Thursday, January 24, 2008

The World Of WD

Do you ever have weeks that are such______ weeks?

I'm not sure if it's just the industry I'm in but some time I have a week that is such an acting week. Some times it's a week that is such a stunt week. Family drama week. Day job week. Romance week. I HATE the opposite sex week. Stressing about money week. Well, the last two weeks were acting weeks and I'm thrilled.

I had my audition for the Jared Hess Movie and pariss is right it is Gentleman Broncos. It's a fun quirky script. So when I went in I dressed quirky. I think it went really well. The CD (casting director) seemed to really be enjoying what I was doing. It was an early pre-read (for movies you might have go through as many as 7 for a lead role) so it'll be a while before I would hear anything. But the good news is she also casts Entourage so it was great to get to audition for her.

Friday I met with an actor that I've worked with before and a director he's working with now. The director had wanted us to meet so that I could be in the project that is shooting now. They showed me the footage, told me about the project and I was really excited to be a part of it. So we are going to shoot in the beginning of February.

Monday I had an audition for an ad campaign. Like Verizon (you know the Can you hear me now Guy) but not nearly as big. Only 3-5 spots, not a million and 3 like that guy. But it is a national campaign so that is great. I knew the man directing it and he called me in directly. Since I knew the company, they asked me to stay and
read with the other people auditioning.

I thought it was going to be great. What I didn't realize is that the other people they wanted to me to read with were my competition. It was so emotionally conflicting. On one hand I was excited to see how my competition was doing. They were really good. Everyone was different, but good. As a reader, you are supposed to help everyone get as good of a read as possible so I wanted to give them something good to read against, on the other hand I was helping them act me out of job. I mean what if you had a job that you really wanted but had to be the one to interview your competition for it. You want to help them have a good interview BUT you don't want them to get your job!

It all paid off though, because when it was my turn to audition, the company went out of their way to make sure I put my best foot forward. They adjusted the light, camera angle, and we did a number of takes to get the best one.

Today I'm at the editors to log the footage we shot before the holidays on the webisode that I'm helping my friend with. It looks great.

I just wanted to add that Locks of Love do sell some hair. But as "A"pointed out, only the sections that are too short. Plus, they sell the hair to offset the $6000 per wig cost. I also wanted to say that I didn't do this alone. A few people that I work with frequently, and have become friends with, all ended up doing this at
the same time. It was great to see us all together with long hair before , and then again after with our new hair cuts.

Someone recently told me that Pantene (I believe it was Pantene) is trying to get something like 1,000,000 inches of hair this year for a similar cause... So if you are considering cutting off your hair and donating it, you may want to look into that too.

What kind of Week have you guys had?


  1. well i feel like shit about Heath..and i never knew him.
    other than that..its been ok.

    more like i hate the other sex month..but i digress.

    good luck with all you opportunities!

  2. My week has been comprised of watching EL the hypocritical shitbag decide whether he was going to play nice about Health's death, given that he was one of the people who hounded Heath during his life, or whether he was going to have some fun with the dead man's reputation.

    Excuse me, but I feel the urge to take a shit.

  3. I'm having an 'unbelievably poor' week and a 'working two jobs each night' week so hopefully one will eventually cancel out the other. All i know is i'm tired! And like Jax very sad abut Heath Ledger - taken so soon ugh

    Anyway it's wonderful to hear from you WD and it seems like your good Karma paid off in your commercial read so fingers crossed u get it. It's funny that you mentioned the Can u hear me now guy - i was just thinking about him the other day and wondering how he managed to land and keep such a looong commercial gig - he must be set for life.

    good luck and here's to a "LOTS OF MONEY" week coming up for both of us!

  4. America Young is going to be the voice of Wendy Darling in the new Tinkerbell movie ... WD!

  5. Don't listen to les. He's in looooove with EL. He wants to kissssssssss EL. He wants to maaaaarrrrrrryyyyy EL.

  6. I have stomach flu. But otherwise, I'm ok (when I'm not praying to the porcelain god).

    Break a leg!

  7. I still think you're Danielle America Young! It's been fun researching. If that is you, you are a very interesting person! A real sweetheart!
    9th week of pregnancy. Morning,noon,and night sickness- but couldn't be happier about it!

  8. It's definitely the "holy shit, Heath Ledger died" week for me. And also a bit of "holy shit, the temperature had better get back above zero soon."

  9. p.s. Parisss, congratulations!

  10. Anonymous11:57 AM

    WD - If they had the chance to see you working your butt off with the other hopefuls, they probably realized what talent they had facing them. You're always so positive even when things don't turn out, though, so I won't worry about you. Best of luck, and I know you'll make it through the writer's strike ok.

    melcon - nice catch. I'd feel bad if WD wasn't America Young - she's getting all these hits on her website and she doesn't know why all the sudden she's so popular. :)

  11. mooshki, I second your week this week. ha what an odd sentence.

    WD, thanks for the update. Glad all is going well for you!

  12. Love the Parisss shout out, WD!! And so happy to hear you're busy and happy. Good luck with all your projects.

    It's always good here because it's all a state of 'up there'. ;-)

  13. Thanks mooshki! Twisted- I cracked up. It cheered my nauseous butt up to see I at least got the movie right. I am always so wrong on blind items, I've made researching WD my mission. I'm probably wrong on my AY guess, but at least I knew the movie! One day when AY is a huge star, with numerous awards, I'll be able to laugh that I guessed she was WD!

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    So so week. Doing updates on a contract which is a pain working with Word. Hate the program. LOL

  15. It's been a long, sad week. Like everyone else, I still cannot believe Heath Ledger's tragic death. I just hope it's a wake up call to people who are abusing any sort of substances. No matter how rich, famous or powerful you are, you are not invincible.

    Good luck, WD! I hope you get the part in Jared Hess film.

  16. Sylvia, I love, love, love your avatar. Sweet.

    As for my week - sh*t week here. Sad about Heath Ledger. What a sad, sad story, no matter his cause of death. I feel for that little girl of his, and for the rest of his family.

    The rest of my week has sucked no less. (Har har ok that was funny). I wrecked my car on Tuesday, when the roads suddenly froze over here at SEVEN am. Insanity. Bumper cars for adults. It took the cops FOUR hours to show up. I'm waiting in the freezing rain. I saw an AAA tow truck plowed into by a utility truck, then two more pile-up on top of that. Thank God the kids were not in the car with me. That black ice will kill ya. On top of this, apparently, my DL was suspended mysteriously last March, my car insurance dropped me in November and I just found out..... yesterday. Can you say "screwed"???

    So this week has sucked. Let's hope the weekend is better.

  17. Twilight zone kind of week for me. It's gloomy and have been working my butt off. Have to work on birthday too. Having a lonely kinda week. Thanks for the company CDANers!

    Crossing my fingers for the TV spots! Hope you have a "hell yeah" kinda week!

  18. Jesse d, that's a sucky week! Your week makes my week looks like faeries and stardust!

    But like you said at least your kids were safe from harm! iIwish you a "hell yeah" week 2!

  19. jesse, why was ur license suspended mysteriously?? i am curious bc my license was suspended in July and I just found out about in November!! luckily i took care of everything without incident. But the reason for my suspension was bc a year and a half ago, i let my dog off the leash to go the bathroom in a park(and i had a plastic bag to put it in and everything!) and some fat cop gave me a ticket for letting my dog off the leash (i have a tiny bichon)!!! i completely forgot about it until i got a letter in novembersaying my license had been suspended since July. I took care of asap, it was a $250 fine too!! I hope everything works out for you tho!

  20. jesse d....are you Paris Hilton?

    Just kidding. Sorry you're going through this. And like KS, I'm wondering about that suspended license, too.

    KS, they can suspend your driving license for that kind of ticket? Holy crap! (pardon the pun)

  21. I have had the most mumbo jumbo week ever. (And I just finished reading Ishmael Reed's Mumbo Jumbo, so that helps!) There was a car accident, it snowed twice, I've been dying of nausea, the kids are going wild (I blame the full moon), and two long doctor appointments.

    Now I need a down week. Though your up weeks sound much more entertaining than mine.

  22. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Thanks Jesse D :D.

    I thought it was hilarious when I saw the pic. Found it at an avatar website. If interested let me know and I will post it here.

    The death of Heath Ledger is very sad. Everytime I see a picture of him at a gossip site just think so young to have died. He was one of the good actors on the screen.

  23. My week has been effing awful. I knew it was going to be rough because it's the first anniversary of my Dad's death ,but then we lost Heath.

    I think it must be testament to his ability to emotionally connect with an audience that so many people have had a such a strong reaction to his death.

    I'm just ready for this week to be over.

  24. Is Les Suckno and More Sukking the same person?

    Sylvia, please post the avatar website. Thanx! week ~ I spent it mostly feeling sorry for myself, yet not doing much to change my circumstances.

  25. jax said...

    more like i hate the other sex month..but i digress.

    and you told me that I need to get laid. Seriously?

  26. I don't know if anyone else added this, but I have been growing my hair out for a while in order to donate it. I'm really excited about it and feel it's such an amazing and easy thing to do for someone who needs it! Here is the link:

  27. Les Suckno's comments remind me of the Howard Stern movie -- his largest audience were those who hated him the most -- they tuned in to see what he would say next.

    LS is one of those people -- cannot stay off this website but has to give their most hateful two-cents' worth.

    I know you looove to hate this site, LS; admit it!! Admit it!!!!!!!!

  28. Mmmm more ugly drama in the life of Jess... I'll share the short version...

    Way back in 05, Mr D wrecked a car that was registered in my name. Shortly thereafter, he ran off to the hills of SC with my best friend. Scum!! State Farm couldn't find him, but they *could* find me. So they took me to court, and a judgement was entered in my absence for ten grand !!! I couldn't pay it, so the office of financial responsibility of the great state of TN suspended my DL. Said I was "in an accident" and didn't "take care of my financial responsibilities". Since I can afford neither an attorney nor a divorce, I am still married to this POS and I still have this judgement against me. I did not find any of this out until just yesterday. BUT. I have decided that they (police, DMV, insurance companies, exes, etc) can kill me, but they can't eat me. AND. I am alive and my kids are healthy.

    I am very sorry to hear about your Dad, gammagirl. That sucks.

  29. Grace you're an idiot. don't pretend to speak for everyone here.
    Gammagirl sorry about your father.

  30. Wow, Jesse, that's horrible. But I'm sure things will turn around. They always do.

    Can't you sue your ex in small claims court or something?

  31. Hi WD ! Congrats on the great week !
    I'll bet you won't ask about our week anymore. ;-)
    My week has been as depressive as everyone else's. Is it wrong that it cheers me up to know I am not the only one having a bad week?
    I think you are sending out good karma to everyone and we will all be better next week.

  32. Molly, what did Grace do? Did I miss something?

  33. P.S. I am buying a round of chocolate for everyone. : )

  34. KS, isn't that the worst? I didn't get my license suspended, but the fine for having a dog off-leash was $110! The stupid thing was, I was taking her from my car into the off-leash dog park. Apparently some dumb bitch complained to the police that people were letting their dogs off-leash in the parking lot. Hello! If you don't like dogs, don't go near the dog park!!!

  35. tracee, me thinks Molly needs chocolate.

  36. tracee I'm just getting so sick of the fawning over les suckno and his posts. Its obvious people are trying to ignore him but some of these airheads can't do that. It's becoming more and more like Perez Hiltons site.

    liveunderarock don't be stupid.

  37. "I'll bet you won't ask about our week anymore. ;-)"

    LOL! It is funny that WD's post was so cheerful and most of the responses are not. I'm officially changing my week to the week of "I'm glad things are going so well for you, WD!"

  38. Molly, You seem to have penchance for calling people you don't know stupid. Maybe you should look in the mirror the next time you want to call someone stupid. I was trying to cut the tension with a bit of humor. Maybe I should have aimed for your throat.

  39. kory- you don't even

    after this week we all need to get laid.

    (passes out condoms,chocolate and money) take your pick,whatever you need momma gots.

  40. I'm having a too much for the kids week.

    WD, congrats on the ad campaign & the other additions to your work list. YEA!

  41. Well, I have have had a "jeez, owning your own business is a royal pain, no wonder people just sleep at other companies' desks" week.

    The nitty gritty business of a business is never much fun but things like taxes, licensing & insurance and budgets always seem to descend as an inseparable, unescapable unholy triumvirate of ennui.

    That combined with some left over motion sickness from my Cloverfield experience has me heading for the Pinot Noir.

    Glad your week was chock full of opportunity! And I agree with whomever said it earlier, your grace and patience with your competition will always pay off. If you don't score the role, you will most certainly score some future consideration.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for your success!

  42. Liveunderarock, YAY!!! I love chocolate. Tell me can you deliver a chocolate covered Christian Bale...can't find them anywhere!

    Molly...Ohhh. Suckno (IT) is trying to get attention and IT is so fucking annoying, but u can't blame folks for having a different sense of humor than your own. Sometimes you have to ignore people just like you ignore IT. Because wherever IT is be sure IT is enjoying all of this back and forth. Fight it gurl!

  43. here, here, Jax!

    Thanks, liveunderarock. I'll take dark chocolate (if I may be so presumptuous)!

  44. Anonymous2:49 PM

    For those that are interested in avatars.

  45. Oh question about editing? (I am helping a friend edit his project, hah, like I have any skill at this, not! but he's under the gun to finish or the National Arts Council wants their grant money back). This is documentary, um, sort of, and he seems kind of disorganized.

    Is there a standard approach that professionals use? Or is this more of an artistic process that I am simply being anal about?

  46. Anonymous2:56 PM

    The week here has been okay, I am getting over pneumonia. Hating the Heath Ledger news. Getting ready to dig into a salad. Thinking about growing my hair really long so I can donate too.

  47. Sure Princess, dark chocolate is good and good for you, too. :)

    tracee, the chocolate covered CB's are next off the line. I'll overnight yours to you. We are a little behind in production with all the demand for extra creamy milk chocolate Johnny Depps. ;)

    WD what would you like? You have been working hard and deserve a special sweet treat.

    I am getting a lot of requests from LA for Mocha Cheeto Frappe's. I think they are all coming from the same ip. That isn't you, is it, WD ? ;) It is probably EL.

  48. El should make this a reg week thing.."How was your week?" where we all get to get our rant on. good or bad.

    wow i just had a grwat idea for a

    hope everyone's week gets better, less nauseas, more sexy and less sucky...well unless you into that.

  49. Ill take a Ryan Reynolds rolled in milk chocolate and coconut.
    extra nuts.

  50. Extra nuts. LMAO! Coming right up.

    Does anyone know if Pantene or any of the others will take color treated hair ? I had not done my homework and wasn't aware until I read it here that LOL did not accept hair that had been colored.

  51. I'm having a "I'm so busy at work week that my brain explodes every hour and by the end of the day I can't speak coherently". Which is much better than alot of the weeks you guys are having, so I'll take it. Hope everyone's week gets better going into the weekend.

  52. ks and jesse d, i'm the yin to your yang:
    i had a seizure in august, and was told repeatedly by 3 different docs that by CA law, it had to be reported to the DMV and my license would be suspended for three months. the neurologist said DMV would notify when suspension was lifted. when i didn't hear anything, i called them, and they said they were never notified!! here i was, a real danger to the public, and i could have been driving around like every other ass___.

    WD, i hope all these things work out for you (great breakings of leg???) glad you're having such a fabu week! my week is working out pretty well, for an old broad! the little guy in my avatar is home safe and sound from his surgery, we're waiting for snow, family is well (knock on wood) and i have a new book to read!
    but i'd still love some chocolate, liveunderarock, how 'bout a nice hot chocolate with a splash of kahlua? thanks!!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Last week I had the vacation to Miami w/o kids week and this week is the I am mad at the world and sadden by HL's death week.

  55. WD, congratulations on your Great week!! I'm having a pretty great week also. I just got to be the Tooth Fairy. I guess you could say it was more challenging(LOL) than usual. My husband decided he would put the tooth(in its little case) under the pillow instead of me, sooo when it came time for me to put the money under the pillow, Goofy husband had put it all the way up under there. So, it was a bit difficult getting it out!!!

  56. liveunderarock, I kinda like Jeremy Sisto. You got any of those?

  57. @Jax, why would you want extra nuts? I can do without any. They get stuck in your teef.

    [tapping foot] liveunderarock, my Bale hasn't arrived yet...hope it didn't get lost in the mail.

  58. -I'll just take the money ;)

  59. Bunny & Mandjo, I've got your orders.

    tracee, I was carefully hand applying the chocolate to your Bale when I realized I was becoming Juliette Binoche in Chocolat. So I had to rush down to the river to await my gypsy king.
