auditions. Allegedly they are going to negotiate in good faith with the Alliance. My guess is they are asking themselves if they need to actually have dancers for their show, and if so, why can't they just hire some dancers from another country?

Why can't they just start using dancers from India? Hmmm? The dancers from India can do the almost the same moves and cost half. Outsourcing dancers has never been done before, but Avril and her people would have no problems being the first. Anything to keep her money close to her. She gives Mr. Krabs a run for his money.


  1. maybe that was in Canadian $.

    lol..cheap bitch.

  2. ps backup dancers are SO punk rock.

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    love the mr. krabs reference!

  4. Can't stand her.

  5. I'm surprised she hasn't had that thing broken yet.

  6. Anonymous12:12 PM

    LOL hilarious that she still puts forth the image that she's "punk". She never was! Her music never even got close anyway, it was pop rock from day one! She looks like the low rent version of half of Seattle's high school girls in 1997... Gwen Stefani did it much much better imo...

  7. Anonymous12:13 PM

    She gives Mr. Krabs a run for his money.

    *squeals* oh a Spongebob reference :D lol

    I loathe this chick. I SO wish she wasn't Canadian so we wouldn't have to keep being associated with her...

  8. crikey! avril was on forbes' 07 list of top grossing female artists. she wasn't in the top 10 but not far off. she can afford to pay the dancers.

    punk my pretty pink a$$.

    You grow up and you calm down
    You’re working for the clampdown - The Clash

  9. Anonymous12:18 PM

    so over her!

  10. Not surprised at all. What a cunt.

    Because "backup dancers are so punk rock."

    LMAO, jax! That comment just made my day.

  11. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Avril, its time for a nice long vacation. Get out of the public eye, we're tired of you.

  12. outsourcing with bollywood dancers? pure, capitalist genius! and it fits beautifully with all the rest of her totally anarchist sensibilities, like the $100 blow-out and the mcmansion in the gated community...

    punk my ass -- when we were kids, why we used to walk three miles through the snow with safety pins in our noses!

    oy, i'm getting old.

  13. bippy-
    was that three miles uphill?

  14. uphill! on our knees! damn kids...

    *shakes fist*

  15. Not only did I have to walk uphill 3 miles in the 80's, I had to do it with a big chain through my cheek tied to my sister! lol

  16. ...both directions.



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