Thursday, January 17, 2008

The World Of WD

Short and hopefully sweet...

It's such an up and down life. That's what I love about it, and also what drives me crazy.

I took the advice all of you were so kind to give me and I went into my agents office last week. After all your encouragement and motivating comments I went in there with a plan. I have to tell you that we had a great talk.

Of course they brought up the strike first thing, and I was prepared for the "so thanks for coming in" speech. But, then they surprised me. They said that although the strike is going on they told me that there were a number of movies
being cast right now and they working and working for me to get some of those movies.

In anticipation of the strike, the studios stockpiled movie scripts. So no pilot season, plenty of movies. Things are definitely picking up.

I had a VO audition for audios books that teach Korean children English. My 2nd and 3rd callback for another webisode AND (drum roll please) an audition for the newest Jared Hess film. You guys are research experts so I'm sure I don't need to tell you who that is.

My agents were so excited to have an audition for me that I was called twice to be told about it. Yay! Now the description of the part is for someone totally different than I am, but it's my job to try to change their minds, and I think the visit to the agency is what got me the audition.

Oh and one last tidbit, I donated my hair to Locks of Love. It was such a cool feeling sending that off, especially after seeing the kids on the website so happy with their new wigs!

Hope you guys have a great week. Thanks for riding the roller coaster with me.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm reinstating the Danielle/America Young guess (despite what Ent told me). In her 1/9 post, she mentioned she was doing a play. On the America Young website, 1/14 was opening night for a play she was in. Also in the last post, said she had a role in a "fairly big" movie (1/4 on filmed a supporting role in a movie that already has a distributor).

There was a news update on the America Young website today -- same day as a blog post. (and America Young has long hair in her photo -- now we wait for updated headshots w/ short hair!)

WD/AY: Congrats on the hair donation, I'm sure you look very sweet with your short hair, and it was for a worthy cause!

Good luck on the film. Hopefully it's better than Nacho Libre.

YahMoBThere said...

I just want to say I have NO clue who you are, but I LOVE YOU!!

Good for you for going in and taking charge. I'm glad it's working out for you. Keep us posted and GOOD LUCK!

YahMoBThere said...

OH, and your hair donation was so sweet. You're the best!

jlb said...

YAY WD! That sounds like a nicer start to '08. It's so very, very refreshing to read your updates - if one of my daughters ever chose a career down in Hollyweird I can only hope they stay as level headed and sincere as you sound. Thanks for sharing your life.

Unknown said...

That audio book thing sounds interesting, but a movie audition, awesome! Good on you for speaking up and forging ahead for what you want.

I get my hair chopped off for L.O.L. every two years. I was so upset that they couldn't use it the last time, because my hair was colored. (all in the name of covering a few grays...)

I haven't even tried figuring out who you are. Sometimes, the anonymity is just more fun, you know?

Molly said...

Too bad you used Locks of Love. There are other charities that are better. Locks of Love sells hair for cash.

Justa JobSeeker said...

Yay! I am so happy for your good news!

I am sure that no matter what they think they need once they get a feel for your dedication and work ethic they will quickly realize that what they need is right before their eyes.

As for sussing you out, I have no desire to. Like others, I just love hearing your tales and I suspect that once your anonymity evaporates so will your freedom of speech.

I did the same thing with my hair a couple months ago. I was so awed by the act to be honest, I didn't think I would be but I was. It's a great feeling.

Look forward to hearing from you again! *hugs*

parisss said...

dn- I'm sure you can look back at my research. I still think it's America Young. She seems very sweet. The Jared Hess movie that is currently being cast is Gentleman Broncos.
Best of luck!!

Dijea said...

I think what you did was awesome! Hair donation & agent visit.

Can't wait to hear the results of the audition.

tigereye said...

following dnfrommn's link, does this mean you'll be in Gentleman Broncos? For now at least, there's not too much of a chance of giving away who you really are, as there is nothing listed about the film on imdb. But I do know there are other places to get the info, so... i'll just leave my guess as that. =)

Good for you on the donation, especially when you can help kids in need. {{hug}}

parisss said...

Here was some of the research I found about America Young being WD:

Info from her website:
11/06/07 - Launch party for Assassin’s Creed with the cast of Heroes. What a party as only MAXIM could throw!

11/01/07 - We won the Assassin’s Creed/IFC contest!

10/15/07 - Episode 2 of General Elevator is out! Check it out at

10/08/07 - The video for Queens of the Stone Age that I was in and did fight choreography for is out! 3’s and 7’s You can see it on Youtube

10/04/07 - Did Motion Capture for the new James Bond Video at Activision. Love doing that!

And in WD's last post she writes:
" The music video work was because I did a favor for the production company fight coordinating the Queens of the Stone Age music video, 3's and 7's, a couple of months ago practically for free. "

*Cast of Heroes (possible ENT connection?)

*Queens of the stoned age video connection, and even mentions the production company

*Mentions doing Motion capture for James bond video game

*Has a Jennifer Garner connection (trainer guy I think)

Alternate Names:Danielle America Young / Danielle Young

America Young:
Miscellaneous Crew:
Spider-Man 3 (2007) (VG) (motion capture actress)

WD writes on 11/30 she had a:
"Writing session with my friend. We are producing a webisode together. I'm really excited about it.
On 11/20 America posts:
"11/20/07 - Episodes 4 & 5 of General Elevator are up at!!! "

jax said...

awesome i guess we are going for someone with au natural hair as i beleive they can only accept non dyed hair.

god we're creepy.

MnGddess said...

I am so happy for you! There are so many of us who did not have an opportunity to pursue our dreams, so I am rooting for you and your dreams. Good luck and I hope you get the part!


Anonymous said...

WD, you rock! Your donation of your hair is a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

pariss, I was skeptical before but the play thing put her back in my radar.

I am with other people that it's great to have her perspective, and if it's only available "anonymously" I'll take that. But, because it's anonymous-ish and info is out there, it's fun to go on the hunt for info.

parisss said...

I like the mystery! I love the research! Plus my computer system was down that day.
WD seems like a very nice person though. Donating your hair is such a good thing to do. AY seems very fun and nice also.
But dn- I will be very surprised if it isn't AY. The Queens of the Stoned Age really sold me. Too many coincedences.

mooshki said...

That's great news! Your agents are probably like most people - it's hard to get motivated to do work unless you get a little prod.

Carte Blanche said...

WD - I love reading your posts and keeping up with your adventures in La La Land.


Carte Blanche said...

Oh, and WD, if you ARE Danielle/America, that's so cool about training for your black belt under Bruce Lee/Jen Garner's master.

noel said...

Good Luck!!

ladorabelle said...

I'm so glad to hear that others are donating their hair. I know lots of people that get drastic cuts and just toss it on the floor. I've donated three times -- two times were a week apart. Yes, I was sitting on it.

WD - I love your take on things out there. I hope you have fun doing the audio books. I have tutored English to children from Mexico, Japan, and Germany. It sounds like you are keeping busy.

blankprincess said...

LONG time lurker here, finally coming out of the woodwork to thank WD and all the blog readers who donate to Locks of Love. I have done it twice myself, once about a month ago and the other time probably seven years ago. The rules had changed a bit since my first time, so I thought I would share a few of the changes with you.

First, the minimum length to donate has decreased from 12 inches to 10 inches. Second, they can take layered hair as long as the longest layer meets the 10-inch minimum requirement. Third, they now DO accept hair that has been dyed or permed (as long as it is not too damaged), but they cannot take hair that has been bleached or highlighted.

Finally (this is for you, ana), yes, Locks of Love does sell some of the hair they receive, but it is only the shorter hair that is not long enough to be sewn into wigs. If you know of another hair-donation program that you find more acceptable, perhaps you could provide information about it to us instead of just criticizing this one without painting the full picture of what is involved.

I am unashamedly one of those people who uses my hair as a security blanket, and I am lucky that I can grow it pretty long (past my waist, but I've never been able to sit on it!). Having said that, the warm and fuzzy feeling I get from being able to donate my hair to a child who has lost her or his own hair due to a medical condition far outweighs the temporary loss of my security blanket. Since genetics is probably the biggest determinant of how long your hair can grow, not everyone has the opportunity to do something this special and personal. However, you can always donate (tax-deductible) money to Locks of Love, as it is quite expensive to create the hairpieces (up to $6,000 US). The organization does not make any profit from manufacturing them, either.

I thank you, WD, for bringing this topic to our attention, and I hope that some more of us will take advantage of this unique opportunity we have to help children in need. Thanks for reading my “commercial!” :)

Miss X said...

WD, thanks for continuing to blog. I have no idea who you are, but can I ask a few questions? Have you been in any tv shows/movies most of us would recognize?

And, I think it's great that you donated hair to Locks of Love. I don't think I could grow my hair out that long.


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