Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Worst Performances On American Idol Last Night

I didn't watch American Idol so I am going by people who told me these were the absolute worst. If any of you are readers of the site, feel free to rebut. No, rebut doesn't mean the same thing on here as it does when you are hanging out alone with Ryan Seacrest.


jax said...

this shit needs to be pulled from the schedule already.
damn you writers! lol.

Ellen said...

"If she was a bathtub, I would caulk her"

They just don't write songs like that anymore...

I love the early stages of AI. The real contest, not so much.

But, then again, I did get sucked into the X-Factor too.

I'm a sucker.

Bryn said...

The guy who sang "Let My People Go" - hands down classic!

jax said...

lol..i just read a quote from Chris Daughtry.."AI sucks"

He basically said they show crap singers for 3 weeks and thats what they are banking on now, rather than real talent.

Couldn't agree more.

Having said that aside from Hedley..Canadian idol has sucked too. Not that i like Hedley but they are huge here now. don't even get me going on Ben Mulroney. douche supreme.

Anonymous said...

the Paula/stalker song was hysterical. I was crying laughing so hard. Where is the clip of the guy who said the low songs were his best and then did some gospel song. He was the worst by far! And the crazy chick with the glitter who did the grace slick song? She was a few french fries short of a happy meal.

Anonymous said...

I'm over this show.

Uber*nought said...

Belly dancer guy was cute! He had that cute kind of Jake Gyllenhaal beard and smile thing going on.

I think obviously some people do this just for a joke, or their friends dare them. They just go on for fun. But some take themselves too seriously.

Kat said...

The stalker guy should never have been allowed to perform. It basically made a mockery of the people who've had to deal with obsessive whackjobs. I couldn't believe that they were laughing about it! Btw, I don't watch AI much, but I did when Chris Daughtry was on it and when he was voted off, I knew the show was garbage.

YahMoBThere said...

BRYN!!! I agree with you. THIS guy was the WORST!

Jolara said...

OMG! the guy with the really deep singing voice...poor kid, I sincerely thought he was going to burst into tears when they showed his reaction of Paula & Randy pissing their pants laughing at him! LOL

The "stalker guy" wasn't a true stalker, he is just an actor/comedian getting his stuff heard. Pretty funny lyrics though..."if she were a bathtub, I would caulk her" CLASSIC!!! LoL!!

Kim's World said...

most people like the auditions better than the actual show but they do have great singers on the actual show but i think the show makes money because they have corporate sponsors that are plastered everywhere on the show.
i personally think the people that believe they are the next mariah and whitney are awesome cause i am sure people told them they suck but when that act suprised that is priceless...

Kristen S. said...

Awww....I thought the Star Wars chick was quite good! At least good enough to make it to the first round of LA auditions.

Bryn said...

Oh Twist, we have DVR and had to rewind and play him over and over! He was hilarious!! Let my pplllllllll gohhhhhnnnn!

Anonymous said...

Twisted, you had to post the link to the video, now I can't stop watching it! He seems like the nicest guy, but, LET MY PIPPLE GO!

kimmypie1 said...

While I am the first to laugh at these auditions, I sort of think it sucks what the producers of AI do to these people. In order to get to audition in front of Simon, Paula and Randy, they have to pass at least 2 other auditions infront of producers and such. So that when they get as far as the judges they are duped into thinking that they are good and that they actually have a chance. Only to be laughed at and humiliated in front of the entire nation. is some pretty funny sheeet.

YahMoBThere said...

Bryn and Cali girl....'pipple' is right! I can't believe the poor guy thinks he can sing. And the second song sounds as bad as the first. In fact, it sounds a lot LIKE the first.

Kim, I agree that it sucks that these people are not only being played for fools, they're being strung along from one level to the next. AND you KNOW that it also means people who CAN sing are being left out because lousy singers took their spots.

And honestly, are they so tone deaf that they can't even HEAR themselves?

Gary T. Burnaska said...

I'm waiting for the day when some jackass frat boy shows up to the audition and sings vibeology wearing that sequined monstrosity from her disastrous VMA performace.

Then Paula will lose and assault the singer with a inkpen.

RagDoll said...

Is it me, or does it seem like LOSING AI actually gives you a head start and less cheese factor?

Seth Green looks like the next incarnation of a Super-Mario Bros. game.

YahMoBThere said...

Ragdoll, I think coming in third, fourth or fifth is perfect. If you win, it does look like you end up losing because then they have you by the cajones.

takeme2espana said...

omg- I think the Star Wars chick is totally on the autistic spectrum...I feel like laughing at her would be too easy, like wrong?


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